
míng pái
  • nameplate;name plate;rating plate;data plate
铭牌 [míng pái]
  • [name plate] 装在机器、仪表、机动车等上面的牌子,标有名称、型号、规格及出厂日期、制造者等字样

铭牌[míng pái]
  1. 主营:提供各类纸质彩色印刷、纸盒、纸箱加工,金属、PVC、水晶滴胶铭牌制作等业务。

    Main business : Provides each kind of paper color printing , the paper carton , the paper box processing , the metal , PVC , services and so on crystal drop rubber data plate manufacture .

  2. 通过测量用户低压侧三相电流相量,通过特定的算法处理,准确判定用户高计TA的实际变比是否与铭牌一致。

    Through measuring three-phase current of low voltage at user side and handling by specific algorithm , TA ratio of HV measuring can be accurately judged whether is consistent with data plate .

  3. 商标铭牌用PVC片材的研制与应用

    Studies and applications on PVC sheet for nameplate

  4. 帝国的NPC现在可以掉落物品了,包括铭牌。

    Empire Navy NPCs now drop loot as well as tags .

  5. 基于AutoCAD的产品铭牌自动设计

    An Automatic Design of Product Nameplate on AutoCAD

  6. 本文根据已知数据,利用MATLAB工具,采用回归方法得出了实际泵效率与铭牌泵效率的回归关系,并验证了回归模型的正确性。

    According to known data , This text make use of the tool of MATLAB , apply regression method , put out the regression relation of them and verified the accuracy of this model .

  7. 制造商应正确标识每个设备的铭牌nameplate,并与供货文件相一致。

    The manufacturer shall correctly mark the nameplate of each set of equipment and keep the marking in consistence with the goods delivery documents .

  8. 这么想吧:虽然铭牌可能都一样,但宝马(BMW)3系和7系还是存在着天壤之别,手表也是如此。

    Think of it this way : they may both have the same badge , but there 's a world of difference between a3-series and a7-series BMW . So , too , with wristwatches .

  9. 数款克莱斯勒车型将被贴上菲亚特和蓝旗亚(lancia)的铭牌在北美意外地区销售。

    Several Chrysler models will be rebadged under the Fiat and Lancia nameplates for sale outside North America .

  10. 菲亚特决定到2016年为止引入19款在意大利生产的车型,其中包括9款挂阿尔法罗密欧铭牌的车型,以及6款玛莎拉蒂(Maseratis)。

    Fiat intends to introduce 19 italy-produced models through 2016 , including nine Alfa romeo-badged vehicles and six Maseratis , and the rights to make them will be a valuable prize .

  11. 发电机组超铭牌出力时经济补偿的研究

    A Study on Economic Compensation During Over-load Operation of Generating Unit

  12. 产品的铭牌是产品重要的识别标志零件。

    The nameplate of products is an important identification mark part .

  13. 铭牌上字迹应清晰、牢固;

    The words on the nameplate shall be clear and firm ;

  14. 新型金属铭牌自动打字机智能化的研究与实现

    Study on the Intellectualization of a Metallic Data Plate Typewriter

  15. 电机接线尺寸请参照电机说明书及电机铭牌所示说明。

    Motor cable sizes please refer to motor introduction and motor nameplate .

  16. 使用电压应与铭牌规定相符。

    The voltage must correspond with voltage mark on machine .

  17. 电气设备上的所有铭牌应清洗干净。

    All nameplates on electrical equipment shall be thoroughly cleaned .

  18. 电机铭牌标注的应用案例分析

    The Applied Case Analysis of Label for Motor Nameplates

  19. 你的铭牌说你叫理查的-詹尼克。

    Your identification tags say you are Richard jannick .

  20. 软件上的铭牌上标识的印记。

    Imprint of the software identification on the name plate of the instrument .

  21. 别忘了,还要有定制铭牌哦!

    Don 't forget to choose your custom plaque .

  22. 铭牌制作的好与坏,涉及到产品的价值和等级。

    Nameplate production is good or bad , related to the value and grade .

  23. 供应商应提供各个仪表的铭牌。

    Supplier shall provide nameplates for each instrument .

  24. 指明操作电压等的铭牌位于本机的后面。

    The nameplate indicating operating voltage , etc. is located on the rear exterior .

  25. 供货商应按照相关标准正确标识每个设备的铭牌。

    The supplier shall correctly identify nameplates of all equipment as per relevant standards .

  26. 尽管这个铭牌已经被摘掉,但是争议仍然在继续。

    Although the name plaque has already been removed , the discussion goes on .

  27. 在桌上木头铭牌上写着我的名字,莉迪亚。

    And there was my name , Lydia , in wood on the table .

  28. 额定电流和总电阻等参数均在铭牌上标明。

    Rated current and the total resistance and other parameters are indicated on the nameplate .

  29. 所有技术文件、图纸、设备铭牌都应使用中、英文书写。

    All technical documents , drawings and equipment nameplates shall be in Chinese and english .

  30. 阀门手动装置输出扭矩在铭牌上标定形式的探讨

    The discussion about the marking patterns of the valve actuator 's output torque in the nameplate