
  • 网络Skin Pigmentation
  1. 早期的研究证明已经观察到雌激素能引起人类皮肤色素沉着,临床上也发现多例用性激素药物治疗白癜风有效的报道。

    Early studies have shown that estrogen cause human skin pigmentation , and found many clinical reports that it is effectivity of using hormone therapy to vitiligo cases .

  2. 该病症状包括:体虚,食欲不振,上吐下泻,皮肤色素沉着,情绪不稳定,低血压,脱发,排汗不畅等。

    The symptoms include weakness , lack of appetite , diarrhea and vomiting , skin pigmentation , mental instability , low blood pressure , loss of body hair and absence of sweating .

  3. 当皮肤色素沉着增多,所以需要暴露于阳光下紫外线B辐射的足够时间以合成足够数量的维生素D。

    As skin pigmentation increases , so does the period of exposure to ultraviolet B radiation from sunlight needed to synthesise adequate amounts of vitamin D.

  4. 点阵CO2激光治疗紫外线照射所致豚鼠皮肤色素沉着后豚鼠表皮黑素沉着程度降低。

    The extent of skin pigmentation in guinea pig induced by UVB bring down after fractional CO2 laser treatment .

  5. 目的探讨烟酰胺对中波紫外线(UVB)致豚鼠皮肤色素沉着的抑制作用。

    Objective To investigate the inhibitory effect of nicotinamide on hyperpigmentation induced by UVB .

  6. 茶多酚对UVB诱导豚鼠皮肤色素沉着的抑制作用研究

    The study of inhibitory effects of Tea Polyphenols on guinea pig skin UVB-induced hypermelanosis

  7. III度口腔炎发生率为21.44%,5例出现手足综合征(手足脱皮、肢端麻木、皮肤色素沉着),血液学毒性轻微。

    Grade 2 or 3 stomatitis occurred in 21.44 % of patients , in 5 patients there occurred hand foot syndrome . Hematologic toxicity were minimal .

  8. 目的:观察点阵CO2激光干预紫外线所致豚鼠皮肤色素沉着的影响,寻求皮肤色素沉着性疾病防治方法。

    Purpose : Observe the effect of fractional CO2 laser on guinea pig skin pigmentation induced by UVB , to find good methods for treating skin pigmentation .

  9. 对抗皮肤色素沉着紊乱的新趋势

    New Trends in the Fight against Skin Pigmentation Disorders

  10. 米诺环素诱导的皮肤色素沉着症:共聚焦激光扫描电子显微镜分析

    Minocycline-induced cutaneous hyperpigmentation : Confocal laser scanning microscope analysis

  11. 44条小腿皮肤色素沉着者中明显减轻者37条(84.1%)。

    Skin pigmentation obviously decreased in 37 of 44 legs ( 84.1 % );

  12. 皮肤色素沉着16例、脾肿大16例、外周水肿15例是最常见的症状;

    The skin hyperpigmentation , splenomegaly and peripheral edema were the most common manifestations .

  13. 5例患者出现皮肤色素沉着。

    Five patients presented with skin pigmentation .

  14. 糖尿病患者胫前皮肤色素沉着斑与褪黑素关系的探讨

    To Study Relation of Diabetes Patient Calm and Steady Spot of dye and Black Vegetable

  15. 食欲不振脱发指趾甲萎缩皮肤色素沉着腹泻

    Anorexia-losing hair-atrophy of nail-splash-diarrhoea syndrome

  16. 皮肤色素沉着发生机制的研究进展

    The pathogenesis of skin pigmentation

  17. 都患有全血细胞减少伴皮肤色素沉着,拇指缺如,生殖器发育不良等先天性畸形。

    Their characterlstic associated abnormalities include peripheral pancytopenia , hyperpigmentation , deformity of the thumbs and genital hypoplasia .

  18. 结果患儿均有不同程度的皮肤色素沉着、乏力、恶心、呕吐及脱水等表现;

    Results There were symptoms of hyperpigmentation in skin , fatigue and weakness , nausea , vomiting and dehydration in all patients .

  19. 主要不良反应为中性粒细胞减少、手足综合症、腹泻、皮肤色素沉着,无治疗相关死亡。

    The most common adverse effects were leucopenia , hand-foot syndrome , diarrhea and skin pigmentation . There was no treatment-related death .

  20. 目的研究积雪苷霜软膏对皮肤色素沉着的抑制作用,为其治疗色素沉着性疾病提供实验依据。

    Objective To investigate the effects of asiaticoside ointment on skin pigmentation to provide evidence for its used in skin melanosis disorders .

  21. 腹泻8个月余,毛发及指、趾甲脱落7个月,皮肤色素沉着3个月。

    The patient had the history of diarrhea for 8 months , with hair and nail loss for 7 months and pigmentation for 3 months .

  22. 虽然在他的一生中,关于他肤色的八卦屡见不鲜,但他死后的尸检结果表明,他确实受到过皮肤色素沉着病的折磨。

    Although gossip surrounding his skin color was common during his lifetime , an autopsy revealed the singer did indeed suffer from the skin pigmentation ailment .

  23. 人类皮肤色素沉着过程主要为:成熟的黑素小体合成黑素,黑素小体向树突远端转移传递至邻近角质形成细胞,然后在角质形成细胞内分布和降解。

    The depositing course of human skin pigment is that mature melanin bodies synthesize melanin and melanosome transfers to neighboring keratinocytes through the distal dendrites , and then distribute in the keratinocytes .

  24. 结果15例患者均有多发性神经病、淋巴结肿大、水肿、异常球蛋白血症及皮肤色素沉着,其他症状包括肝肿大6例、脾肿大9例、性功能障碍12例等。

    Results : All 15 patients presented polyneuropathy , enlargement of Lymph Nodes , edema , abnormal globulinemia and hyperpigmented skin . 6 patients were complicated with hepatomegaly , 9 cases with splenomegalia and 12 cases with impotence .

  25. 本文对日光与皮肤色素沉着、过早老化和皮肤癌三方面的关系以及正确防晒的相关知识进行了简要综述,提示日光可增加皮肤色素沉着,促进皮肤过早老化,以及诱发皮肤癌等光损伤;

    By reviewing sunshine 's association with skin hyperpigmentation , premature aging and cancer , and its correct knowledge related to sun protection , this article indicated that sunshine can cause skin hyperpigmentation and premature aging , and induce skin cancer .

  26. 常见不良反应为手足综合征(70.0%)、皮肤色素沉着(60.0%)、恶心呕吐(52.5%)、腹泻(42.5%),2例出现3~4级严重腹泻而住院治疗。

    The common treatment-related adverse events were hand-foot syndrome ( 70.0 % ), skin pigmentation ( 60.0 % ), nausea and vomiting ( 52.5 % ), and diarrhea ( 42.5 % ) . However , two patients had severe diarrhea needed hospitalization .

  27. 不良反应为丘疹样皮疹、荨麻疹、口角皮肤色素沉着,两组中各2例,差异无显著意义。

    Totally 4 cases had side effects such as papular skin rash , urticaria around mouth , skin pigmentation , two cases in the ceftriaxone group and other two cases in the amoxicillin group . There was no significant difference between the 2 groups in side effects .

  28. 结果:酪氨酸、MDA明显升高,皮肤黑色素沉着增加。

    Results : tyrosine and MDA Significantly rose and the deposit of melanin in skin increased .

  29. 运动或寒战,外科电装置的使用和粘膜或皮肤的色素沉着。

    Motion or shivering , use of electrosurgical equipment and mucosal or skin pigmentation .

  30. 另外,人类皮肤的色素沉着是决定于皮肤对外辐射的反应,以及由此引发皮肤癌的重要因素。

    In addition , cutaneous pigmentation is a major determinant of the cutaneous response to ultraviolet radiation , and consequently of the risk of developing skin cancer .