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  1. 同城市籍大学生相比,他们对权利公平、机会公平、规则公平和分配公平有着更高的诉求。

    Compared with university students from urban areas , they are highly demanding in terms of the right to fairness , the equality of opportunity , fair rules and distributions .

  2. 关于乌鲁木齐市皖籍农民工逆流动的理论探索

    Theoretical Exposition of Anhui Peasant Labors ' Adverse Floating in the City of Urumqi

  3. Gans退出拳击圈时还是个炙手可热的拳击好手,当时他在内华达州戈德菲尔德市击败了丹麦籍美国选手BattlingNelson,成功卫冕。

    He actually left the ring a popular winner in successfully defending his title against Battling Nelson , a Danish-American , in Goldfield , Nevada .

  4. 2010年全国高校毕业生共有631万,经初步统计我市将有青岛籍高校毕业生5万名、外地毕业生2万名在青就业,毕业生就业总量依然很大,就业形势十分复杂。

    In 2010 , there are a total of 6.31 million college graduates in China . Preliminary calculations , the college graduates in Qingdao are about 50000 . About 20000 foreign graduates will work in Qingdao .