
zhǔn chéng yuán
  • associate member
准成员[zhǔn chéng yuán]
  1. 欢迎塞尔维亚认证委员会(ATS)成为国际实验室认可合作组织的准成员。

    Accreditation Board of Serbia ( ATS ) is welcomed as an Associate member of ILAC .

  2. 香港特区以准成员身分参与亚太经社会的活动。

    HKSAR participates as an Associate Member in HONLEA , Asia and Pacific .

  3. 所有联盟成员和准成员都将参加这次周末活动。

    The weekend will involve all league members and associate members .

  4. 本周,57个准成员国在新加坡开会,拟定这家北京发起的新的发展机构的规则。

    This week , 57 prospective members assembled in Singapore to devise the rules of the new Beijing-sponsored development institution .

  5. 瓦努阿图派特使出席论坛,新喀里多尼亚和法属波利尼西亚的代表以准成员的资格出席了论坛。

    Vanuatu was represented by its special envoy , and New Caledonia and French Polynesia attended the forum as associate members .

  6. 是的,这位多才多艺的准王室成员在她的演艺事业取得成功前,她也做过文笔类工作。

    Yep , the multi-talented royal-to-be was putting pen to paper in between auditions before her acting career took off .

  7. 对首席执行官、律师、准议会成员、甚至中学学生代表等群体的研究显示出,女性常常被分派棘手的任务、高风险的案件以及(对英国大选的分析显示出)较难赢下的选区。

    Among chief executives , lawyers , prospective members of parliament , even secondary school student representatives , studies show women are often assigned the intractable tasks , the risky cases and , according to analysis of UK elections , the harder-to-win constituencies .

  8. 如果说战争开始时颇具戏剧性,如飞机撞入高楼、塔利班逃离阿富汗,那么现在战争主要在地下进行――参与作战的是恐怖主义分子、间谍、准军事部队成员以及联邦调查局人员。

    If the war began dramatically , with planes crashing into buildings and the Taliban fleeing Afghanistan , it is now mostly underground & waged by terrorists , spooks , paramilitaries and G-men .

  9. 同正式联盟相比,准联盟的优点主要体现在它的隐蔽性、便利性和灵活性,准联盟成员拥有更多的行动自由。

    Quasi-Alliance is also more dynamic , compared with alliance .