
  • 网络associate;ASSOCIATE DEGREE;Associate of Arts
  1. 完成两年学习的学生获得准学士学位。

    Students who complete a2-year course of study earn an associate degree .

  2. 与此同时,他还获得了生物学准学士学位。

    He also obtained an associate 's degree in biology .

  3. 甚至那些仅上过短暂大学的人或者准学士也会多挣将近四分之一。

    even those with only a few years of college or an associate 's degree earn close to a quarter more .

  4. 但为了获得准学士学位或学士学位就得完成所有的必修课程,挣到足够的学分,那却是很难的。

    But it is not easy to complete all the required courses and get enough credits to earn an associate or bachelor 's degree .

  5. 经评估,拥有大学学历的人群所挣收入几乎是仅持高中文凭的人群的两倍;甚至那些仅上过短暂大学的人或者准学士也会多挣将近四分之一。

    It is estimated that people with a college degree earn almost twice as much as those with only a high school diploma ; even those with only a few years of college or an associate 's degree earn close to a quarter more .

  6. 尼娜曾经是一名戏剧制作人、一位戒毒顾问,而如今她凭借着做母亲的经验和准心理咨询学士学位,全身心为纽约的千禧一代提供帮助。

    A former theatrical producer and drug-rehab counselor from Connecticut , Nina now spends all her time using her motherhood experience and her associate degree in counselling to help millennials in New York .