
  • 网络market competitive structure
  1. 产品伤害危机对品类市场竞争结构的影响分析

    Effect of Product Harm Crisis on Market Competitive Structure

  2. 促销伤害危机及其应对方式&基于连锁超市的实证研究产品伤害危机对品类市场竞争结构的影响分析

    Promotion Injury Crisis and Its Countermeasures-Empirical Analysis Based on Chain Supermarket Effect of Product Harm Crisis on Market Competitive Structure

  3. 因此本文结合保健品企业的宏观环境分析、市场竞争结构分析、BJS公司内部资源分析,提出了适合BJS公司发展的会议营销模式。

    This paper combining analysis of the macro environment of health food industry , market competition structure analysis , BJS internal resource analysis , put forward the suitable conference marketing model for BJS .

  4. 优化国内市场竞争结构;

    Thirdly , optimize the competition structure of domestic structure .

  5. 所有权、成本函数与市场竞争结构

    Ownership , Cost Functions and Market Competitive Structures

  6. 产业市场竞争结构分析方法及其应用

    A Study on the Approach for the Industry Competitive Structure Analyzing And It 's application

  7. 市场竞争结构与银行稳健

    Market Competition Structure and Banking Soundness

  8. 我国银行业市场竞争结构分析&基于Panzar-Rosse范式的考察

    The Analysis of Market Competition Structure of Banking Industry of China & The Research Based on Panzar Rosse Model

  9. 不同产业拥有不同的成本结构,而不同的所有权结构决定了不同的市场竞争结构。

    There are different cost structures in different industries , while different ownership structures shape the different market competition structures .

  10. 国有银行的产权改造仅仅是实现金融资源宏观配置优化的必要条件,而培育民营中小金融机构从而形成有效的市场竞争结构则是充分条件。

    And the sufficient term is to cultivate the small and medial private financial organizations in order to form efficient market competition construction .

  11. 本文试图说明,对搜寻费用的节约以及对搜寻费用支出的激励之间的矛盾将是决定市场竞争结构演进的重要因素之一。

    In this article we show that the contradiction of saving searching cost and the stimulation of expending searching cost is one of important factors of the evolution of market structure .

  12. 市场竞争结构与技术创新是影响中国软件产业国际竞争力的决定因素;

    The quantitative research carried out reveals that the international competitiveness of China 's software industry is very weak , market competition structure and technological innovation are exactly the determinants of competitiveness ;

  13. 模块集成技术的三种模式对应三种市场竞争结构,广泛应用于计算机设计中的模块化管理方法同样适用于其它制造业。

    Three kinds of modes of the integrated technology in modularization correspond with three kinds of market competition structure , that makes the modularization used in computer manufacturing suitable for other manufacturing industries too .

  14. 通过建立通用的双边模型,分析这两种平台所有权的不同安排对垄断、双寡头单归属和双寡头多归属三种市场竞争结构的影响,得到第三方拥有平台是社会福利最优的所有权结构。

    General two-sided models are developed to analyze the impact of different arrangements of the two types of ownership structures on three types of market structures : monopoly , duopoly with single-homing and multi-homing .

  15. 当前,我国政府应对处于不同发展阶段的行业采用不同的鼓励与支持政策,进一步推动与构建有利于企业技术创新的市场竞争结构。

    At present , our government should use different support policies due to different development stages , which will be good to further promote and construct the market competition structure that in favor of the technological innovation .

  16. 然后运用产业经济学相关理论,对中国轿车行业的市场竞争结构、成本利润水平、R&D状况等方面进行了分析和相应的国际比较,并对造成这种现实差距的原因进行了一定的剖析。

    Utilizing the theory of industry economics article it researches the product status , market competition structure , cost profit , R D of car industry . And it notes the reason of backward comparing with international car industry .

  17. 文章的研究表明,在双寡头竞争中,由于成本函数(一次型和二次型假设)不同、市场竞争结构不同,相应的社会产出、价格、利润、社会福利都会有所不同。

    The research results show that : the corresponding social output , price , profit and social welfare will all be different with the different cost functions ( one-time and two-time hypothesis ) and different market competition structures in oligopoly .

  18. 分析了中国移动通信业不同阶段的市场竞争结构,运用博弈论对其竞争行为进行了讨论,提出了中国移动通信企业实施差异化战略的对策和建议。

    This paper analyzes on the structures of market competition of Chinese mobile communication industry in the different stages , discusses on the competition behaviors by using the game theory , and advances some countermeasures and suggestions on implementing the differentiation strategy by Chinese mobile communication industry .

  19. 本文在找出适合东方国旅本企业发展的战略的同时,还对中国旅游市场的竞争结构和发展趋势做了较为系统的分析。

    The paper , while aiming to find out development strategy which suits Oriental National Travel Agency , has also made comparatively systematic analysis to competition structure and development trend of the Chinese tourist market .

  20. 由于企业合并可能对市场的竞争结构产生重要影响,可能导致垄断现象的产生或加强,世界各国大多在反垄断法中对企业合并加以规制。

    Since the market merger may have an important impact the competitive structure may lead to the creation or strengthening of monopolies , most countries in the world of corporate mergers in Anti be regulated .

  21. 在国际高质量技术具有较强生产效率的情况下,我国政府应控制引进技术的质量,以维护市场竞争均衡结构,防止技术引进企业利用竞争优势,形成企业共谋,损害消费者剩余。

    If the international high-quality technology has obvious efficiency advantage , Chinese government should control the quality of introduced technology , to keep the essential market competition and balanced market structure , and avoid enterprises ' collusion to hurt consumers ' surplus .

  22. 另一方面,作为FDI的最主要形式,跨国并购在全球性的资源配置、市场竞争和经济结构调整中,发挥着越来越重要的作用。

    As a major part of FDI , Merger and Acquisitions ( M & A ) has been playing an increasingly important role in global resources allocation , competition and economic structural adjustment .

  23. 然后通过对Brander和Lewis(1986)经典模型的分析和推导,探讨了产品市场竞争与资本结构的相互作用关系。

    Then , we explore the relationship between product-market competition and capital structure by introduction and discussion about the classic model of Blander and Lewis ( 1986 ) .

  24. 道路运输市场竞争与垄断结构分析

    An Analyses on Competitive and Monopoly Market Structure of Road Transportation

  25. 产品市场竞争与融资结构互动研究

    The Research on the Interaction of Product Market Competition and Financial Structure

  26. 资产专用性、产品市场竞争与资本结构

    Asset Specificity , Product Market Competition and Capital Structure

  27. 产品市场竞争与资本结构的战略决策

    Product Market Competition and Strategic Decision-Making of Capital Structure

  28. 为此,有必要对厂商实施供应商管理库存这一行为可能对市场竞争和市场结构产生的影响进行探讨。

    Obviously it is a paritol improvement . The paper analyses the impacts of Vendor Management Inventory on market competition .

  29. 另外,文章还简单探讨了合同完全程度和市场竞争对所有权结构选择的影响。

    In the end , the article discusses briefly the influences of contract and competition on the choice of ownership structures .

  30. 本文以国内制造业上市公司为研究对象,分析市场竞争和所有权结构对其产出增长率的影响。

    This study examines the impact of product market competition and ownership structure on productivity growth in China 's manufacturing listed companies .