
ɡè hēi
  • eriochrome black
  1. 在pH4-5HAc-NaAc溶液中,Fe(Ⅱ)与铬黑T(EBT)反应,显色液由蓝变红色。

    Fe (ⅱ) can react with eriochrome black T ( EBT ) to change the solution from blue into red in pH 4 & 5 HAc-NaAc solution .

  2. 用铬黑T作为共振光散射探针测定蛋白质

    Determination of Protein with Eriochrome Black T as a Probe of Resonance Light Scattering

  3. 确定了铬黑T(EBT)乳化剂OP苦味酸体系作为配位滴定钙镁含量的指示剂:钙指示剂(NN)乳化剂OP苦味体系作为配位滴定的指示剂。

    Chromium black T ( EBT ) - emulsifier OP-picric acid system as the indicator of the calcium and magnesium contents and calcium indicator ( NN ) & emulsifier OP-picric acid system as the indicator of titration are determined .

  4. 依据Zn2+对H2O2氧化铬黑T(EBT)褪色反应的催化行为,建立了测定痕量锌的催化动力学分析法。

    Based on the catalytic effect of Zn (ⅱ) ion on the redox reaction of eriochrome black T ( EBT ) with H 2O 2 , a new kinetic spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of ultra trace amounts of Zn (ⅱ) .

  5. 镉-卟啉-铬黑T混配显色体系的研究

    Study on the Color Reaction of the Mixed-Ligand Cd-TPPS_4-EBT Complex System

  6. 铬黑T作为络合滴定指示剂稳定性的研究

    Study on the Stability of EBT as an Indicator in Complexometric Titration

  7. 铬黑T氧化褪色光度法测定食盐中微量碘

    Spectrophotometric Determination of Iodine in the Salts by Oxidation-Decoloration of Eriochrome Black T

  8. 镀锌层三价铬黑钝化工艺及其对耐蚀性的影响

    Trivalent Chromium Black Passivation for Zinc Deposit and Its Influence on Corrosion Resistance

  9. 聚乙二醇-铬黑T-硫酸钠双水相中锌的测定高尔基氏锇酸重铬酸钾溶液

    Study on determination of zinc in polyethylene glycol-eriochrome black T-sodium sulfate aqueous two-phase system

  10. 催化光度法测定痕量锰(Ⅱ)的研究&过氧化氢-铬黑T体系

    Catalytic spectrophotometry determination of Trac manganese (ⅱ) using manganese (ⅱ) Eriochrome Black T hydrogen peroxide

  11. UV/Fenton法对高浓度铬黑T染料废水的脱色与矿化耐染浴中铬盐色牢度

    Decolorization and Mineralization of High Concentration Eriochrome Black T Dyestuff Effluent by UV / Fenton Process

  12. 本文研究了在硫酸介质中,碘酸根氧化铬黑T使其褪色的最佳条件,建立了测定微量碘的新方法。

    A new method has been developed for determination of the trace iodine by oxidation-decoloration with Eriochrome black T.

  13. 通过对萘酚绿和铬黑T两种废水的处理实验研究寻求最佳的活性组分和制备工艺。

    The optimum active composition and preparing process was obtained by treating naphthol green B and eriochrome black T wastewater .

  14. 以铬黑T(T)为主要原料,通过正交试验,筛选出微量硬度指示剂的新配方。

    Taking chrome black T ( T ) as main material , a new prescription of trace hardness indicating agent has been screened out through orthogonal test .

  15. 镓(Ⅲ)-铬黑T络合吸附波的研究和分析应用&Ⅱ.镓(Ⅲ)-铬黑T的电化学行为及其反应机理

    Adsorption Wave of Gallium (ⅲ) - Eriochrome Black T and Its Analytical Application & ⅱ . The Electrochemical Behaviour and the Reaction Mechanism of Gallium (ⅲ) - Eriochrome Black T Complex

  16. 处理污染水体的试验结果表明,该复合菌所产絮凝剂能够很好地絮凝如赖氨酸废水、铬黑T废水、高岭土悬浊液等,与传统絮凝剂相比其絮凝效果更显著。

    It can be known that the flocculant produced by the compound bacteria is able to flocculate lysine wastewater , chrome black T wastewater and kaolin suspension etc. with better efficiency than that of conventional flocculant .

  17. 总的来说,铜铬黑中六价铬含量远远低于国际及国家标准,说明铜铬黑是环保无毒的。

    But , by and large , hexavalent chromium content is far less than any national and international standards ; this proves copper chromite black pigment to be a kind of non-toxic and environmental protection pigment .

  18. 研究表明:这两种离子对铜铬黑的晶格影响较大,随着掺杂量的增加可以导致样品发生相转变,由四方相转向立方相。

    Research has shown that both ions have relatively big influence on the lattice parameters of the copper chromite black pigment samples . With the increase amount of doped ions , phase transition was happened on the pigment samples .

  19. 本文采用均匀沉淀法、共沉淀法和溶胶-凝胶法合成了具有优异性能的环保型复合无机颜料铜铬黑,并在溶胶-凝胶法的基础上,研究了离子的掺杂对颜料性能的影响。

    In this paper , a composite inorganic environmental protection pigment copper chromite black were prepared by homogeneous precipitation method , co-precipitation method and Sol-Gel method . And on the basis of Sol-Gel method , ions doped samples were studied to show the influence on the copper chromite black pigments .

  20. 三价铬镀液沉积黑铬镀层的研究

    Study on deposit black chromium coating from cr ~ ( 3 + ) bath

  21. 以电化学法制备的高铁酸盐对甲基橙、酸性铬蓝、铬黑T等偶氮类染料进行降解脱色。

    Azo dyes methyl orange , acidic eriochrome blue and chrome black T degraded by electro-generated ferrate was reported .

  22. 人行道是满是五彩纷呈的狗屎:土黄,土棕,铁黄,深赭,铬绿,象牙黑,玫瑰红。

    The sidewalks were full of dogshit in brilliant colors : ocher , umber , Mars yellow , sienna , viridian , ivory black , rose madder .

  23. 在测定钙镁总量时,选用酸性铬蓝K-萘酚绿B(K-B)指示剂,终点比铬黑T灵敏。

    When determining the total content of CaO and MgO , acid chrome blue K-naphthol green B ( K-B ) can produce higher sensitivity of terminal point than EBT .