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  1. 研究结果:1.弹力带健身操是伴随音乐节拍进行从上肢到下肢的全身练习。

    Elastic belt with music beats for abs is from the upper body exercises to lower limbs .

  2. 一条暗河紧贴洞壁向北流去,耳畔不时传来潺潺流水声,似音乐节拍,沁人心脾,心旷神怡。

    Close to an underground river flow to the north wall , ear heard gurgling sound of water from time to time , it seems the music beats , fresh , relaxed and happy .

  3. 她的身体随着音乐节拍摆动。

    Her body swayed in time with the music

  4. 他们随着音乐节拍摇头晃脑。

    Their head wagged in time to the music .

  5. 他们开始合着音乐节拍摆动身体。

    They began to move their bodies in time to the music .

  6. 当前,音乐节拍实时跟踪问题面临多方面的挑战。

    Currently , the problem of real-time music beat tracking faces many challenges .

  7. 哈萨克族民歌歌词格律与音乐节拍的关系

    The Relation Between Rules and Froms of Words and Beat of Kazak Folk Songs

  8. 她在随音乐节拍跳舞。

    She is dancing to the music .

  9. 他们的身体随着音乐节拍摇摆。

    Their bodies swayed to the music .

  10. 不,因为这是约翰尼·卡什的鞋子,而他总是保持着音乐节拍

    Nope . Because these shoes belong to Johnny Cash He always kept the beat .

  11. 在锻炼时,老年人会依据音乐节拍,不断改变自己的动作来跟上节奏。

    They worked out to the piano , changing movements in response to changes in the beat .

  12. 通常在动感十足的音乐节拍下,结合不同的速度及阻力练习,使运动达到极至效果。

    Each class typically consists of loud motivating music combined with varying speed and resistance levels to maximize the workout .

  13. 随着音乐节拍和一位同伴一起手舞足蹈能让人更具合作精神——甚至连14个月大的婴儿也是如此。

    Moving with a partner to the musical beat may make people more cooperative - even babies as young as 14 months .

  14. 随着音乐节拍和一位同伴一起手舞足蹈能让人更具合作精神&甚至连14个月大的婴儿也是如此。

    Moving with a partner to the musical beat may make people more cooperative & even babies as young as 14 months .

  15. 该文拟从可互换拍子、对等拍子、现代音乐节拍观念等方面入手,谈谈在节拍听辨中应注意的几个问题。

    This paper discusses the problems in meter audition from the angle of commutative meter , parallel meter and modern music meter .

  16. 在宗教仪式中,踩着鼓点跳舞、唱歌、拍掌、顿足等都是表现音乐节拍的重要形式。

    In which dancing , singing , clapping , and stamping to the beat of a drum were important forms of musical and rhythmic expression .

  17. 在这些被数千人转发的热门视频中,顶着泰迪熊外壳的人们随着嘻哈音乐节拍跳舞。

    Generally showing the people-stuffed bears dancing to hip-hop , the clips have proved a huge hit on the social media website , being shared by thousands .

  18. 我还欣赏她那贴切恰到好处的表演,即使在歌曲间奏过门的时候,她也是随着音乐节拍稍稍的晃动,仿佛她的全身都充满着音乐音符!

    I also appreciate the relevance of her performance just right , even played the interlude between songs , she is shaking a little with the music beats , as if her body is filled with music notes !

  19. 本文通过对哈萨克民歌词格律中各音步的组合方式以及音步内各音节组合式的分析发现,三音音步和四音音步中音节的组合方式是影响哈萨克族民歌音乐节拍的重要因素。

    The article tells that the way of syllable composing of Three and Four is the significant factor to influence the beat of Kazak folk songs by analyzing the way of syllable composing and syllable composing in rules and forms of words in Kazak folk songs .

  20. 他的身体随着音乐的节拍慢慢摆动。

    His body slowly undulated in time to the music .

  21. 在两家酒吧之间的巷子里,一群上了年纪的人手里拿着乐器和着某种拉丁音乐的节拍演奏MyWay,一群当地人一边摇摆一边跟唱。

    In the alley between two bars , a group of older men with a few instruments performed ' My Way , ' to a Latin beat as a crowd of locals swayed and sang along .

  22. 小孩子常常常常以合着音乐的节拍唱。

    Small children often have difficulty singing in time with the music .

  23. 奇怪的是,蛇随着音乐的节拍动了起来。

    Strange enough , the snake began to move to the music .

  24. 他们随着音乐的节拍鼓起掌来。

    They clapped their hands in time to the music .

  25. 乔治的步伐总是与音乐的节拍不合。

    George is always out of step with the music .

  26. 他们随着音乐的节拍轻快地上下跳着。

    They were jigging up and down to the music .

  27. 他按着音乐的节拍打起榧子来。

    He snapped his fingers in time to the music .

  28. 她随着音乐的节拍打着响指。

    She clicked her fingers in time to the music .

  29. 我们得站起来随著音乐的节拍鼓掌。

    We 've got to stand and clap in time with the music for this .

  30. 直起身来,脚要跟随音乐的节拍。

    Sraight up ! Your feet should keep time to the rhythm of the music .