
  • 网络JIT;just in time;JRR;just-in-time
  1. 汽车行业的零部件具有产品种类复杂多样性以及供应链的准时生产制(JIT)的特点。

    Automotive Industry has the characteristic of requirements of JIT ( Just In Time ) supply chain delivery , and with the complexity and diversity for the parts .

  2. 自泰勒的科学管理后,人们寻求各种优化生产与运作的方法,出现了订货点法、经济订货批量法、物料需求计划方法、准时生产制等。

    Since Taylor 's science management , it was sought for all methods on production and operation . There are several methods to come out , such as Order Point , Economic Order Quantity , MRP material resources plan , JIT Just In Time , etc.

  3. 在这种情况下,为需求而生产的先进管理理念准时生产制(JustinTime,JIT)应运而生。

    In this situation , the advanced management idea , " Just in Time , JIT ", which produces goods for the demand arises at the historic moment .

  4. 物料需求计划与准时生产制的对比分析

    A comparative study on material requirements planning and just-in-time

  5. 因此,准时生产制将是物流发展的重要途径。

    So the just-in-time system will be the most important way to develop the logistics and material handling .

  6. 准时制技术有时称为准时制生产、准时制采购和准时制交付。

    Just-in-time ( JIT ) techniques are sometimes referred to as just-in-time production , just-in-time purchasing and just-in-time delivery .