
  • 网络marketing innovation;market innovation
  1. 但我们还没搞清楚的是,这类黑白方框到底是重大的市场创新呢,还是只不过是种新兴的时髦玩意而已。

    Less clear is whether those black and white boxes are a major marketing innovation or just a fad .

  2. 理念创新是指导性的,没有理念创新,就不可能有真正意义上的组织创新、产品创新、方式创新、市场创新。

    Without any new idea , there are no organization innovation , product innovation , process innovation and marketing innovation in their real meanings .

  3. 我们的合作将会帮助推动市场创新,推进SAP的分析应用、内存计算以及移动性技术,并最终转变油气企业的运营。

    Our cooperation will help drive innovations to market that will exploit SAP 's analytics , in-memory and mobility technologies , and ultimately transform oil and gas operations .

  4. 企业市场创新组织管理研究

    The Research on Market Innovation Organization and Management of Enterprise

  5. 未来食品机械市场创新思路

    New ideas are essential for the future food machinery market

  6. 能否告诉我们这些金融市场创新的重要性。

    Can you tell us the importance of these innovations ?

  7. 技术创新与市场创新&企业发展的主动脉

    Technology and market renewal - key to enterprise development

  8. 我国科技产业化中的市场创新&一种经济社会学的分析

    Market innovation of technological industrialization in China & an analysis of economic sociology

  9. 面向企业市场创新的信息需求与信息服务策略研究

    Research on the Information Demand and Information Service Strategy for Enterprise Market Innovation

  10. 市场创新的资源配置战略分析

    The Strategies of Resource Allocation for Market Innovation

  11. 市场创新,建立科学的粮食购销体系;

    Market innovation to establish the scientific system of buying and selling of grain ;

  12. 遗传算法在期货市场创新决策中的应用

    Genetic algorithm application in futures market innovation decision

  13. 从市场创新学视角透视我国体育用品业的发展

    Perspective of China 's Development of Sport-related Consumption Product Industry through Market Initiative Science

  14. 至于投资收入亦会受惠a股市场创新高而造好。

    Moreover , investment income will also increase as mainland A-share market marked record high .

  15. 监管约束下的新兴市场创新模型及启示

    An Innovation Tri-factors Model under Regulation Restriction

  16. 食品包装市场创新空间宽广

    Large space in the food packaging market

  17. 民营经济和金融市场创新

    Private Economy and Financial Market Innovation

  18. 辽宁高职毕业生就业市场创新建设策略思考&以沈阳职业技术学院为例

    The Strategic Thinking on Innovative Construction of the Employment Market for Higher Vocational Graduates in Liaoning

  19. 供给创新应该是包括技术创新、产品创新、市场创新、管理创新与制度创新在内的全方位的创新,它包含一切可提高资源配置效率的创新活动。

    Supply-innovation should be all-directive innovation , including technique , product , market , management and system innovation .

  20. 接着从市场创新的角度探讨了票据融资风险的控制问题。

    In the following , thesis discusses the control of bill financing risk from the angle of market innovation .

  21. 从金融创新层面看,金融创新主要涵盖三个方面:金融制度创新、金融市场创新和金融业务创新。

    Financial system innovation , financial market innovation and financial operation innovation are the main aspects of financial innovation .

  22. 潜在竞争力方面,主要表现在石油企业技术创新、管理创新和市场创新能力的不足。

    Viewed from the potential competitive power , the gap appears on the innovation of management , technology and marketing .

  23. 科技产业化中的市场创新是一个科学技术、经济、社会整合的过程。

    The market innovation of technological industrialization is a course of the integration of science and technology , economy and society .

  24. 中国商业银行必须进行各项创新:制度、技术、管理、业务、市场创新。

    In the china commercial bank , it must take action on several innovations like system , technology , management , market .

  25. 而金融创新的途径主要是制度创新、金融市场创新、商业银行业务创新和金融环境创新。

    The major innovation approaches include system innovation , financial market innovation , commercial banks ' service innovation and financial environment innovation .

  26. 重点叙述了市场创新中产品/市场创新组合和市场营销创新和企业市场创新战略;

    This part mainly depicts the market under-innovation product , the market innovation combination , the marketing innovation and the enterprise market innovation strategy .

  27. 在市场创新机理方面,深入剖析了市场创新主体的范畴及市场创新的行为构成;

    When talking about the mechanism , the paper deeply probes into the categories of the main parts of market innovation and its behaviors .

  28. 第二部分,提出了市场创新度,创新域和创新点的概念。

    In the second part , the paper puts forward the concepts of the market innovation degree , the innovation field and the innovation spot .

  29. 并从市场创新、组织创新、人才制度创新等方面阐述了管理创新的主要内容。

    It also expatiates on the main contents of management innovation from the aspects of market innovation , organization innovation , talents system innovation and so on .

  30. 在第五部分提出合理的对策建议,主要从银行业改革、资本市场创新和碳金融市场的可供操作的发展思路着手。

    The fifth , put forward reasonable suggestions , mainly from the banking sector reform , capital market innovation and available operation ideas of carbon finance market development .