
biàn lì diàn
  • convenience store;minimart
  1. 在这样激烈的竞争环境中,我国本土便利店要想生存并且有所发展,制定一套合理有效的竞争战略体系显得尤为重要。

    In such fierce competition , our local convenience store wants to survive and develop , set up a set of rational and effective system of strategy of competition is very important .

  2. 主要研究了两方面的内容,微观上用GIS对于连锁零售业态的商圈分析和选址,主要以便利店和超市为例;

    It mainly discusses two aspects . One is applying GIS in trade area and site selection of chain convenience store and supermarket ;

  3. 将来,你会在电影院、游乐园、购物中心或便利店花多少时间?

    In the future , how much time will you spend in movie theaters , at amusement parks , at shopping malls , or at convenience stores ?

  4. BestValue在美国经营着近5000家便利店和7个配送中心。

    Best Value operates nearly five thousand convenience stores and seven distribution centres in the United States .

  5. A.梅西B.7-11(便利店)

    A. Macy 's. B. a 7 -- 11

  6. 此外,苹果公司还列出了包括连卡佛、7-11便利店、汉堡王、肯德基等在内的多个位于中国的商家已经支持ApplePay服务。

    Apple also lists Lane Crawford , 7-Eleven , Burger King , and KFC among the merchants already accepting Apple Pay in China .

  7. 零售业由原来的百货业一统天下,到如今超市、购物中心、便利店,再到集多种业态、行业于一体的ShoppingMall,以及网络购物。

    The retail industry has transform from store to supermarket 、 shopping center 、 shopping mall and E-commence .

  8. 基于网上便利店的B2C电子商务系统分析及设计

    Analysis and Design of a New Model B2C E-business System Based on Eshop

  9. ICAAB有5个不同的概念:百货商店,超级市场,超市,便利店和折扣店。

    ICA AB has5 different store concepts : Hypermarkets , Supermarkets , Superstores , Convenient stores and Discount stores .

  10. 如今很多新加坡的7-Eleven便利店都配备了Maggie土豆泥自动售货机。

    Many 7-Eleven stores there now have Maggi mashed potato machines .

  11. 当时警方接到匿名报案,说有人在便利店外卖CD光盘,而且用枪威胁他。两个警察接报后到达现场,双方发生争吵。

    Two officers responded to an anonymous caller who said someone was selling CDs and had threatened him with a gun outside the store . A brief altercation ensued when the officers arrived .

  12. 便利店(CVS)这一零售业态,自上个世纪中期产生以后,凭借着其独特的竞争优势开始在世界范围内迅速发展起来。

    Convenience Store ( CVS ) appeared in the mid-19th century , then developed rapidly around the world because of its advantages in competition .

  13. 旗下拥有优衣库(uniqlo)品牌的迅销(fastretailing)关闭在北京的经营网点,另一家日资企业旗下的数十家7-11便利店也关门停业。

    Fast Retailing , owner of the UNIQLO brand , shut outlets in Beijing , while dozens of 7-ELEVEN convenience stores , which belong to another Japanese company , were also closed .

  14. 东方郦城的业主们大家好!位于KFC东方郦城店斜对面(东北方向)新开了一家联佳友便利店。

    My dear owners of East Beautiful City , a new Convinence Store ( CVS ) appeared in the northeast cornor of KFC East Beautiful City Branch .

  15. 不过,她警告说该服务可能很难吸引客户——尤其是在差不多每个街道拐角都设有便利店的纽约。这些便利店出售的许多商品都与亚马逊PrimeNow服务提供的商品雷同。

    However , she warned the service could struggle to gain traction with customers , especially in New York where there are drug stores on nearly every street corner selling many of the same items as Amazon 's Prime Now service .

  16. 50岁的吉姆•鲁贝尔是连锁便利店CSTBrands的董事长兼首席执行官。她特别注意带孩子出席公司的活动,谈论拼车或其他家庭义务。

    Kim Lubel , 50 , chairman and chief executive of convenience retailer CST Brands , makes a point of bringing her children to work events and talking about carpool or other family obligations .

  17. 7-Eleven连锁便利店的母公司7&I控股公司(Seven&iHoldingsCo.)表示,已停售包括猪肉鸡蛋汉堡和辣鸡汉堡等仅在上海门店销售的产品。

    Seven & i Holdings Co. , the parent of the 7-Eleven chain , said it halted sales of products including pork-egg hamburgers and pepper-chicken hamburgers that it sold only in its Shanghai outlets .

  18. 日本最大的便利店运营商7-11(Seven-Eleven)在日本拥有1.2万家分店,而罗森则拥有9700家。

    Seven-Eleven , the largest operator , has 12,000 stores in Japan , while Lawson has 9,700 .

  19. 得益于此,在东京股票价格指数(topix)迟滞不前之际,连锁便利店罗森(lawson)的股价今年却累计攀升四分之一。

    That has helped shares in convenience store chain Lawson rise by a quarter this year , while the Topix has gone almost nowhere .

  20. 7-Eleven连锁便利店的母公司7I控股公司(SeveniHoldingsCo.)表示,已停售包括猪肉鸡蛋汉堡和辣鸡汉堡等仅在上海门店销售的产品。

    Seven I Holdings Co. , the parent of the 7-Eleven chain , said it halted sales of products including pork-egg hamburgers and pepper-chicken hamburgers that it sold only in its Shanghai outlets .

  21. 沃尔玛发言人托瓦尔上周四告诉《财富》杂志称,高福澜将继续实施现有策略来应对这些挑战:开设沃尔玛便利店(WalmartExpress)和社区店(NeighborhoodMarkets)等规模较小的超市(面积1-4万平方英尺),进一步拥抱电子商务。

    Tovar , Wal-Mart 's spokesman , told Fortune on Thursday , that Foran will continue the store 's ongoing strategy to address those concerns : opening smaller , 10000 to 40000 square-foot stores like Walmart Express and Neighborhood Markets and further embracing e-commerce .

  22. 在亚马逊去年推出的新兴Go连锁便利店中,顾客进入门店时使用一款手机应用程序在闸门处刷一下,买完东西以后不用到收银台结账,打包就可以走了。因为店里安装了计算机视觉设备以及无处不在的传感器。

    At Amazon 's budding chain of " Go " convenience stores that launched last year , customers use a phone app to check in at a turnstile . They can then fill their bags and carry them out without ever passing a register thanks to computer vision and an array of sensors all over the store .

  23. 连锁便利店Sheetz非常珍惜有年头的事物,因此也会根据工作年限对员工给予不同程度的奖励。

    The convenience store chain values longevity and rewards staff for years on the job .

  24. 日资企业,包括服装零售商优衣库、7-Eleven连锁便利店和相机制造商佳能出于安全担忧都临时锁了店。

    Japanese-invested businesses , including garment retailer Uniqlo , 7-Eleven convenience store chains and camera maker Canon had temporarily padlocked shops amid safety fears .

  25. PeiYuekai和他的妻子ZhangXueliang在北池子他们的便利店通过电视观看了开幕式,与故宫仅由scholar树构成的一条小街道之隔。

    Pei Yuekai and his wife , Zhang Xueliang , watched the Opening Ceremonies on TV in front of their convenience store on Beichizi , a small street lined with scholar trees near the emperor 's palace .

  26. 私人企业歌蒂凡(Godiva)则采用了两种营销模式:将公司生产的昂贵巧克力同时在便利店和自己的奢侈专卖店中出售。

    Privately-held Godiva has managed to operate on two tracks , selling pricey chocolates both in convenience stores and its own , super-luxe retail spaces .

  27. 在中国,星巴克、汉堡王、7-Eleven连锁便利店以及其他公司周二也表示,已经停止从上海福喜购货。

    In China , Starbucks Corp. , Burger King , the 7-Eleven convenience store chain and others on Tuesday also said they cut ties with Shanghai Husi .

  28. 这方面她谈论最多的两家企业,一个是西班牙日用品连锁店品牌Mercadona,一个是总部在俄克拉荷马州塔尔萨市的便利店/加油站连锁品牌QuikTrip,它的竞争对手是像7-11这样的便利连锁店。

    The two companies she talks about most frequently in this regard are a Spanish grocery chain called Mercadona and QuikTrip , a Tulsa , Okla. - based chain of convenience store / gas stations that competes with the likes of the 7-Eleven chain .

  29. 目前还没有人现身领奖,但头彩的出售地点已经人尽皆知:位于加利福尼亚州东郊奇诺山的一家7-11便利店,位于田纳西州曼福德市的一家奈非食品超市,以及位于弗罗里达州墨尔本比奇的Publix杂货店。

    No one has stepped forward yet to claim a share , but everyone now knows where the winning tickets were sold : A 7-Eleven in Chino Hills , Calif. ; Naifeh 's Food Mart in Munford , Tenn. ; and a Publix grocery in Melbourne Beach , Fla.

  30. 我会把小歇便利店买回来重新开张!

    I 'd buy the quick stop and reopen it myself !