
  • 网络land development and consolidation;land consolidation and rehabilitation;land exploitation and consolidation;land development consolidation
  1. 土地开发整理项目的评估模式研究

    Research on the Evaluation Model in Land Development and Consolidation Project

  2. 制作土地开发整理专业图的实践

    Practice on Making Special Maps of Land Development and Consolidation

  3. 基于GIS的县级土地开发整理规划管理信息系统的建设

    Design of land arrangement and reclaim planning management information system at county level based on GIS

  4. 基于GIS和VBA的土地开发整理编制研究

    Research of Land Exploitation and Consolidation Planning Based on GIS and VBA

  5. 基于AHP和熵权法赋权的区域土地开发整理潜力评价

    Potentialities evaluation of regional land consolidation based on AHP and entropy weight method

  6. 土地开发整理的BOT项目融资研究

    Project Financing Using BOT Mechanism for Land Exploitation and Consolidation

  7. 一种基于VB的土地开发整理规划信息系统

    Establishment of information system of programming for land with exploiture and trim based on VB

  8. 土地开发整理农户行为响应机制研究

    Response of Farm Households ' Behavior on Land Exploitation and Renovation

  9. 中国土地开发整理战略重点的新定位

    Study on Strategic Point of Land Consolidation and Reclamation in China

  10. 土地开发整理项目中的权属调整研究

    Research of Land Property Right Adjustment during Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation

  11. 土地开发整理辅助决策支持系统研究

    A Study of Developing DSS for Land Exploitation and Arrangement Projects

  12. 河北省土地开发整理问题和对策

    The Problems of the Land Exploitation and Consolidation in Hebei Province

  13. 土地开发整理项目社会影响评价方法探讨

    Study on SIA Methods of Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation Project

  14. 土地开发整理工程投资结构分析与评价

    Analysis and evaluation of project investment composition about land development and arrangement

  15. 土地开发整理专家系统的试探性研究

    An Exploratory Study of the Expert System for Land Exploitation and Arrangement

  16. 县级土地开发整理复垦规划初探

    Discussion on land arrangement and reclaim planning at county level

  17. 云南省土地开发整理战略构想

    Thoughts on the strategy of land consolidation and rehabilitation in Yunnan Province

  18. 土地开发整理项目中土方量计算的精度分析

    Accuracy analysis of earthwork quantity calculation in land development and consolidation project

  19. 土地开发整理工程类型区划分的概念与方法探讨

    Concept and method for type division of land development and consolidation project

  20. 土地开发整理对区域土壤生态系统服务价值的影响研究

    Effect of Land Development and Consolidation on Regional Soil Ecosystem Service Value

  21. 中国土地开发整理监管工作回顾与展望

    Reviews and prospects of surveillance over land development and consolidation in China

  22. 土地开发整理潜力等级的划分&以济南市长清区为例

    The classification of the potential for land exploitation - renovation

  23. 土地开发整理与耕地质量管理

    Land Development & Consolidation and Quality Management of Cultivated Land

  24. 土地开发整理是实现耕地占补平衡的重要手段。

    Land development and arrangement is an important means of realizing it .

  25. 四川省土地开发整理项目效益评价体系构建

    Beneficial Evaluation System Construction of Land Development and Consolidation Projects in Sichuan

  26. 土地开发整理对湘南农村环境的影响研究

    Land Consolidation and Rehabilitation of the Environmental Impact of Southern Hunan Rural Study

  27. 构建了土地开发整理工程分区模型。

    The regionalization model of the Land Exploitation & Consolidation Project was constructed .

  28. 县域土地开发整理潜力评价方法研究

    The Research of Estimate Methords Potential of Land Exploitation and Arrangement in County

  29. 试论我国农村土地开发整理中的权属管理

    Discussion on the right management of rural land consolidation and rehabilitation in China

  30. 福建沿海岛屿土地开发整理研究

    The Research on the Land Exploit in g and Arrangement in Fujian Coastal