
yín hǎi
  • Silver Sea;moviedom;filmdom
银海 [yín hǎi]
  • (1) [film circle]

  • (2) 电影界,同影坛

  • 银海弄潮儿

  • (3) 白色的海一般的境域

  • 没为银海。--《徐霞客游记.游黄山记》

  1. 虽然就目前来看,零售商业在校园内确实有一定的发展空间,但已经进入XX学校校园的鹭银海超市经营状况距离经营者预期尚有一定的距离。

    Though currently , the retail business at the campus does have some space for development , the operating status did not meet the operator 's expectation after the Luyinhai supermarket entered XX school .

  2. 实验结果显示含银海藻酸纤维有很好的抗菌性能。

    Test results prove that these fibers are highly effective against bacteria .

  3. 含银海藻酸纤维的制备方法和性能

    Preparation methods and properties of silver-contained alginate fibers

  4. 介绍了在海藻酸纤维中加入银离子的各种方法,并分析了含银海藻酸纤维和医用敷料的性能。

    This paper introduced various methods for adding silver into alginate fibers and analyzed the properties of silver-contained alginate fibers and wound dressings .

  5. 在这里有百万英亩沃土有待开垦,当然还有财富,金山银海绵延无绝,但这蛮夷之地也暗藏着无限杀机,绝非凡人能够征服。

    Millions of acres for anyone who can conquer it . Riches , too . Thousands of tons of gold and silver . But this land is also brutal wilderness . Conquering it requires extraordinary people .

  6. 终于走到干燥的沙地上,接着又走到草地上&好大一片草原,长着细细短短的草,几乎同银海一样高,向四面八方铺展开去,连个鼹鼠窠都没有。

    At last they were on dry sand , and then on grass - a huge plain of very fine short grass , almost level with the Silver Sea and spreading in every direction without so much as a molehill .