
  • 网络Market situation
  1. 我国加入WTO后,岩土工程面临新的社会环境,新的市场形势,新的经济技术体制,新的竞争格局,从而进入全面创新的新时代。

    Joined the WTO , geotechnical engineering is faced with new social environment , new market situation , new economic technology system , new pattern of competition , going to the new times of overall innovations .

  2. 全球PTMG生产和市场形势

    The Global PTMG Production and Its Market Situation

  3. 市场形势严峻,将导致今年上半年400个职位的削减。

    The tough market would lead to 400 jobs being cut in the first half of this year .

  4. 尽管mba以及金融硕士的就业市场形势依然严峻,对学历相对较低人员的聘用需求却很强劲。

    While the jobs markets for MBA and masters in finance alumni has remained tough , recruitment at the more junior level is strong .

  5. 作为主营铁路轨枕生产销售业务的甘肃J公司,受到了市场形势变化的较大冲击,致使企业经营压力短期内持续攀升。

    As main railway sleeper production sales business of Gansu J company , greater impact by the market situation changes , the enterprise operating pressure continued to rise in the short term .

  6. 本文从国际上物流业的发展趋势、中国物流业的供求形势、加入WTO以后的新情况等方面描述了中国物流业的市场形势;

    The author examines the market situation of Chinese Logistics industry in terms of international logistics industry development trend , the current condition of demand & supply of Chinese logistics industry , the new environment in entering WTO for China .

  7. 潍县萝卜产业发展有着诸多优势,同时也有各种限制因素,特别是加入WTO以后,国内外市场形势对潍县萝卜产业来说既有发展机遇,也有严峻的挑战。

    There are many advantages and limiting factor for development of the Weixian turnip industry in . Especially after joining the WTO , the domestic and international market situation to Weixian turnip industry , offering development opportunity , and challenge .

  8. 过去12个月,随着市场形势再度让冒险者感到安全,谁都无法再拒绝斯利姆。《福布斯》(Forbes)昨日证实,他以535亿美元的身价,再次成为全球首富。

    With markets safe for risk takers once more in the past 12 months , Mr Slim could no longer be denied , and Forbes yesterday confirmed that he was the wealthiest man with $ 53.5bn .

  9. 周五,(UnitedStates)劳工部发布了一项新报告。报告显示,11月份,因为全国经济衰退日益加深,就业市场形势快速恶化。

    The Labor Department releases a new report Friday that 's expected to show the employment market deteriorated in November at an alarming clip as the deepening recession engulfed the country .

  10. 概述在新的电力市场形势下,进行电力需求预测的思路和方法,重点介绍MedPro能源需求预测模型的结构。原理、预测内容。

    This paper describes the philosophy and methodology of power demand forecast under the condition of new power market . It focuses on the structure , theory and contents of MedPro energy demand forecast model .

  11. 国内石油市场形势分析与1996年展望

    Review of China 's 1995 Oil Market and Prospects for 1996

  12. 目前,大部分石油生产由国家石油公司控制。这些公司并不像私营生产商那样能顺应市场形势变化。

    Most oil production is now controlled by national oil companies .

  13. 像其他人一样,他们被市场形势冲昏了头。

    They were carried away by the circumstances like everyone else .

  14. 河北省农产品市场形势分析

    Analysis of the situation of agricultural products market in Hebei Province

  15. 2001年上半年摩托车市场形势分析

    Analysis of the Motorcycle Market Situation in the First Half of 2001

  16. 目前市场形势是最好不过的了。

    The present market situation is nothing else than fine .

  17. 沉湖湿地芦苇植被分布现状研究美国市场形势好转

    Research on Distribution Situation of Wetland Phragmites Communis Vegetation in Chen Lake

  18. 当前煤炭市场形势分析及后期展望

    Analyze Current Situation of the Coal Market and Future Prospect

  19. 在市场形势在不断变化,销售形势变得越来越难。

    The market is constantly changing and selling conditions have become tougher .

  20. 2003年上半年稻米市场形势分析。

    Analysis of rice market in the first half of2003 .

  21. 后来,网络泡沫破灭,市场形势急转直下。

    Then the market 's bottom fell out in the dot-com bust .

  22. 他表示,该俄罗斯银行此前只是利用了有利的市场形势。

    He said the bank had taken advantage of favourable market conditions .

  23. 后配额时代世界纺织品和染料市场形势

    Situation of market of textiles and dyestuffs after canceling quota

  24. 10月份的市场形势对豪华车的最高端车型来说尤其艰难。

    October was especially hard for the top-end luxury vehicles .

  25. 1999年国内油品市场形势分析

    Analysis of China 's Oil Product Market in 1999

  26. 当前我国房地产市场形势

    The present situation of real estate market in China

  27. 广东省土壤磷素状况及磷肥需求预测美国市场形势好转

    Phosphorous Situation in Soil and Demand Prediction for P Fertilizer of Guangdong Province

  28. 中国化妆品工业2000年生产和市场形势分析

    Analyses for the Market of China Cosmetic Industry 2000

  29. 我国水刺企业面临严峻市场形势的应对措施

    Countermeasure to Coping with Rigorous Market of Spunlace Product by Chinese Spunlace Enterprises

  30. 但在市场形势逆转时,这类活动陷入了停滞。

    But that activity stalled when the markets turned .