
biàn lì
  • facilitate;convenient;for the convenience of;facility;easy;handy
便利 [biàn lì]
  • (1) [facility;convenient]∶方便的;适合于从容完成某种动作或职能的

  • 便利的交通

  • (2) [easy]∶不需要作多大的努力就能办到或对付的

  • 便利的事

  • [facilitate] 使容易些或困难少些

  • 便利公众

便利[biàn lì]
  1. 如果不去管隐私问题的话,实施不间断监视其实是非常便利的。

    Leaving aside the question of privacy , constant surveillance can be remarkably convenient .

  2. 你会发现用信用卡付款非常便利。

    You 'll find it very convenient to pay by credit card .

  3. 在烤箱的下面有一个便利的橱柜。

    There is a handy storage compartment beneath the oven .

  4. 从博特利到牛津有一路公共汽车,按时发车,十分便利。

    Botley is well serviced by a regular bus route into Oxford .

  5. 营地紧靠当地所有的便利设施。

    The campsite is close to all local amenities .

  6. 在度假胜地与主要城市之间有着便利的汽车和火车运输。

    There are good bus and train connections between the resort and major cities .

  7. 女王道码头将会融商店、餐馆以及其他生活便利设施为一体。

    Queensway Quay will incorporate shops , restaurants and other amenities

  8. 这一装置有助于使虚拟现实成为更可用、更便利的技术。

    This device helps make virtual reality a more usable and accessible technology .

  9. 房子位置便利,距离商店及其他设施都不远。

    The home is situated within easy access of shops and other facilities .

  10. 饭店的便利设施包括健身俱乐部、会议设施和宴会厅。

    The hotel amenities include health clubs , conference facilities , and banqueting rooms .

  11. 就是因为这个原因,电视才会给这么多人带来如此大的便利。

    It is for this reason that television proves such a boon to so many people

  12. 一些特雷沃车型配有动力转向系统以及中央锁和电动窗之类的便利装置。

    Some TVRs have power steering and conveniences such as central locking and powered windows .

  13. 公务员通过索要礼物或钱财作为为他人提供便利的交换是违法的。

    It is illegal for public officials to solicit gifts or money in exchange for favors

  14. 村民请愿要求地方政府提供更便利的医疗服务。

    Villagers petitioned the local government to provide more convenient medical services .

  15. 交通日臻便利。

    Transportation and communications are becoming easier day by day .

  16. 双方承诺为进一步开展文化交流创造便利条件。

    Both sides undertake to facilitate further cultural exchanges .

  17. 为便利居民,新建了一个百货商店。

    A new general store has been built for the convenience of the residents .

  18. 售货员送货上门,便利群众。

    The shop assistants sell goods from door to door for the convenience of the masses .

  19. 许多现代发明便利了家务劳动。

    Modern inventions facilitate housework .

  20. 这所房子既有乡村的环境又有城市的便利,两全其美。

    The house combines country surroundings with city convenience , so having the best of both worlds .

  21. 这有可能为抵制未来的碳排放法规供便利,或者有可能帮助美国铝业拿到绿色经济补贴。

    This could provide a defence against future emissions regulations or perhaps help it grab green subsidies .

  22. 人们认为他们抛弃了现代便利和成功发达的美国梦。

    They are seen as abandoning both modern conveniences and the American dream of success and progress .

  23. 随着它越来越流行,公司出售了饮料的灌装权,以便其运输更加便利。

    As it grew more popular , the company sold rights to bottle the soda , so it could travel easily .

  24. 最近一项研究对600多家网络零售商进行了评分,评估消费者线上购买和支付的便利程度。

    A recent study graded more than 600 internet retailers on how easy it was for consumers to shop , buy , and pay .

  25. 技术本身并不是问题,问题是技术被用来为雇主创造更多的灵活性,而不是为雇员提供了便利。

    The problem isn 't the technology itself , but that the technology is being used to create more flexibility for the employer rather than the employee .

  26. 步行交通和便利的换乘让诸如酒吧和餐馆这类以娱乐休闲为导向的商家可以开到更晚,吸引到年轻人、创意工作者和濒临退休的生育高峰一代等。

    Access to foot traffic and proximity to transit allow the type of entertainment-oriented businesses such as bars and restaurants to stay open later , which attracts both younger , creative workers and baby boomers nearing retirement alike .

  27. 如今,我们指尖上的各种沟通选择对于便利性和效率是有好处的——同时却非常令人烦恼。

    The various communication options at our fingertips today can be good for convenience and productivity — and at the same time very troublesome .

  28. 如果美国社会和企业不会给那些决定当妈妈的未来女性领导者更多方便的话,仍然能够带来一丝希望的是越来越多的全职父亲会给她们更多便利。

    If American society and business won5t make it easier on future female leaders who choose to have children , there is still the ray of hope that increasing numbers of full-time fathers will .

  29. 没有那些奇思妙想,我们也就不会发明出可乐或者便利贴了。

    Without wandering minds , we wouldn 't have relatively , Coke or Post-it notes .

  30. 道森市不具备任何类似伦敦或巴黎那种得天独厚的便利条件。

    Dawson did not have any of the natural conveniences of cities like London or Paris .