
  • 网络MARKETING MANAGEMENT;Marketing;MSc in Marketing Management
  1. 笔者运用MBA课程所学的市场营销管理以及战略管理的相关理论,对案例进行了系统分析,总结出了该公司通过营销活动为实现企业目标所作出的贡献以及工作中的不足之处。

    The author apply the theories of Marketing Management and Strategy Management from MBA courses into the case and complement the systemic analyses of the case , concluding the contributions and short comes of the marketing process to achieve the company 's goals in the case .

  2. 动物协作精神在市场营销管理中的价值体现

    The value of animal spirit of collaboration in marketing management

  3. 商业银行市场营销管理的内容主要包括八个Ps,即属于营销战略的四个Ps和属于营销战术的四个Ps。

    The main contents of bank marketing include 8Ps . The first 4Ps belong to marketing strategies and the second to marketing programs .

  4. 本文的研究成果不仅对ABC塔机公司,而且对我国其它建筑机械企业运用现代市场营销管理都有一定的参考价值。

    This article can be used as reference for formulating marketing strategy for ABC company as well as guidelines for other Chinese building equipment industry .

  5. 案例部分以时间为序,介绍了2000年到2001年间,中德合资企业SIM移动电话公司的市场营销管理问题。

    In " the case " , the marketing management status of SIM Mobile Phones Company from 2000 to 2001 is presented in time sequence .

  6. 该部分主要归纳整理与论文研究相关的理论,包括:市场营销管理理论的演进和发展历史,STP理论与4PS理论相关的内容;第三章滑移装载机营销环境分析。

    In the second chapter , we retrospect the relevant theories , including : theory development of Marketing Management , STP theory and 4PS theory .

  7. 针对组织市场营销管理与消费者市场营销管理之间的差异,以4Ps理论为主线对组织市场营销管理进行了分析。

    Then towards the differences between organizational market and customers market , the author analyzes the management of organizational marketing using " 4ps " theory .

  8. 企业市场营销管理中敏捷性营销模式研究

    Research of the Agility Marketing Model in Marketing Management of Enterprises

  9. 金六福酒市场营销管理的分析

    Six Good Fortune Wine Marketing of Gold and Management Tactics Analysis

  10. 顾客价值理论成为市场营销管理理论的最新发展,也成为企业竞争优势的新来源和企业发展战略的重要内容。

    Customer Value theory is latest development of marketing management .

  11. 医院市场营销管理理念和现状的研究

    The Research on Conception and Status Quo of the hospital Marketing Management

  12. 贵州省有线广播电视网络有限公司市场营销管理研究

    A Study of the Marketing Management in Guizhou Cable TV Broadcast Network Corporation

  13. 产品传染效应对市场营销管理者和零售商都有很多的启示。

    The product contagion effect has numerous implications for marketing managers and retailers .

  14. 市场营销管理咨询根据客户特点设计体贴的市场营销方案。

    Consulting on marketing : we design different marketing plans for different customers .

  15. 第一部分,房地产市场营销管理的理论阐释。

    The first part is about the theory of marketing management for estate .

  16. 新形势下供电企业与电力市场营销管理

    Under the New Situation Power Supply Enterprise and the Electric Power Market Marketing Management

  17. 灰色预测在市场营销管理中的应用

    Application of Grey Forecasting in Marketing Management

  18. 市场营销管理中原始信息的收集

    Primitive Information Collection in Marketing Management

  19. 企业市场营销管理过程的首要任务是寻找和识别市场机会,并对机会的价值予以评价。

    Looking , distinguishing and evaluating Market opportunity is a main task for Marketing process of enterprise .

  20. 本文探讨在市场营销管理中运用灰色系统理论作市场分析与预测。

    The authors discuss how to use grey system theory in marketing management to analyze and predict market .

  21. 海峡两岸鱼市场营销管理模式比较

    The Comparison of Management Models of Running and Sales in Fishery Market on Both Banks of the Taiwan Straits

  22. 本课程将帮助您建立一个理解的原则,旅游和酒店市场营销管理。

    The course will help you to establish an understanding of the principles of tourism and hospitality marketing management .

  23. 而以往的定价策略一直属于市场营销管理的范畴,财务管理多偏重于财务制度的制定、实施和事后分析及控制。

    Finance management focuses on the setup of financial policy , policy execution as well as result analysis and control .

  24. 为了实现组织变革的目标,英祥集团需要进行关键管理职能设计,把人力资源管理和市场营销管理作为关键的管理职能,在设计管理层次时选择高层结构,并合理配置决策权。

    To achieve its targets , Yingxiang Group should adopt human resource management and marketing management as its key management functions .

  25. 房地产市场营销管理一般包括市场调查、项目定位、推广策划、销售执行等,一方面营销过程的分析、计划、组织和控制,缺一不可。

    The real estate marketing management generally includes market survey , project orientation , spreading plan , sales executing and so on .

  26. 本文旨在对桂林市旅游业引入市场营销管理思想的若干问题进行有益的探讨。

    This article is to do some favorable discussion and research on introducing the idea of marketing management into the tourism in Guile .

  27. 培养具有创新精神和实践能力、创业能力的高层次市场营销管理人才,已成为高等教育的重要课题。

    To train the person with ability that processes innovation spirit and practice ability has been a question for discussion problem of higher education .

  28. 因此,企业市场营销管理的方法和理念对政府旅游管理部门同样具有实践意义。

    Thus , the idea and method of marketing management in a business will make the same practical sense for the authorities of tourism administration .

  29. 市场营销管理的任务就是为促进企业目标的实现而调节需求的水平,时机和性质。

    The task of marketing management is to regulate the demand 's level , opportunity and quality , for promoting the realization of enterprise target .

  30. 针对目前天然气企业存在的主要问题,探讨了天然气企业市场营销管理模式。

    In the light of the main problems existing in current natural gas enterprise , this paper probes into the mode of marketing management of natural gas enterprise .