
  • 网络daily interest rate;daily rate;day rate
  1. 此外,结果表明不同到期日利率期限结构可由缩压的马尔科夫区制转移CKLS模型获得。

    Additionally , the results show that the term structure of interest rates of different maturities can be obtained with the nested Markov regime switching CKLS model .

  2. 中国目前浮息债券基准利率有一年期定期存款利率和7日回购利率两种。

    At present , there are two benchmark rates of floating rate debt , one year fixed deposit rate and 7 - day repurchase rate , in China .

  3. 在通常的交易日,(利率)波动往往只是几个基点而已。

    On any normal business day the spreads would be only a few hundredths of a percentage point .

  4. 可调利率过山车:2月28日组成浮动利率高达80%的次级抵押贷款今天。

    The Adjustable Rate Rollercoaster : 2 / 28 adjustable rate mortgages comprise up to80 % of subprime loans today .

  5. 汇丰本周已致函将受到影响的银行,并将于8月1日起实施负利率。

    HSBC this week wrote to the banks that will be affected and will introduce the negative interest rates on August 1 .

  6. 欧洲央行4月7日将其主要利率由1%提高到1.25%,以便于解决欧元区的通货膨胀问题。

    The ECB lifted its main rate from 1 % to 1.25 % on April 7th to tackle inflation in the euro zone .

  7. 中国人民银行要求信贷机构从5月18日起把准备金利率上调0.5个百分点。

    The People 's Bank of China raised the reserve requirement ratio by half a percent (( 50 basis points )), effective May 18 .

  8. 它在12月25日宣布将贷款利率上调25个基点至5.81%。此举应有助于缓解全球货币紧张局势。

    The December 25 announcement of a 25 basis point increase in the lending rate to 5.81 per cent should help defuse global monetary tensions .

  9. 美国借贷成本低于其它经济体的前景,压制了美元走势。为期2日的美联储利率决策会议将于明日结束。

    Weighing on the dollar was the outlook for lower borrowing rates versus those of other economies when a two-day meeting of the Fed concludes tomorrow .

  10. 利息按照补缴之日银行活期存款利率计算。

    The interests shall be calculated on the basis of current deposit interest rate of the bank from the date of making up the arrears in social insurance premiums .

  11. 去年11月21日,央行降低利率,开启了当前这一轮宽松的货币政策。自那时以来,上海股市已上涨了50%。

    And since Nov. 21 , when the central bank began its current cycle of easing monetary policy by cutting interest rates , Shanghai stocks have risen 50 percent .

  12. 接着,在2006年8月19日商业银行存款利率上调27个基点的背景下,实证研究我国中长期国债的实际价格波动和理论价格波动。

    Then , under the background of the commercial bank 's saving interest rate rises 27 points , demonstrates the undulation of the medium and long term treasury bond practical and theoretic price .

  13. 基本存款额度内的存款利息按结算日或支取日的活期存款利率计算。

    B : Within the line of basic deposit , the interest should be counted at the rate of current deposit on the day of settlement or withdrawal .

  14. 对于我国利率政策对房地产上市公司股票价格的短期影响,本文采用了事件研究方法对2006年1月1日到2009年6月30日的利率和地产指数日数据进行了实证分析。

    This paper uses the event study to study how the interest rate policy influence the stock price of real estate listed companies in short term . Our sample is the daily data from January 1 , 2006 to June 30 , 2009 .