
  1. 两兄弟中的一个抓起一罐煤油,把它浇在木柴上,然后便点着了火。

    Grabbing a can of kerosene , one of them doused the wood and lit the fire .

  2. 在中国大部分地区的饭局上,男人们放下筷子后,通常把椅子往后一挪便点起一根烟。

    In many parts of China , meals often fit a comfortable pattern . After putting down their chopsticks , men commonly push their chairs back from the table and light cigarettes .

  3. 可如今软弱无力地独个儿躺在床上,便只得点了点头,算是默认了。

    But lying weak and forlorn in the bed , she could only nod .

  4. 马里泊萨号负载沉重,他只需两手攀着舷窗双脚便可以点到水。

    The Mariposa was deeply loaded , and , hanging by his hands , his feet would be in the water .

  5. 她不习惯乘飞机,一上飞机便有点紧张。在大篷车里度假的习惯。

    She 's unused to flying and get a little anxious in planes . the practice of taking holidays in a caravan .

  6. 那位空姐非常喜欢爱尔兰咖啡,此后只要一停留在都柏林机场,便会点一杯爱尔兰咖啡。

    That stewardess likes the coffee of Ireland very much , henceforth only on staying around all Berlin airport , would ordered then a cup Ireland coffee .

  7. 自从订婚后,我的未婚夫便开始有点紧张。

    Since the engagement , my fiance has been a little nervous .

  8. 当较优越的货币消失时,情况便变得有点似是而非了。

    When the superior money has disappeared , the situation becomes very paradoxical .

  9. 我答应坐稳,苏利文小姐便回家拿点东西来吃。

    I promised to sit still until she went to the house for some food .

  10. 次年,便哈达果然点齐亚兰人上亚弗去,要与以色列人打仗。

    The next spring Ben-Hadad mustered the Arameans and went up to Aphek to fight against Israel .

  11. 点菜前,如能先估量一下能进食的份量,便可避免点选过多的食物。

    Before ordering food , estimate the portions that can be eaten so as to avoid ordering too much .

  12. 他决定突破尺度,是想到了法国便干脆一点,拍出来的效果也很满意。

    He decided to exceed the limits because he thought that France thus deciding to be more straightforward , he was also satisfied with the outcomes .

  13. 如何解决单片机的有限资源与支持复杂TCP/IP协议之间的矛盾,是单片机连入Internet的关键所在,本课题便以此作为切入点,寻找并解决如何使8位单片机以最优的性价比接入Internet。

    How to solve the contradiction of limit of MCU and TCP / IP protocol is the key of the connecting internet of MCU . This paper is based on the point of seeking and solving the connecting internet of MCU with a optimal means .

  14. 根据R和S的概率分布,便可以根据中心点法、JC法等方法求解Z>0的概率,即结构的可靠度。

    According to the distributions of R and S , the probability of Z > 0 , namely the reliability of structure can be got by such methods as first-order-second-moment and JC methods .

  15. 我所要说明的便是这一点。

    And that , after all , is what I am driving at .

  16. 劳拉会爬到他的膝上,他便为她朗读点什么。

    Laura would climb on his lap , and he 'd read to her .

  17. 于是这两位艺术家创作的目的便有了共同点:用线条和色彩释放情感。

    So their creation purpose have a commonground : they release emotions by using lines and color .

  18. 他只是因为得到了一辆公司的汽车,便认为自己有点象要人了。

    Just because he 's got a company car he thinks he 's some sort of big wheel .

  19. 一旦文件系统被挂载,便可对挂载点路径及其子路径的文件系统进行独立访问。

    Once mounted , any access to the mount point directory or its subdirectories will access the separate filesystem .

  20. 接下来便在这5点优势竞争力上构建了中国邮政直复营销中心的运行模式,针对目前中国邮政直复营销中心在管理和业务上的不足进行改造。

    These five forces form the operation mode of the postal DM center in China and make reforms on its inefficient management and services .

  21. 而影响细胞周期失控的主要因素之一便是关键卡点处,正性调节基因的失控表达。

    When the expression of positive regulating genes at the " key point " is out of control , the cell cycle will lose control , too .

  22. 将标定出的参数代回数学模型,便可由星象点测量坐标直接计算并修正入射光方向矢量,从而对光学系统的误差进行了补偿。

    The incident ray vector can be directly calculated and corrected from the measured star coordinates through substituting the calibration parameters into the mathematical model , thus the errors of the optical system can be compensated .

  23. 研究人员编写了一份“如果重活一次英国人最想改变的50件事”榜单,其中出现频率最高的便是多存点钱,约35%的人称,没存够是钱他们最大的错误。

    Researchers have compiled a list of 50 things Britons would change if they could live life over again . And the most common was to save more money , with 35 per cent saying that failing to do so was their biggest mistake .

  24. 这项所谓的港股直通车计划宣布后仅仅一周,香港基准股指已大涨逾11%,达到24000点,而不到两个月,便又突破30000点关口。

    In just over a week , the benchmark Hong Kong stock index soared more than 11 per cent to 24,000 points and within two months it had broken through the 30,000 mark as a result of the so-called Hong Kong equity through-train plan .

  25. 但当暮色开始降临时,我发现有烟从那幢房子的烟囱冒出来,便感到稍微有点希望了。“那里面一定有火,有人在做饭,也一定有人,”我心想。

    But when it began to get dark , I noticed some smoke coming out of the chimney , and felt a little more hopeful . ' There must be a fire , and cooking , and people in the house , ' I thought .

  26. 多年以前,当移民们到达唐人街之后,他们便会在单间租房里小住一段时间,当他们攒到钱后,便会搬到大点的地方住。

    Years ago , when immigrants arrived in Chinatown , they 'd live in an SRO for a while , save up , then move to a bigger place .