
biàn shì
  • penny;p
便士 [biàn shì]
  • [penny] 英国的辅币

便士[biàn shì]
  1. 加里将一枚便士攥在手中。

    Gary clutched a penny in his fist .

  2. 苹果酒每品脱也涨了1便士,而汽酒则每瓶涨了8便士。

    Cider also goes up by a penny a pint while sparkling wine will cost another eight pence a bottle .

  3. 股价从476便士猛涨到收盘536便士。

    Shares leapt in value from 476p to close at 536p .

  4. 股价由每股50便士猛降至20便士。

    The share price was chopped from 50 pence to 20 pence .

  5. 这份报告一公布,股价又跌了8便士。

    The report sent share prices down a further 8p .

  6. 买三件,就能节省55便士。

    Buy three and make a saving of 55p .

  7. 股价从49便士暴跌到40便士的历史最低位。

    The share price dived from 49p to an all-time low of 40p .

  8. 他们把一包香烟的价格一下子提高了50便士。

    They 've slapped 50p on the price of a pack of cigarettes .

  9. 他口袋里有几个便士的硬币。

    He had a few pennies in his pocket .

  10. 打热线服务电话每分钟为38便士。

    Calls to the helpline cost 38p per minute .

  11. 这些钢笔每支只卖50便士。

    The pens sell for just 50p each .

  12. 所得税的标准税率削减到了每英镑23便士。

    The standard rate of income tax was cut to 23p in the pound .

  13. 你有一枚十便士的硬币吗?

    Have you got a ten pence piece ?

  14. 兰克公司的股票涨了3便士,升至696便士。

    Rank 's shares firmed 3p to 696p .

  15. 股价下跌了14便士。

    The price of shares dropped by 14p .

  16. 一共是45便士。

    That will be 45 pence , please .

  17. 你得往这机器里放两枚20便士的硬币。

    You need two 20ps for the machine .

  18. 把一枚五十便士硬币投进机器。

    Put a fifty pence in the machine .

  19. 这家公司的股票收盘价为265便士。

    Shares in the company closed at 265p .

  20. 股价下跌了14便士。

    Shares dropped in price by 14p .

  21. 股价上升了14便士,到262便士。

    The shares gained 14p to 262p .

  22. 你有一枚五便士硬币吗?

    Have you got a five pence ?

  23. 这种股票价格下跌45便士,降到了538便士。

    Share prices retreated 45p to 538p .

  24. 股票价格停滞在102便士上。

    Share prices languished at 102p .

  25. 你有没有50便士的硬币?

    Have you got a 50p ?

  26. 其价钱是一公斤50便士。

    They cost 50p a kilo .

  27. 股票最初上市价为5英镑85便士。

    Shares were floated at 585p .

  28. 股价降低了30便士。

    Share prices fell 30p .

  29. 这是找给您的40便士。

    That 's 40p change .

  30. 这些东西每个要20便士。

    They cost 20p each .