
qí gān
  • flagpole;pin;mast;flagstaff;flag post
旗杆 [qí gān]
  • [flagpole] 升旗于其上的杆子

旗杆[qí gān]
  1. 草场中心有一根旗杆。

    There is a flagstaff in the centre of the field .

  2. 操场中心有一根旗杆。

    There is a flagstaff in the centre of the ground .

  3. 大多数的建筑物都有悬挂着国旗的旗杆。

    Most buildings had a flagpole with the national colours flying .

  4. 纳米比亚的新国旗升到了旗杆顶上。

    The new Namibian flag was hoisted up the flagpole .

  5. 把旗升到旗杆顶端。

    Hoist the flag to the top of the pole .

  6. 门前竖立着一根旗杆。

    A flagpole stands outside the gate .

  7. 请在旗杆上升起中国国旗!

    Hoist the Chinese flag on the flagpole , please !

  8. 推杆的时候,A意识到B的球可能会击打到他或旗杆,所以他举着旗杆离开了原来的位置。

    B putts and A realizes that B 's ball may strike him or the flagstick , so he moves out of the way while still holding the flagstick .

  9. 推杆的时候,A就站在被移动的旗杆范围内,A意识到B的球可能会击打到移动后的旗杆上,所以他把旗杆拿了起来。

    B putts and A , who is standing within reach of the removed flagstick , realizes that B 's ball might strike the removed flagstick , so he picks the flagstick up .

  10. 他把保持AAA评级作为实行紧缩政策的一个理由,等于把自己的旗帜挂上了评级机构的旗杆。

    He pinned his colours to the rating agencies ' mast by using the preservation of the triple A as a justification for austerity .

  11. 球洞攻略:要注意左右都为OB,可根据旗杆位置选择合适的球杆,抓小鸟的机会较大。

    Hole strategy : Pay attention that there is OB on both the left and the right . Choose the appropriate club as per the pole position for a better chance of birdie .

  12. 保尔近穴击球,球落在了果岭靠近旗杆处。

    Paul chips approach shot onto green and close to flag .

  13. 你不是应该在那个旗杆上等我的吗?

    Weren 't you supposed to wait for me at the flagpole ?

  14. 旗杆上挂灯笼,高明

    A lantern hung from a flagpole / high and Bright

  15. (车顶的)行李框栏杆大门顶部有一旗杆。

    Luggage rail on top The gate was surmounted with a flag-pole .

  16. 大风把旗帜从旗杆上猛的刮走了。

    The strong wind tore the flag off the pole .

  17. 那就是说,我们纳税人的钱又用来制造特殊旗杆了?

    So our taxer'dollars went to work reinventing the flagpole ?

  18. 威廉·退尔从旗杆旁走过,高昂着头。

    William Tell walked past the pole , his head held high .

  19. 国旗永远都要升于别的旗帜之上。每天早晨旗子从旗杆升起。

    Every morning the flag is raised on its pole .

  20. 对旗杆的俗称。指被放置于果岭上球洞边的细长杆。

    Pin-The tall narrow pole placed in the hole on the green .

  21. 说完,他把旗杆插回原处,然后走开了。

    Then he replaced the pole and walked away .

  22. 国旗在旗杆上飘扬。

    The national flag was flying from its pole .

  23. 您需不需要我拿着旗杆?

    Would you like me to lend the flag ?

  24. 一名球员的球停靠在了旗杆旁边。

    A players ball is resting against the flagstick .

  25. 把它系在旗杆的最上面。

    Fasten it to the top of the flag .

  26. 开始时是一些作为客栈附属物的旗杆高高耸立着;

    It began with the erection of flagstaffs , as appurtenances to public-houses ;

  27. 有人要求一队数学家去测量一根旗杆的高度。

    A team of mathematicians were required to measure the height of a flagpole .

  28. 站在旗杆后至少1米处,瞄向下风旗杆。

    Stand behind the mast at one meter away , sight the pin end .

  29. 球员移动了旗杆,球也随着移动了。

    The player removes the flagstick and the ball moves away from the hole .

  30. 旗帜飘荡着升上旗杆。

    The flag was riding up the mast .