
  • 网络zinc ore
  1. 本标准规定了铜矿石、铅矿石、锌矿石中钨含量的测定方法。

    Methods for chemical analysis of copper ores lead ores and zinc ores .

  2. 一种有毒的二价金属元素,软质、蓝白色,有延展性,与锌矿石共生。

    A soft bluish-white ductile malleable toxic bivalent metallic element ; occurs in association with zinc ores .

  3. 用NH4Cl溶液浸出氧化锌矿石

    Leaching of Zinc Oxide Ore With Ammonium Chloride Solution

  4. 本文详述了高次生铜锌矿石的特性,并据此制定了铜离子超前沉淀、BK组合抑制剂、低碱、无氰分离新工艺。

    In this paper , the property of strongly secondary Cu-Zn ore is described in detail . According to the ore property , a new technology of cyanide-free separation process with composite BK depressant in lower alkaline pulp , and with Cu ion precipitation in advance is developed .

  5. 含铁闪锌矿的锌矿石选矿试验研究

    Experimental Study on Mineral Processing of Zinc Ore Containing Marmatite

  6. 锌矿石中锌含量测定的不确定度评定

    The Determination of Zinc in Zinc Ore Assessment of Uncertainty

  7. 兰坪氧化锌矿石处理方法探讨

    On the Treatment of Oxidized Zinc Ore in Lanping

  8. 某铜&锌矿石的浮选和分离工艺试验研究

    Study on Technology of Floatation and Separation Copper-Zinc Ore

  9. 高次生铜难选铜锌矿石分选新工艺研究与实践

    Research on new technology of Cu-Zn separation of strongly secondary refractory Cu-Zn ore

  10. 某含银氧化铅、锌矿石浮选试验研究

    The Flotation Study on Some Oxide Lead and Zinc

  11. 低品位氧化锌矿石的碱法浸出

    Agglomeration-Leaching Method of Lowgrade Oxidized Fines Alkaline Leaching of Zn from Zinc Oxide Ore

  12. 研究了云南兰坪氧化锌矿石的碱法浸出。

    Alkaline leaching of Zn from zinc oxide ore from Lanping , Yunnan is investigated .

  13. 用经高温煅烧后的闪锌矿石与稀硫酸反应制备七水硫酸锌和五水硫酸铜。

    The preparation of zinc sulfate heptahydrate and copper sulfate pentahydrate from calcined zincblende was investigated .

  14. 试验结果表明预先脱泥能够有效改善氧化锌矿石浮选指标。

    The test results show that pre-desliming can effectively improve the flotation performance of zinc oxide ore.

  15. 氧化锌矿石浮选研究

    Flotation of zinc oxide ores

  16. 针对某难分选的铜锌矿石,提出一种混合浮选氧化焙烧选择性浸出铜、锌电积选冶联合新工艺。

    For a certain refractory Cu-Zn ore , a new process of bulk flotation-oxidizing roasting-selective leaching-Cu-Zn electrowinning is proposed .

  17. 再以上述的机理研究为基础,将微波加热技术安全地引入到氧化锌矿石的浸出过程中,提出微波辅助浸出工艺。

    Then based on above results , microwave heating was introduced into leach process of zinc oxide ores safely to present a new technology .

  18. 研究了氧化锌矿石的胺法浮选工艺,考察了免除浮选前预先脱泥作业的可行性和工艺条件。

    This paper deals with amine flotation of zinc oxide minerals and examines the possibility and technical conditions of eliminating the predesliming process before flotation .

  19. 想想那些开采锌矿石和铜矿石的人们吧,还有那些运用自己的技能,把这些自然的赐予物制作成闪闪发光的薄薄的黄铜片的人们。

    Think of all the persons who mine zinc and copper and those who have the skills to make shiny sheet brass from these products of nature .

  20. 应用石煤、铜铅锌矿尾矿烧制特种水泥GB/T14353.3-1993铜矿石、铅矿石和锌矿石化学分析方法锌的测定

    Producing special cement from stone coal and tailings of cooper-lead-zinc ore Methods for chemical analysis of copper ores lead ores and zinc ores & Determination of zinc

  21. 作者简述了都匀牛角塘氧化锌矿石的物质成分及其特性,介绍了浮选试验的工艺流程及指标。

    This paper gives a brief account of the components and characteristics of zinc oxide mineral at Niujiaotang and presents the process chart and index of the floatation test .

  22. 内蒙某氧化锌矿石氧化率高,风化严重,异极矿和褐铁矿共生关系紧密且复杂,是一个难选的氧化锌矿。

    An oxidized zinc ore from Inner Mongolia was found to be very difficult to treat due to its features of high oxidation rate , heavy weathering and the intimate association of hemimorphite and limonite .

  23. 内蒙古某矿含锌金银矿石选矿工艺试验研究

    Experimental study on zinc-containing gold silver ore dressing in Inner Mongolia

  24. 广西DS锡锌矿床岩矿石磁性特征值&Q值研究意义

    The significance of the magnetic characteristic values of rocks and ores ( q value ) of the DS Sn-Zn deposit , Guangxi

  25. 作者通过对DS锡锌矿床岩矿石磁性特征值之一的Q(Jr/Ji)值研究,总结了该矿床的锡锌矿体与岩矿石磁性关系的几个规律:即磁异常与矿体关系密切;

    Based on studies of the Q values ( Jr / Ji ), the magnetic characteristic values of rocks and ores of the DS Sn-Zn deposit , the author has drawn several conclusions : magnetic anomalies are closely related to the orebodies ;

  26. 含锌铜硫矿石分选研究

    Study on separation of Cu-S ore containing sphalerite

  27. 由于来自中国汽车制造商和建筑公司的强劲需求,必和必拓公司2009年最后三个月的铁、铜、锌和镍矿石产出大幅上扬。

    The company 's output of iron ore , as well as copper , zinc and nickel , surged in the last three months of2009 because of strong demand from Chinese carmakers and construction companies .

  28. 某铜锌硫多金属矿石选矿试验研究

    Experiment Study on separating a certain cu , zn and sulphur ores

  29. 随着我国硫化锌矿资源的不断枯竭以及锌矿石品位大幅度地降低,对低品位氧化矿的开发和利用成了人们关心的问题。

    With the daily exhaustion of the resources of zinc sulfide ore and sharp decrease of grade of zinc ore , the development and utilization of low-grade zinc oxide ore become imperative .

  30. 文章对广西河池氧化锌矿进行了浮选分离和硫酸浸出试验,初步探讨了该氧化锌矿石的可选性。

    In this paper , flotation separation and sulfuric acid leaching of Zinc Oxide ores from Hechi in Guangxi province were studied , and the seperatability of this Zinc Oxide ore was discussed .