
xiāo shòu zǒnɡ é
  • total sales;gross sales;aggregate sales
  1. Abracadabra目前已经盈利,目标是开业第一年销售总额达到24万美元。

    Abracadabra is already turning a profit and on target to reach $ 240,000 in gross sales in its first year .

  2. 在一节有关零售和贸易会计的课堂当中,ayyalusamykanagaraj停顿下来,向一个学生就销售总额和期末账面库存进行提问。

    In the middle of a class on retail and trade accounting , ayyalusamy Kanagaraj pauses to quiz a student about gross sales and closing book inventory .

  3. 尽管如此,这家公司可能还是要咒骂其做出的促销便宜菜品而不是更高价菜品的决定,因为这些“实惠菜单”上的菜品在销售总额中所占的比例从去年10月的12%上升到了现在的20%。

    Nevertheless , the company may still be cursing its decision to promote cheap choices over more expensive ones because items on its " value menu " now account for around 20 % of all sales , up from 12 % last October .

  4. 其中两家的规模非常庞大(中石油(PetroChina)和中国石化(ChinaPetroleum)),占销售总额的28%,总市值的四分之一。

    Two of the companies are very large ( Petrochina and China Petroleum ) accounting for 28 per cent of sales and a quarter of market capitalisation .

  5. 据ForresterResearch说,预计2016年中国网络销售总额将从去年的1694亿美元上升至3561亿美元。

    The country 's total online sales are expected to rise to $ 356.1 billion in 2016 from $ 169.4 billion last year , according to Forrester Research .

  6. 自成立以来,这家公司先后从红杉资本(SequoiaCapital)和老虎全球基金(TigerGlobalManagement)等公司获得了总计1.4亿美元的投资。今年9月,它的票务销售总额达到了20亿美元。

    Since its founding , the company has raised $ 140 million from firms like Sequoia Capital and Tiger Global Management and reached $ 2 billion in gross ticket sales this September .

  7. 您可以使用awk命令来快速获得每个月的销售总额。

    You can use the awk command to quickly total the sales for each month .

  8. 咨询公司贝恩(bain)表示,预计到2014年,中国的奢侈品销售总额将达到146亿美元。

    In China , sales of luxury goods are expected to reach $ 14.6bn by 2014 , according to Bain , the consultancy .

  9. 2001年彩色TFT-LCD全球销售总额已超过200亿美元,成为国际上新的经济增长热点。

    Global marketing total amount of color TFT-LCD in2001year already exceed200a hundred million dollar , and just become new economy increase hotspots in internatinal .

  10. 去年光棍节,阿里巴巴(Alibaba)和京东(JD.com)等电商的线上商品销售总额超过了100亿美元,而这个节日也成了中国最大的“假货节”。

    Singles Day , which last year saw more than $ 10bn in total merchandise sold online by the likes of Alibaba and JD.com , is also China 's biggest day for fake goods .

  11. 阿里巴巴称2014年其销售总额为93亿美元。相比而言,根据comScore数据,美国最大的交易平台CyberMonday去年交易额13.5亿美元。

    Alibaba reported a record $ 9.3bn in sales on its platforms in 2014.In comparison , sales on Cyber Monday , which the biggest online shopping day in the US , hit $ 1.35bn , according to comScore .

  12. 用即弃型、滤芯型和供气型呼吸器的销售额依次占有呼吸器销售总额的39%、34%和22%,3M公司占有84%的市场份额。

    The sales amount of disposables , cartridge , supplied air and powered air account for the total sales of the respirator in turn were 39 % , 34 % and 22 % , 3M company shared the 84 % market .

  13. 费舍尔在最近执笔的一份CLSA报告中预测说,到2020年,中国消费者用于购买奢侈品的开支,将超过其他所有国家,在全球奢侈品销售总额中占到44%。

    A recent CLSA report , authored by Fischer , predicts that Chinese consumers will spend more on luxury goods than consumers in any other country by 2020 , accounting for 44 % of global luxury sales .

  14. 特雷斯向beyondbrics表示,中国市场(包括香港和澳门)占古巴雪茄销售总额的8%。

    Terres told beyondbrics that the Chinese market which includes Hong Kong and Macau accounted for 8 per cent of Cuban cigar sales .

  15. 这也就是为什么美国妇女三分之一以上是肥胖的,而加大号衣服的销售量连美国服装销售总额的1/5的都不到的原因之一,这是根据MarshalCohenofNPD(一家市场研究公司)的调查结果。

    This is one reason why , although more than a third of American women are obese , the plus-size market accounts for less than a fifth of American clothing sales , according to Marshal Cohen of NPD , a market-research firm .

  16. 2012年底,Shutterstock的销售总额达到1.69亿美元,毛利润高达1.05亿美元,利润比2011年猛增了40%。

    Shutterstock finished 2012 with gross profit of $ 105 million on sales of $ 169 million , a 40 % percent profit jump over 2011 .

  17. 而且5C的销售额比起苹果公司的预期要差很多。今年1月份的CIRP调查公司的报告显示到2013年底5C只占iPhone系列销售总额的27%。

    Sales of the 5C were also poor , compared to the company 's expectations , and in January , research firm CIRP reports the model accounted for just 27 per cent of iPhone sales at the end of 2013 .

  18. 今年第1季度,阿里巴巴旗下零售平台的商品交易额(GMV)达970亿美元,同比增长40%,而2014年第4季度的GMV同比增长49%。商品交易额指的是阿里巴巴零售交易网站天猫(Tmall)和淘宝上的商品销售总额。

    Retail gross merchandise value on Alibaba 's platforms was $ 97bn . Gross merchandise value , the value of sales on Alibaba 's retail marketplaces Taobao and Tmall , rose 40 per cent year on year , compared with 49 per cent in December .

  19. 1200多家法国门店的销售总额高达50亿美元。

    Sales across more than 1200 restaurants in France topped $ 5bn .

  20. 一公司产品的销售总额在某一特定商品市场上所占的百分比。

    A percentage of total sales within a specific market by one company .

  21. 当呈现报表时,将显示销售总额。

    The sum total sales will be displayed when the report is rendered .

  22. 加大号衣服销售量仅占网上服装销售总额的11%。

    Online , plus-size sales are a mere 11 % of the total .

  23. 营业外利润对销售总额的比率实际生息[利润]率

    Ratio of non-operating profit to net sales actual yield

  24. 垂直一体化的组织提供服务,以销售总额从我们自己的生产。

    Vertically integrated organization provides total service from our own production to merchandising .

  25. 印度零售业务年度销售总额为5000亿,

    Together , Indians spend 500 billion dollars a year on retail purchases .

  26. 该行业16家最大的游艇制造商的年销售总额约为80亿美元。

    The 16 largest boat builders have combined annual sales of about $ 8bn .

  27. 但中国的销售额仍不足集团全球销售总额的2%。

    But sales still represent less than 2 per cent of the group total .

  28. 每个月他都把出口销售总额过入总帐。

    He posted up export sales every month .

  29. 罚款最高额度为被处罚对象上一年度销售总额的10%。

    Penalties range up to 10 per cent of total sales during the previous year .

  30. 上述五大手表品牌基本上占中国手表销售总额的一半。

    Together , the five brands account for roughly half of all watch sales in China .