
  • 网络Marketing Organization
  1. 从经营主体和经营产品性质出发,深入剖析了一体化经营市场营销组织及销售策略特征;

    From the view of the operators and the products ' characters , it thoroughly analyses the characters of the marketing organization and the marketing strategies .

  2. 加强商业银行市场营销组织建设构想

    The Concept of Construction of Marketing Organization on Chinese Commercial Banks

  3. 这种形式的市场营销组织被称为功能组织。

    This type of marketing department organization is called functional organization .

  4. 因此,对于许多正在力图通过建立现代市场营销组织而达到从生产型向市场型转型的企业具有一定的参考和借鉴意义。

    Therefore , the article will make some significance for many enterprises which are being sought in establishing the modern market & sale organization from production to achieve the transition to a market-based .

  5. 在由一家名为Onepoll的市场营销公司组织的网上调查中,5000名男性被调查者称随着妻子怀孕,自己吃得越来越多。

    Five thousand male respondents to an online survey by the marketing company Onepoll , said they were eating more as their partners ' pregnancies progressed .

  6. 这些组成部分中有许多是由商业方(通常是市场营销)组织指定的,而其它部分由技术方组织填写或扩充。

    Many of these components are specified by the business-side ( typically marketing ) organization , and others are filled in or expanded by the technical-side organization .

  7. 然而,调查结果还显示出市场营销和组织创新尤其会在中国企业高程度的国际化过程中受到影响。

    However , results of this research have also shown that marketing and organizational innovations are the ones that are especially affected by higher levels of internationalization within Chinese companies .

  8. 营销的理论从二十世纪初期萌芽到现在,经历了产品营销、市场营销、组织营销、社会营销直至全球营销的发展阶段。

    The theory of marketing emerged in the first of the 20th century , passing from product marketing , market-oriented marketing , organization marketing , social marketing to global marketing .

  9. 随后从人力资源、财务状况、研究与开发、产品及市场营销和组织管理结构等五个方面对企业的内部条件进行了分析,明确了自身具有的优势和劣势。

    Then it analyzes the internal conditions : human resource , finance , development and products that are main factors of marking and organization management structure to find the advantage and disadvantage .

  10. 第二章至第六章是案例分析,依据管理理论对现象进行理论分析,借鉴了战略管理、产品创新、市场营销、组织行为学等理论知识,参考了相关文献;

    The 1st part is the brief instruction of CMB and the definition of core competencies , the 2nd - 6th chapter are the case analyses in which the author base his discussion on theories of tactic management , production innovation , marketing .

  11. 在后部分重点研究了战略执行的策略支持,包括建立市场驱动的营销组织、4C营销组合策略和战略合作伙伴关系策略。

    In the end of thesis , it studies the tactics to support the strategies ' implementation , including establishes market-driven marketing organization , 4C marketing tactics mixes and strategic cooperation relationship tactics .

  12. 生态旅游市场营销是旅游组织(政府)和企业对抗竞争的有力手段。

    Ecotourism marketing is very important competitive method for tourism organization ( administration ) and company .

  13. 内容涵盖了企业战略、市场营销、生产组织、财务管理等多门学科。

    The course covers various subjects including enterprise strategy , marketing , manufacturing organization , financial management , etc.

  14. 相对于销售驱动型组织,现在仍然很难见到一个真正的市场营销驱动型组织。

    It 's still very rare to see a truly marketing-driven organisation , as opposed to a sales-driven organisation , says Mr Doctoroff .

  15. 它通过企业的战略决策、生产制度、市场营销、内部组织等的交互作用,使企业保持持续竞争的优势。

    Through the interaction of strategic decision , production regulation , marketing and inner management , enterprises are able to maintain advantages of sustainable competition .

  16. 本文所研究的营销策略涉及到品牌管理学、市场营销学、组织行为学、公共关系学、传播学等方面理论,涵盖面广泛,理论知识丰富。

    This paper studied marketing strategies related to brand management , marketing , organizational behavior , public relations , communication theory and it covers a wide range of rich theoretical knowledge .

  17. 设计市场营销以设计组织的四个目标为出发点&市场目标、经济目标、社会目标和发展目标。

    The first part of the article is Design Marketing : 1.The starting point of Design Marketing has four targets & market target , economic target , and social target and development target .

  18. 本文在分析和研究中提出:1、以市场营销战略、组织发展战略和人才战略为基本点进行烟草企业品牌创建。

    There are some views in this article : 1 . Tobacco enterprises should build up brand strategy on the basis of marketing strategy , organization development strategy , and human resource strategy ;

  19. 本部分主要探究了旅游房地产的基本概念和研究的理论依据,论述了旅游地生命周期理论,生态旅游理论、市场营销理论,组织管理理论,工程管理理论和战略管理理论等理论。

    This part mainly explores the theoretical basis of the concept and research of the tourism real estate , discusses the life cycle of destination theory , ecological tourism theory , marketing theory , organization and management theory , project management theory and strategic management theory .

  20. 市场营销观念下企业组织设计的原则

    The Organizing Principle of Enterprises Under the Viewpoint of Market Sale

  21. 市场营销观念和营销组织在国外铁路已经广泛运用,成效显著。

    It has achieved common recognition that widely applications of marketing organization in railway transportation overseas can greatly improve the economic benefit .

  22. 市场营销既是一种组织职能,也是为了组织自身及利益相关者的利益而创造、传播、传递客户价值,管理客户关系的一系列过程。

    Marketing is a function of organization , and also is a series progress of manage client relation , which create , communicate , transfer client value in order to organization itself advantage and advantage related people .

  23. 企业营销管理对于我们来说并不陌生,而电信企业的营销管理就是电信企业对其市场营销的计划、组织、执行和控制,以实现营销目标的管理活动。

    Corporate marketing management is not strange for us today , and the marketing management by telecommunication enterprises can be regarded as the management activities by telecommunication enterprises of planning , organizing , implementation and control for marketing and for the purpose to realize their marketing objectives .

  24. 本文主要介绍、描述、探讨和分析了跨国米尔顿(Milton)公司对中国市场的探索和开发过程中在市场营销、组织行为和人力资源等方面的运作管理。

    Refer to the work experience with the multinational corporations , the author describes and analyzes the marketing development process and problem-solving skills on Chinese market with MILTON , one of the world 's leading chemical companies , using the management theories .

  25. 文章架构的第一部分是设计市场营销,主体内容包括:1、设计市场营销以设计组织的四个目标为出发点&市场目标、经济目标、社会目标和发展目标。

    The first part of the article is Design Marketing : 1 . The starting point of Design Marketing has four targets & market target , economic target , and social target and development target .

  26. 另外,为了保证制定的市场营销战略能够得以顺利实施,本论文还对市场营销组织管理、战略计划的制定、实施和控制等市场营销战略管理措施进行了探讨。

    What 's more , to ensure the established marketing strategy can be successfully implemented , this article discusses some marketing strategy administrant measures , such as organization management , strategic plan , actualization and control .

  27. 论述了现代市场营销的核心概念、环境、管理以及市场营销的功能和组织形式等。

    The core concept , environment , management , the functions and organization patterns of modern market business and sales are discussed .

  28. 同时,要建立市场营销体系,以市场和客户为导向建立商业银行市场营销的组织架构。

    Meanwhile , they should also establish commercial banks ' marketing framework on the basis of market-orientation and customer-orientation .

  29. 在分析了电信及通讯设备市场的外部环境,结合上海西门子公司的自身的市场定位特点的基础上,应用市场营销理论、组织市场理论以及竞争理论等分析手段。

    On the basis of analyzing the surround environment and inter resource , applying the theory of marketing and industrial market and competition , aim at dig out the potential of shanghai Siemens mobile corp.