
  1. Web服务在企业生产销售一体化系统中的应用

    An Integration Application of Production and Sales based on Web service

  2. 是一家电子行业从研发到生产销售一体化的企业,本文首先分析ZF公司的宏观环境。

    Is a electronics industry from development to production and sales of integrated enterprise , this paper analysis the government macro environment of the company .

  3. 是一家集生产和销售一体化的工贸性公司。

    Is a production and marketing company , industry and trade integration .

  4. 集研究、生产、销售一体化企业,旗下有一家生产厂流水线。

    Set in research , production , sales integration business , there 's a factory assembly line .

  5. 在企业组织结构上建立开发、生产、销售一体化敏捷适应市场机制;

    The seconder is organizes to up establish developments , produce , sale nimble mechanism in orientation market of integral whole ;

  6. 公司介绍本厂专业从事钛首饰的开发、设计、生产、加工、销售一体化。

    Jin Tai Titanium jewelry factory specializing in the research and development , design , production , processing and marketing integration .

  7. 辽宁石油化工大学软件研究开发中心是一个集研究,开发,销售一体化的高新技术企业。

    Software Reserach and Development Center is an advanced technology enterprise which incorporate the research , development and sale of product .

  8. 推广“公司加农户”订单农业“等方式,逐步形成农产品生产、加工、销售一体化经营。

    We will promote joint operations between farmers and companies and encourage farmers to grow crops on a contract basis so as to gradually integrate the production , processing and marketing of agricultural products .

  9. 通过分析湛江对虾出口产业发展状况,指出对虾养殖、加工、出口各环节存在的问题,提出提升产业链价值的对策,即建立以对虾出口企业为龙头的养殖、加工、销售一体化产业链;

    The article analysed the status of prawn export in Zhanjiang , pointed out the problems in the processes of breeding , machining and export , and gave some suggestions that establish a industrial integration including breeding , machining and export under the leader of trade corporations ;

  10. 水土保持是农业的基础,水土保持产业化是指水土流失治理工程的建设和产品生产、加工、销售的一体化经营方式。

    Soil conservation industrialization means a management pattern which effectively links up construction of soil conservation projects , production , manufacture and market sectors .

  11. 随着社会经济的全球化、竞争压力的日益增加和市场需求的多样化,逐渐形成了集采购联盟、生产联盟和销售联盟一体化的供应链。

    With social and economic globalization , the competition pressure increasing and market demand of diversity , supply chain gradually formed with a integration of purchasing alliance , production alliance and sales alliance .

  12. 公司对产品实行生产、销售、服务一体化,提供相关技术指导及良好的售后服务。

    Our company produces , sells , serves unify , provide the relevance technical adviser and fine after-sale service to product effectuation .

  13. 最近的发展方向是先进控制与优化、生产调度与计划、生产管理与销售各层次一体化的计算机集成系统。

    Petroleum refining industry will be further benifited by the integration of process control , optimization , scheduling , planning and management in the near future .

  14. 农产品销售受农业垂直一体化水平和农产品市场发育情况影响较大,农户农产品自销率与农户农业净收入呈显著的负相关关系。

    The rates of agri-product sold by the households and the net income from the agriculture have an obviously negative relationship .

  15. 国内石油石化工业也进行了战略重组,形成了上下游、生产与销售和内外贸一体化的中国石油、中国石化和中国海洋石油公司三大集团,并相继在海外上市。

    The internal petrochemical and petroleum industries also form three groups by strategic reforming for example Petrochina Petrochemical and China Sea Petroleum Company . They have included from raw material to production , producing sell and foreign trade , and listed in oversea one after another .

  16. 本文了煤炭市场的特殊性和煤炭所面临的市场销售问题,并提出了煤炭企业如何建设销售渠道的一体化建议。

    In this paper , the features of coal market and the promotion problems of coal groups are summarized ; some advice on establishing promotion channel is also put forward .

  17. 为超市实现商品的采购、库存、销售的现实业务需求,将超市各个部门管理纳入网络管理系统,方便商品的销售管理,实现了从进货、库存、到销售的一体化。

    To achieve the procurement of goods for supermarkets , inventory , sales practical business needs , the supermarket sector management into the various network management system to facilitate the sale of merchandise management , realized from the purchase , inventory , and sales integration .