
shì huī
  • emblem of a city
  1. 伦敦城有自己的旗帜和市徽

    The City of London also has its own flag and its own crest

  2. 都市边缘的黑色灯箱轴承是靠市徽。

    The edges of the City are indicated by black bollards bearing the City 's emblem .

  3. 当无处不在的市徽和伦敦城的历史财富还有半独立状态联系在一起的时候

    These crests everywhere when combined with the City of London 's age and wealth and quasi-independent status

  4. 本市市徽的蓝色缺口圆环代表基隆自然环境港埠。

    The incomplete blue circle on the city emblem represents Keelung Harbor and the surrounding environment .