
biàn dang
  • Bento;easy;convenient;box lunch;handy;box rice
便当 [biàn dāng]
  • (1) [convenient]∶方便的;适合于某一特定情景的需要或条件的

  • 这里乘车很便当

  • (2) [handy]∶顺手的;易于操纵、使用的

  • 厨房里的便当的工具

  • (3) [easy]∶容易的;简单的;不需要作多大的努力就能办到或对付的

  • 房间里的家具不多,收拾起来很便当

  • [box rice] 可随身携带的盒饭干粮

  • 两个女儿都已上中学,每天自己准备自己的便当

便当[biàn dang]
  1. 我指出,不管河内的决策如何便当,我国的立法程序是必须遵守的。

    I ponited out that whatever the more convenient decision-making procedures of Hanoi , our legislative procedures was a fact of life .

  2. 公寓房间,平日照管也便当。

    An apartment is so easy to keep .

  3. 这里乘车很便当。

    We can easily take a bus here .

  4. 来自世界各地的近7000名母亲在Facebook成立了名为“原始人便当创意”的组织,专门分享为孩子制作的带往学校的“原始人”便当食谱,并询问大家如何向孩子解释为何不能吃面包等食物。

    A group of mothers created a Facebook group to share paleo lunchbox recipes for their kids to take to school , and ask advice on explaining to children why they can 't eat things like bread anymore . The public group , titled ' Paleo lunchbox ideas ' has almost 7000 members from all around the world .

  5. 他们可能没注意到去年6月开张的台湾原创便当店(TaiwanBearHouse),它的标识是一个泰迪熊,让人觉得它可能又是一家生气盎然的珍珠奶茶店。

    They may not notice Taiwan Bear House , which opened last June , with its teddy-bear logo suggesting just another perky bubble-tea shop .

  6. 服务器密钥文件必须包含准确的个人密钥,以便当任何WebSphereApplicationServer组件尝试接受来自其他方的SSL连接时,它都具有唯一的身份可供使用。

    The server keyfile must contain exactly one personal key so that , when any WebSphere Application Server component tries to accept an SSL connection from another , it has only one identity to use .

  7. 为了节省时间,参观者们在乘坐的巴士上吃便当午餐,这时Chen说,他在认真考虑是不是要出手买套一卧室公寓。

    By the time the participants were served lunch in bento boxes on their bus to save time , Mr. Chen said he was seriously considering making a bid on a one-bedroom .

  8. 每个代理实例都嵌入到一个WebSphereMQ服务中,以便当队列管理器切换到备用系统时,代理自动在备用节点上启动。

    Each broker instance is embedded into a WebSphere MQ service so that , when the queue manager switches over to the standby system , the broker is automatically started on the standby node .

  9. 据此,我列出了第三季《纸牌屋》最有可能领便当的人,而Netflix公司将在2015年1月放出第三季的剧集。

    With this in mind , I 've listed those most likely to be murdered in House of Cards season 3 , which should find its way to Netflix around January 2015 .

  10. 对于这个示例,我们想要针对可用性的目的稍作修改,之后还会添加某些很酷的Ajax行为,以便当鼠标悬浮或单击此图像时,能得到更多有关此图像的信息。

    For our sample , we want to modify this a good bit for usability purposes , and then we 'll add some cool Ajaxian behavior to tell us a little bit about an image as it hovers or is clicked on .

  11. 在台湾,这种放在盒子里的食物被称为“便当”,也就是日语中的“bento”,它来自20世纪上半叶日本殖民统治时期。

    In Taiwan , these boxed meals are called bian dang , an adaptation of the word bento under Japanese colonial rule in the first half of the 20th century .

  12. AXAAdvisors纽约办公室的注册理财规划师、经理SusanM.Cooper建议大家至少每周两到三次自带便当上班。

    Bringing lunch to work , even two or three times a week , cuts down on food costs , said Susan M.Cooper , a certified financial planner and manager of the New York metro branch office of AXA Advisors .

  13. 装便当的容器从大规模生产、一次性饭盒,到手工制作的漆器。

    Containers range from disposable mass produced to hand crafted lacquerware .

  14. 同时准备一些流质食物,便当和鸡汤。

    Prep the pantry with liquids , tea and chicken soup .

  15. 超棒的厨艺、或是早安咖啡、或是外带便当

    Good cooking , or maybe good-morning coffee , or good takeout

  16. 很简单我每天让妈妈给我做午饭便当

    Simple ... every day I have mom make me lunch .

  17. 这件事,他们当然不便当着我的面提。

    It was a subject which they could not mention before me .

  18. 他在学院后很快便当了队长。

    He is fast-tracked to captain out of the academy .

  19. 记得曾几何时,爸爸妈妈帮你准备午餐便当的情景吗?

    Remember when your mom or dad used to pack your lunch ?

  20. 你可以帮我买一个便当吗?

    A : Could you pick up lunch for me ?

  21. 因为我从来没有真正的吃过便当

    Because I definitely wasn 't eating lunchables before . "

  22. 阿利耶夫先生从维也纳回国之后便当上了哈萨克斯坦的外交部副部长。

    Upon his return from Vienna , he was made deputy foreign minister .

  23. 我想要在她第一天上幼稚园时,帮她装便当。

    I want to pack her lunch on the first day of kindergarten .

  24. 以便当文件大小达到最大值时自动创建新文件。

    To automatically create new files when the maximum file size is reached .

  25. 裘因为热衷于舞文弄墨便当了编辑。

    Jo , who reveled in pens and ink , was the editor .

  26. 每一年都会售出成千上百万份台铁便当。

    Millions are sold on trains each year .

  27. 饭团是日式便当里不可或缺的角色。

    Onigiri are often a essential part of any bento or Japanese boxed meal .

  28. 这挺便当,先生,和气的镜框师说。

    " There will be no difficulty , sir ," said the genial frame-maker .

  29. 那很便当。我两块半钱总借得到的。

    That 's easy . I can always borrow two dollars and a half .

  30. 那老妇人10岁便当了演员。

    The old lady was on the stage when she was ten years old .