
  • 网络Japan Tobacco;Japan Tabacco Inc
  1. 他们敦促政府效仿其他欧盟国家的做法,与菲利普莫里斯国际公司和日本烟草公司签署协议,共同抗击走私和假冒。

    They urged the government to follow other European Union countries and sign agreements with Philip Morris International and Japan Tobacco to fight smuggling and counterfeiting .

  2. 但日本烟草公司说,他们将继续尽其所能让吸烟族尽可能满意,至少在可能的地方。

    But Japan Tobacco says it will keep on doing all it can to keep smokers as happy as possible , at least wherever it 's possible .

  3. 这一举措给烟草专营商&日本烟草公司带来了突然的打击。

    The measures are dealing a blow to monopoly cigarette maker Japan Tobacco .

  4. 日本烟草公司说,为夺取市场份额,它计划推出其关键品牌的新品。

    The company said it plans new products for its key brands to gain market share .

  5. 日本烟草公司的一位官员说,如果这样的拖车受欢迎,他们将推出更多的同类产品。

    If the trailer gains popularity Japan Tobacco may introduce more of them , a JT official said .

  6. 据日本烟草公司说,这个地区几乎占日本烟草公司海外卷烟销量的一半。

    The region accounts for almost half of Japan Tobacco 's overseas cigarette sales by volume , according to the company .

  7. 日本烟草公司将俄罗斯列为它的世界其余地区部门,这个部门占日本烟草公司上一财政年度销售额的17%。

    Japan Tobacco includes Russia in its Rest of the World unit , which accounted for17 percent of sales last fiscal year .

  8. 日本烟草公司是世界上第三大烟草公司,其总部位于东京。

    Japan Tobacco Inc. ( JT ) is the third largest tobacco company in the world , having its headquarters in Tokyo .

  9. 日本烟草公司在早些时候说,它将停止23种销量低的产品的生产,从而将供应日本市场的产品数量减少到73个。

    JT earlier said it will not resume production of23 low-volume products , reducing to73 the number of products offered in Japan .

  10. 这正是东京的烟民们所经历的,因为日本烟草公司推出了一种由拖车改装而成的自由吸烟室。

    That 's what Tokyo smokers got when Japan Tobacco Inc. rolled out a trailer that was remodeled for use as a free-smoking space .

  11. 在庭审期间,日本烟草公司辩称,每个人都有决定是否吸烟的自由意志,日本烟草希望驳回这一诉讼。

    During the court sessions , JT argued each person has the free will to decide whether to smoke and sought the rejection of the suit .

  12. 并且利用具体的最新统计数据比较分析了中国大型烟草企业在市场竞争环境、产品竞争力、品牌竞争力等方面与菲利普·莫瑞斯公司、英美烟草公司、日本烟草公司等国外烟草巨头们的优势和劣势。

    C , Japan Tobacco Inc , in aspects market competition environment , product competitive power , brand competitive power , using concrete newest statistical data .

  13. 日本烟草公司重新设计其15种现有产品的决定,强调了其根据不断变化的时代和趋势,而不断进化卷烟品牌的战略。

    JT 's decision to redesign the packaging of its15 existing products underlines its strategy of continuously evolving the brand in line with changing times and trends .

  14. 2007年,日本烟草公司将一些新的柔和七星产品投放到市场上,当时,在市场上占据着支配地位的柔和七星庆祝了自己的30周年纪念。

    JT introduced a number of new Mild Seven products on to the market in2007 when that brand , which dominates the market , marked its30th anniversary .

  15. 1999年,日本烟草公司收购了雷诺纳比斯科公司的国际业务,其中包括骆驼和云丝顿品牌,在2007年,日本烟草公司又收购了英国的加莱赫集团。

    The cigarette maker bought RJR Nabisco Inc. 's international businesses , including the Camel and Winston brands , in1999 and the U.K. 's Gallaher Group in2007 .

  16. 在大型的并购活动之后,如帝国烟草公司收购阿塔迪斯,以及日本烟草公司收购加莱赫,价格竞争的威胁也减轻了。

    The threat of price competition has also eased after large mergers such as Imperial Tobacco 's purchase of Altadis and Japan Tobacco 's acquisition of Gallaher .

  17. 此外,在给日本烟草公司提供关于七星黑色影响力的反馈的消费者中,有三分之一的人要求推出这种产品的硬盒装版本。

    In addition , approximately one-third of consumers who provided feedback to JT regarding Seven Stars Black Impact , requested a box version of the product be introduced .

  18. 日本烟草公司说,它想与个人种植者协商,与种植者联合会合作,以发现有多少人自愿停止烟叶生产。

    JT says that it wants to consult with individual growers , in co-operation with growers'unions , to discover how many might be willing to volunteer to cease production .

  19. 面对不断下降的卷烟销售,烟农已经对日本烟草公司最近向那些愿意停止种烟的人提出的补偿报价做出回应。

    In the face of declining cigarette sales , the farmers have responded to a recent offer of compensation by Japan Tobacco Inc to those willing to stop production .

  20. 日本烟草公司说,它将继续尽自己一切所能,恢复这两家烟厂的运营,与此同时,继续增加在日本西部工厂的生产。

    JT said it would continue to do everything it could to reinstate operations at the two factories while continuing with increased production at its factories in the western half of Japan .

  21. 烟草在线据《烟业通讯》报道编译日本烟草公司打算,通过提升该公司最大的、也是日本最畅销的卷烟品牌&柔和七星的外观,来实现其国内市场份额连续第三年取得增长。

    Japan Tobacco Inc is aiming to achieve a third consecutive year of domestic market share growth by enhancing the look of its and Japan 's biggest selling brand , Mild Seven .

  22. 在私人公司的办公楼四周的空地上,日本烟草公司甚至设立了一个吸烟货车,在那里,瘾君子们可以舒舒服服地抽烟,无论晴雨。

    On the grounds of a private company 's office building , Japan Tobacco has even set up a smoking van where smokers can do their thing in comfort , rain or shine .

  23. 作为日本烟草公司对其制造与经销业务的信心越发高涨的迹象,日本烟草公司宣布,它计划下个月晚些时候在日本全国范围内推出一种新产品。

    And as a sign of the company 's growing confidence in its manufacturing and distribution operations , JT has announced that it is to launch a new product late next month – nation-wide .

  24. 世界第三大公开市场交易的卷烟制造商日本烟草公司说,由于俄罗斯、乌克兰及其邻国这个地区摆脱了全球经济萎缩,因此,俄罗斯、乌克兰及其邻国的需求在恢复。

    Japan Tobacco Inc. , the world 's third-largest publicly traded cigarette maker , said demand is recovering in Russia , Ukraine and neighboring countries , as the region emerges from the global recession .

  25. 根据一项调查,日本烟草国际公司在马来西亚占据着18.5%的市场份额。

    According to a survey , JTI has an18.5 % market share in Malaysia .

  26. 继去年秋天宣布日本烟草国际公司将落户丹维尔之后,这家工厂正式开业。

    The opening of the facility follows last fall 's announcement that the company would be locating in Danville .

  27. 日本烟草国际公司在一份声明中说,公司的总收入与税前利润取得增长,是因为销量增长与卷烟价格上涨所致。

    The increase in revenue and pre-tax profit was attributed to higher sales volume and cigarette prices , it said in a statement .

  28. 在这种情况下,日本烟草国际公司没有选择,只能启动法律程序,对推行这项立法提起诉讼。

    Under the circumstances , JTI has been given no option but to start the legal process to challenge the introduction of this legislation .

  29. “尽管到目前为止日本烟草国际公司取得了强劲的业绩增长,但集团也会正视2008年下半年越来越具有挑战性的环境,”该公司说。

    " Notwithstanding JTI 's strong performance to date , the group envisages an increasingly challenging environment for the second half of2008 ," it said .

  30. 日本烟草国际公司指控英美烟草南非公司违反了竞争法,为在销售点宣传展示自己的产品而谈判协议。

    The Japanese cigarette manufacturer accused Batsa of violating competition laws by negotiating agreements for the promotional display of its products at the point of sale .