
xiāo lù
  • sale;market;outlet;market conditions outlet
销路 [xiāo lù]
  • [sale;market;market conditions outlet] 货物售出的状况

  • 销路良好

销路[xiāo lù]
  1. 在秋季,棉布服装没有销路。

    There 's no sale for cotton dresses in the autumn .

  2. 这种电视没有销路。

    Ther 's no sale for this kind of TV set .

  3. 两年来销路不畅,商店不惜冒起险来。

    Stores are getting desperate after two years of poor sales .

  4. 我们的产品销路好,靠的是质量,而不是价格。

    It is quality not price that sells our products .

  5. 这本书销路不错,重印了好多次。

    The book sold well and was reprinted many times .

  6. 这种型号是我们销路最好的产品之一。

    This particular model is one of our biggest sellers .

  7. 公司相信在圣诞节前这些产品的销路会不错。

    The company believes the products will sell well in the run-up to Christmas .

  8. 他不愿意预测来年哪些书会有销路。

    He was unwilling to make a prediction about which books would sell in the coming year

  9. 新款时装遇上销路不畅就要蚀本卖出。

    New fashion designs have to be sold off at a loss if sales are poor .

  10. 如果你要想销路好,你必须强行推销你的商品。

    You must push your wares if you want better sales .

  11. 这种字典销路很好。

    This dictionary is in great demand .

  12. 如果我们为产品找得到销路,一些新兴的产业短期内就会成长起来。

    New industries can blossom over night if we find an outlet for their products .

  13. 在音乐界销路很广。

    There is a large circulation in the musical public .

  14. 这家发行量甚大的周刊靠宣染性、罪和丑闻打开销路

    The weekly with large fattens on sex , crime and scandal .

  15. 这些货物,没有销路。

    There is no market for these goods .

  16. 先了解顾客的需求,然后通过分析数据寻找哪些宝贝销路好。找到一个宝贝之后,就要开始编辑微博,和粉丝互动。

    They would know about customers ' needs first , then try to find those products that sell good by analyzing2 the data , writing a blog once choosing a product and communicating with their fans .

  17. 他说,摧毁CD销路的那种结构性剧变会引发“员工的生存焦虑”。

    The sort of structural upheaval that ravaged CD sales can prompt an " existential fear among employees , " he observes .

  18. 4.outletn.销路我们对市场十分熟悉,能够为贵方的出口商品找到销路。5.cashmeren.羊绒

    We are quite familiar with the market where we can find an outlet for the goods you export .

  19. 此前,人们只能从食品公司的网站或宣传品上看到一些销路好的食品有关信息,比如含有30克脂肪的BigMac。

    Before that , information about big-sellers such as the Big Mac , which contains30g of fat , could only be found on the firm 's website or in leaflets .

  20. 徽商银行在IPO中聘用了19家账簿管理人。在金融企业IPO销路不畅的香港市场,多聘账簿管理人的现象已变得越来越普遍。

    Huishang also hired 19 bookrunners to help get its listing over the line , an increasingly common feature of Hong Kong 's fragile market for financial IPOs .

  21. 开发人员已经学习了Ruby、Groovy和Clojure这类语言&不仅是拓宽其销路,而且还拓宽其思维。

    Developers have been studying languages like Ruby , Groovy , and Clojure & not just to broaden their marketability but also to expand their thinking .

  22. 就拿这次来说,如果Prime杂志在曼彻斯特销量平平,而在威尔士销路旺盛,就说明礼品投放成功了,这种策略对于杂志来说至关重要,因为市面上的杂志已经越来越多了。

    In this case , flat sales of Prime in Manchester , coupled with strong sales in Wales , would indicate that the gift had done the trick , and this type of strategy is vital for magazines as more and more titles crowd the racks .

  23. 另外,尽管一般消费者越来越青睐小型车,但高端德国豪车总是不愁销路&当然,它们还是一水的黑色,车里的豪华配置甚至比阿联酋航空公司(Emirates)的头等舱还要豪华。

    And with typical buyers squeezing into smaller cars , there is no shortage of upscale German limos black only , of course festooned with more luxury features than a first-class seat on Emirates .

  24. 当然,就像草药伟哥(viagra)的卖家据说所发现的那样,当消费者支出下滑,一些产品销路不错,一些产品则很糟糕。

    Of course , as the sellers of herbal viagra are said to be discovering , when consumer spending falls , some products do well and others do very badly .

  25. 另外,尽管一般消费者越来越青睐小型车,但高端德国豪车总是不愁销路——当然,它们还是一水的黑色,车里的豪华配置甚至比阿联酋航空公司(Emirates)的头等舱还要豪华。

    And with typical buyers squeezing into smaller cars , there is no shortage of upscale German limos -- black only , of course -- festooned with more luxury features than a first-class seat on Emirates .

  26. 描述:销路最好的设计风格,灯头是多盘式配件制拥有柔软的金属和可转性铝反射镜。信息来源:gizmodoOskar。

    Description : the best-selling design stays fixed while multidirectional lighting is provided with a flexible metal arm and fully rotating aluminum reflector .

  27. 我们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。

    We are doing our utmost to open up an outlet .

  28. 我觉得它们在马来西亚会很有销路。

    I think they will find a ready market in Malaysia .

  29. 这家报纸的销路开始锐减。

    The circulation of the paper began to fall off sharply .

  30. 他为书的销路不佳而懊恼。

    He was chagrined at the poor sales of his book .