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  • leather pants
  1. 你需要去拿那皮裤。

    You need to go get those leather pants .

  2. 下次你再想要钱买皮裤时,我会记得这番话的。

    I 'll remember this the next time you want money for leather pants .

  3. 过于肥大的皮裤会让你看起来块头更大。

    Leather jeans that are too big will make you look larger

  4. 这位30岁的模特穿着黑色紧身皮裤和一双与之搭配的黑色短靴完美展现了大长腿,V领的灰色针织上衣和长及膝部的深蓝色羊毛风衣。

    The 30-year-old showed off her endless pins in black leather skinny pants and matching ankle boots , which she teamed with a v-neck grey knit top and a knee-length midnight blue woollen trench coat .

  5. 女式皮裤造型艺术设计

    The Design of the Plastic Arts about Women 's Leather Trousers

  6. 好吧,你曾经被自己的皮裤卡住了?

    You ever gotten stuck in a pair of leather pants ?

  7. 近来黑色皮裤似乎风靡一时。

    Black leather trousers seem to be quite the rage these days .

  8. 皮裤款式变化的结构处理

    Structure Handling of the Style Changes for Leather Trousers

  9. 宽松的皮裤去年很流行。

    Leather pyjamas were all the go last year .

  10. 我却会穿着皮裤喝龙舌兰

    But I 'll be sitting around in my leather pants , drinking tequila .

  11. 皮裤和皮裙。

    Leather pants and leather skirt .

  12. 我们的导游,戴着他的宽边帽、穿着皮裤,看起来确实很像那么回事儿。

    Our guide , with his wide-brimmed hat and leather chaps , certainly looked the part .

  13. 皮裤很可能像牛仔裤一样流行,巴宝莉、阿玛尼和范思哲秀上都出现了皮裤。

    Leather trousers may well be the new jeans . Burberry , Armani and Versace think so .

  14. 普林斯顿穿着皮裤、黑白格运动鞋和黑色运动衫,运动衫上的图案是张着大嘴的吸血鬼。

    Princeton wore leather pants , black-and-white checked sneakers and a black sweatshirt with an open-mouthed vampire graphic .

  15. 巴伐利亚传统规定,鹿皮吊带花饰皮裤是最好的,因为它们能够拉宽拉长,容纳下不断发福的啤酒肚。

    Bavarian tradition dictates that deerskin lederhosen are the best , because they stretch to accommodate an expanding beer belly .

  16. 确保你着装正确。不值得效仿的:麻醉师穿的黑色皮裤不会激发自信。

    Make sure yours is just right . What 's not : black leather trousers on an anaesthetist would not inspire confidence .

  17. 谁愿意想象有人穿着皮裤用鞭子和狗链抽丫死掉的奶奶?

    Who wants to think of a guy in leather pants beating grandma 's cadaver with a whip and a dog chain ?

  18. 本文主要探讨女士皮裤造型艺术的有关设计方向及发展趋势。

    This paper mainly discussed some designing directions and developing trend of the design of the plastic arts about women 's leather trousers .

  19. 维多利亚当天梳着马尾,搭配了一件小外套,下身穿着紧身皮裤,还穿了一双平底靴。

    Victoria kept her hair tied back in a ponytail for the outing while opting for a smart coat , skinny trousers and flat boots .

  20. 21岁的鲍德温也选择了一身低调装扮—黑色皮裤,黑色运动衫以及白色夹克。

    Baldwin , 21 , also opted for a low-key look , wearing a pair of black leather pants , a black sweatshirt and a white jacket .

  21. 这些露点明星脚穿镶有饰钉的过膝长靴,下着黑色皮裤,赤裸上身,坐着摩托车沿着奥克兰市的中央大道“皇后街”巡游。

    The porn stars in studded knee-high boots , black leather pants and little else travelled in a convoy down the city 's main thoroughfare Queen Street .

  22. 她身着宽松的蓝灰色飞行服,衣服大得可以轻易容下一条宽松皮裤。

    She was wearing a baggy blue and gray flight suit - baggy enough to slip over a pair of loose leather pants and leave room to spare .

  23. 她是那种可以把皮裤设计得看起来像舒服的睡衣的设计师,就像她在样品间穿的那件深绿色的皮裤,搭配一件酷酷的蓝色棉质衬衣。

    And she is the type of designer who can make leather pants like the forest-green ones she was wearing in the showroom , with a cool blue cotton shirt look as comfortable as pajamas .

  24. 目前,Eloquii正在展示豹纹棒球夹克(138美元)、布列塔尼条纹羊绒衫(138美元)和仿皮裤裙(98美元)。

    Currently , Eloquii is showing items like a leopard-print baseball jacket ( $ 138 ) , a cashmere sweater with Breton stripes ( $ 138 ) and faux leather culottes ( $ 98 ) .

  25. 这些公司提供的不是松紧带裤和宽大连衣裙,而是能反映秀台潮流的服装(比如连身裤)和超出宽松工作服范畴外的服装(比如皮裤),甚至是暴露一点肌肤的服装(比如露脐上衣)。

    Instead of elastic-waist pants and muumuu dresses , these companies offer clothes that reflect the runways ( think jumpsuits ) , surpass the smock ( leather pants ) and even show a little skin ( crop tops ) .

  26. 菲比:我知道,只是通常当你怀孕结束了之后,你会做妈妈该做的事。但我只会穿着皮裤坐在一遍,喝着龙舌兰酒。

    Phoebe : I know . It 's just usually when you 're done with the pregnant thing , then you get to do the mom thing . I 'm gonna be y'know , sitting around in my leather pants , drinking Tequila .

  27. 还有‘你真好’意思是‘我要和总穿着皮裤又酗酒的人约会…,然后向你抱怨.还有,你知道,恩,‘我想我们应该约约其他人’意思是‘哈哈,我已经约过了。’-

    Chandler : Or ' You 're such a nice guy ' means ' I 'm gonna be dating leather-wearing alcoholics and complaining about them to you ' . - Phoebe : Or , or , you know , um , ' I think we should see other people ' means ' Ha , ha , I already am ' .