
  • 网络convenience;Convenient;facilitate people
便民 [biàn mín]
  • [facilitate people] 使群众方便

  • 想一想如何便民

  • [convenient for the public] 方便民众的

  • 上海民航实行便民措施

  1. 加拿大便民店协会请求蒙特利尔HEC商学院,对1994年联邦政府大幅降低烟税,以削弱黑市发生的情况进行研究。

    The Canadian Convenience Stores Association asked the HEC Montreal business school to study what happened in1994 when the federal government slashed tobacco taxes to cripple the black market .

  2. 与某人合伙开一家便民商店

    Enter into partnership with sb . and run a convenience store

  3. 据《中国日报》(ChinaDaily)报道,北京地铁部门正在勉力维持便民拖鞋计划。有关部门推出这一计划的初衷是帮助高峰期上下地铁时意外将鞋掉入车厢和站台缝隙中的乘客。

    According to a report in the state-run China Daily , the Beijing subway authorities are struggling to maintain supplies for a temporary slipper replacement program they 've launched to help passengers who accidentally lose their flip-flops in rush-hour traffic .

  4. 同样地,你在当地的7-Eleven便民店里也买不到小杯咖啡:供选择的只有大杯、超大杯和特大杯。

    Likewise , at your local 7-Eleven you cannot buy a small : Your choices are Big Gulp , Super Gulp and Extremely Big Gulp .

  5. 偶有不适勿紧张,便民药箱等在旁。

    If sick , there is a medicine chest that is facilitating .

  6. 多形式便民和绿色通道医疗服务的尝试

    A Trial of Multiform Green - pathway of Convenient Service

  7. 关于长江航运安全方面几个问题的便民解答

    Answers to some questions related to shipping safety in the Yangtze River

  8. 便民利民,价格优惠,让客户满意。

    Convenience and benefit , favorable price to customer satisfaction .

  9. 在行政救济制度中贯彻便民原则。

    ( D ) Implement the principles of convenience in the relief system .

  10. 取名为倍顺的两家便民超市今天在此间开张营业。

    Two convenience supermarkets named " Bei Shun " started operation here today .

  11. 改善城市社区便民服务设施。

    Community services and facilities for the convenience of urban residents will be improved .

  12. 最后,本文还简要描述了目前便民渠道体系在实践应用中的运行情况。

    Finally , the paper briefly describes the current convenience channel system in practical application .

  13. 车站总体布局应符合便民要求;

    4 , the overall layout of the station shall conform to the convenient requirement ;

  14. 论《行政许可法》的便民原则

    On the Principle of Being Convenient for People of " Law of Administrative Licensing "

  15. 本超市便利便民,备受欢迎。

    This supermarket offers convenience and Benefits to people , and enjoys a great popularity .

  16. 从政府服务的实践来看,我国一些地方政府的创新试验无疑具有借鉴意义,上虞市便民服务中心即是其中的一个典型案例。

    Some local governments ' innovation such as Shangyu convenient service center undoubtedly has reference meaning .

  17. 家庭在线服务面再度扩展,融入便民服务,整合数字政务,服务城市居民方方面面。

    Expanded its business into more fields for the convenience of citizens , including e-government services .

  18. “流动警务”是一种诚信警务、便民警务、阳光警务、质量警务。

    " Mobile police " is an honest police that offers convenience for people with high quality .

  19. 通过投诉电话、政务公开手册或便民卡片的形式将部门政务向社会公开。

    Complaints by telephone , open form of a manual or convenience cards to the public sector Chief .

  20. 独家经营/包销/代理协议独资经营一家便民商店

    Exclusivity agreement Run a convenience store with exclusive investment ; Be the sole owner of a convenience store

  21. 建立了一批便民服务中心、一楼式或一站式审批中心等审批服务机构。

    A batch of service centers and one-floor ( or one-stop ) approval centers have been set up .

  22. 构建城市社区为民便民利民服务体系的初步研究上海市江苏路街道的实践城市流动民工心理社区的构建以大连市的个案分析为例

    Pilot Study on Construction of Urban Community Citizen-centered Service System - A case study of Jiangsu Road Community of Shanghai

  23. 其中便民服务门户网站系统核心业务是为社会公众提供户籍业务办理预约。

    Including convenient service portal system core business is the household registration business for the public to make an appointment .

  24. 上海市拥有最发达的地铁系统,公交站点的分布也最为便民。

    Shanghai boasts the most developed metro system , and it also has the most convenient distribution of bus stops .

  25. 服务行政的基本特征是:强回应性、便民、公正、公平、透明、责任、高效。

    The service administration is characterized by strong responses , convenience , equity , justice , transparency , responsibility and high efficiency .

  26. 通过开展便民服务使捐助物资变现,筹集救助善款,实施二次救助。

    It transfers the donated materials into money by services that facilitate people , collect the money , and carry out second-time salvation .

  27. 《胡同理发店》邻里间的便民服务,廉价而不可或缺。

    A barbershop in a lane The barber shop in the alley is convenient and cheap for neighbors so it is quite necessary .

  28. 健全社会保障经办管理体制,建立更加便民快捷的服务体系。

    We should improve the mechanism for supervising the work of social security agencies and make social security services more convenient and efficient .

  29. 城市信息化主要包括:实行电子政务、电子商务,建立城市社会保障体系、社区服务体系,建设现代物流,打造诚信中国,设立便民服务信息亭等。

    City information includes : implementing e-government , e-business ; establishing city social security system , community service system ; building modern circulate ;

  30. 对反烟情绪十分谨慎的便民连锁店一直不愿意公开提及它们销售增长的本质是意外之财。

    Convenience store chains , wary of anti-smoking sentiment , have been reluctant to refer publicly to the windfall nature of their sales boost .