
yīn yuè xīn lǐ xué
  • Music Psychology;psychology of music
  1. 音乐心理学(psychologyofmusic)是心理学和音乐活动有机结合的一门新兴学科,从心理学的角度研究人类的各种音乐活动。

    Psychology of Music is a newly arisen course that combines psychology and music activities , studying the mankind 's various musical activity from the angle of the psychology .

  2. 音乐心理学(psychologyofmusic)是音乐学与心理学的一个交叉学科,旨在研究音乐与心理的互相关系,并找出其规律的科学。

    Psychology of music is an overlapping science subject intersected by musicology and psychology , aimed at studying the interrelation of music and psychology and finding out the law of it .

  3. 我国现代音乐心理学的研究始于20世纪80年代。

    The research of the Chinese modern musical psychology has begun from the 1980 's.

  4. 研究主要采用音乐心理学的实验方法,并辅之以问卷调查和访谈,结果证明了上述假设。

    My research uses experiments of Psychology of Music , questionnaire and interview to prove the hypothesis .

  5. 20世纪后半叶是中国音乐心理学从哲学心理学走向科学心理学的转型时期。

    The late20th century is a time when the Chinese musical psychology changed from philosophy psychology intoscientific one .

  6. 这可是法国心理学家的建议哦,他们的研究成果发表在《音乐心理学》杂志上。

    That 's what French psychologists found . They published their research in the journal Psychology of Music .

  7. 特别是艺术心理学、音乐心理学、演唱心理学等等,均处于正在构建之中。

    Especially the psychology of art , music psychology , singing psychology and so on , are being constructed .

  8. 论文还指出了音乐心理学与上述学科相关的切入点。

    Theory on Disciplines Finally the paper also points out the possibilities to apply the methodologies of music psychology to other studies .

  9. 我国对音乐心理学思想的研究可以追溯到春秋战国时期。

    Historical evidence shows that investigations of music psychology in China can be traced back to the periods of Spring-Autumn and Warring States .

  10. 本研究有待在该音乐心理学领域做更深入的研究探索和不断的改进完善。

    This research needs to make further studying and exploration and needs to be improved and perfected in the area of psychology of music .

  11. 从20世纪80年代至21世纪初,这是中国音乐心理学发展较为迅速的阶段。

    From the 1980s to the beginning of the 21st century , has been a relatively rapid development period for Music Psychology in China .

  12. 参与研究的科学家们将实验结果发表在《音乐心理学》期刊上,他们相信浪漫情歌可以刺激人类的行为。

    The scientists , who published the results in the journal Psychology of Music , believe that romantic lyrics may " prime " people ` s behaviour .

  13. 重点调查了和谐宽容度、拍音现象、听觉谐音与虚拟音高,并采用音乐心理学的实验方法对其进行了研究。

    Harmonious latitude , beats phenomenon , aural harmonics and virtual pitch are the most important parts and introduce experimental method of music psychology to test them .

  14. 本文从声学角度和音乐心理学角度两方面来分析为什么,以及究竟如何在室内乐演奏中将长笛音色进行改变。

    This thesis analyzes such question that why and how to change the flute timbre in chamber music performance from two aspects & the Acoustics and the Musical Psychology .

  15. 第三章主要以电影配乐设计理论与音乐心理学为切入点,对循环要素在电影配乐设计中存在并产生作用的原因进行了探索性的论述。

    Chapter three by analysis of the theory of film scoring and the music psychology , try to discusses the reason about the circle element exist in film scoring .

  16. 在音乐心理学方面,西方的音乐学家们做了大量的开拓性工作,而对中国传统音乐理论的研究却很薄弱。

    In this music psychology , western music scientists have done a lot of pioneering work . And the traditional Chinese music is clearly the theoretical study of these relatively weak .

  17. 音乐心理学的主体性在于它把主体的音乐行为和心理动态作为研究的核心,并由此辐射到与此相关的其它音乐学领域;

    Because the main interest of music psychology is on the part of human 's behaviors and mental patterns in regard of music , the studies of music psychology eradiate to the related researches .

  18. 回顾近年国内音乐心理学的发展与存在的不足,可以预见,21世纪是中国音乐心理学走向整合的阶段,亦是其任重道远、不断探索的时期。

    Looking back over the development of Music Psychology in China , we can forecast that the study of Music Psychology in the 21st Century China will be a period of conformity and probing .

  19. 在钢琴教学中,培养学生的想象力是非常重要的,文章从音乐心理学的角度出发,结合钢琴教学实践,讨论了培养学生想象力的方法。

    It is very important to develop students ' imagination during the piano teaching . From the viewpoint of the musical psychology , the article discussed the way to develop students ' imagination with the piano teaching practice .

  20. 声乐艺术心理学是音乐心理学的分支学科,它能帮助歌唱者认识发声的内在规律,这是因为歌唱发声中生理器官的配合是在心理机能的调节和控制下进行的。

    Vocal music psychology is a branch of psychology that can help the singer sound understand the inherent laws of sounding , because singing voice with the physical organ of mental function in the regulation and control carried out .

  21. 声乐艺术心理学作为音乐心理学的一个分支,是声乐艺术与心理学相互结合、交叉的产物,其研究范围包括歌唱者的感知觉、注意、记忆、思维、想象、情感意志等。

    Vocal art music psychology as a branch of psychology , is the vocal combination of art and psychology , cross-product of the scope of their research , including singing the sense of perception , attention , memory , thinking , imagination , emotion , etc. will .

  22. 可见,虽然音乐心理学领域的研究成果正在拓展,但是,必须认识到这一领域亟待更多的研究,只有这样,我们对有关音乐行为现象的更深入的理解才能得到保障。

    Thus , although research in the field of psychology music data is expanding , but at the same time it must be recognized that this area need more research , because only by doing so , we act on the music phenomenon more in-depth understanding can be be guaranteed .

  23. 音乐审美心理学在复调教学中的应用&在第二届全国音乐心理学年会上的发言

    Applications of esthetical psychology of music to the teaching of polyphony

  24. 研究性教学在音乐教育心理学课程教学中的运用

    The Application of the Research-Oriented Teaching in Musical Pedagogic Psychology Teaching

  25. 音乐教育心理学在和声教学中的运用

    The Application of Psychology of Musical Education in Teaching of Harmony

  26. 本文旨从音乐社会心理学视角展开对中国当代大学生音乐偏爱的分析和阐述。

    This thesis tries to analyze music preference of college students in China from the angle of the social psychology of music .

  27. 音乐审美心理学介入写作课程,是作曲学科发展的新阶段。运用审美心理学审视复调发展的历史,可以更清楚把握复调的本质。河南农业高校科技写作课程现状与对策

    Aesthetic psychology of music enters academic composition course , which is a new stage of this subject . The Actuality and Suggest of Henan Agricultural University Science and Technology Writing Curriculum

  28. 第二章从学生进行音乐欣赏的心理学角度阐述音乐审美所涉及到的心理要素,包括音乐审美感知、音乐审美想象、音乐审美情感和音乐审美理解。

    Chapter ⅱ will expound the psychological elements involved in musical aesthetic from students ' music appreciation psychology perspectives , which includes musical aesthetic perception , musical aesthetic imagination , musical aesthetic emotion and musical aesthetic understanding .

  29. 大学生音乐偏爱的社会心理学研究

    Music Preference of College Students

  30. 本文拟对内心音乐听觉这一心理学现象进行剖析,在此基础上提高内心音乐听觉能力。

    This article tries to analyze the psychology about heart sense of hearing in the course of music performance and improve the ability of sense of hearing .