
  • 网络tournament theory
  1. 然而,锦标赛理论可以解释职业生活中的很多不平等现象。

    Still , tournament theory explains a lot about the inequities of working life .

  2. 高管与员工的薪酬差距同样与公司业绩正相关,支持了锦标赛理论。

    The relationship of pay disparity of executives-employees and the performance of the company support tournament theory .

  3. 第二,企业高管薪酬内部不公平与未来业绩之间的负相关关系,在非国有企业会变为正相关关系,转而支持锦标赛理论,在国有企业依然支持行为理论。

    Second , this non-negative correlation in the non-state-owned enterprises will become a positive correlation in favor of tournament theory .

  4. 我们没有生下双胞胎,因此,我无法将锦标赛理论在家中付诸实施。

    Since we do not have twins , I will not be able to put tournament theory into practice at home .

  5. 另外,锦标赛理论为高管获得较高收入提供了有力的依据,心理契约理论使本文认识到非物质激励的重要性。

    Tournament theory provides a strong basis for executives to earn more income , and psychological contract theory makes us realize the importance of non-material incentives .

  6. 接着本文对相关理论进行了阐述,分别阐述了委托代理理论、现代人力资本理论、激励理论以及锦标赛理论,并对本文相关概念进行了界定。

    Then based on relevant theories are expounded respectively , expounds the principal-agent theory , human capital theory , incentive theory and the theory of this championships , and the related concept .

  7. 目前,有关薪酬差距与公司业绩之间关系的理论基础有很多,但主要集中于锦标赛理论和行为理论,前者认为扩大薪酬差距能够有利于企业业绩的上升,而后者却恰恰相反。

    So far , the tournament theory and the behavior theory explain the relationship between the gap of managers ' compensation and performance . The former figures expanded gap can improve the performance , but the latter has the contrary opinion .

  8. 本部分首先界定本文主要的名词概念,包括高管团队、高管薪酬差距、服务业等;其次阐述本文的理论基础&锦标赛理论和行为理论。第三章,变量选取与研究假设。

    This section first defines the concept of the main term in the paper , including the management team , executive pay gap , and service industries ; second describes the theoretical basis of this article-tournament theory and behavior theory . Chapter ⅲ, variable selection and research hypothesis .