
  1. 解决日常采购和供应商质量问题;

    Solve daily sourcing and supplier quality issues .

  2. 日常采购档案的整理,定购单及付款单的发票及文件收集。

    Daily purchasing files , invoices and documents collection about purchasing order , payment , etc.

  3. 负责根据主计划的要求进行日常采购工作。并负责根据主计划和采购合同进行催货。

    To be responsible for the daily procurement to master scheduling and expedite the contract delivery to master scheduling and orders .

  4. 因此,通过制定采购策略和实施管理各个分公司的日常采购活动就成为了大型企业经营管理中至关重要的课题。

    Therefore , how to control all branches of the procurement activities has become a group enterprise management a very important part .

  5. 职位:采购助理工作地点:佛山南海工作职责:处理日常采购工作,包括跟进日常物料的运送。

    Position : Purchasing Assistant Location : Nanhai , Foshan Responsibilities : Deal with daily purchasing works , including daily material delivery follow up .

  6. 博斯公司(booz&company)的研究表明,目前已有超过一半的消费者运用技术手段进行日常采购。

    More than half of all shoppers now use technology as part of their grocery shopping routine , according to research by Booz & company .

  7. 尤其是政府介入配送关系建立、基本药物日常采购、回款环节增加了问题的复杂程度和药品配送企业、乡镇卫生院的道德风险行为。

    Especially , the role of government increased the complexity of problem and the probability of moral hazard behavior of distribution enterprise and township hospitals in the process of establishing the contract relationship between the manufacturing companies , distribution enterprises and township hospitals , routine procurement and repayment .

  8. 潘英丽说财政税收统一上交国家后,国家再重新将税收分配至各地方政府,分配的资金其中85%要用于政府日常采购,地方政府可以支配的仅是剩余部分中的50%,因此土地就成了各地政府基本的财政收入来源。

    With taxes collected centrally and then redistributed to local governments , land has become the principle source of income for provincial officials , who normally can expect a redistribution of only 50 percent of fiscal revenue after paying 85 percent of the municipal purse , according to Pan .

  9. 招投标业务过程中存在着大量规范性文本、重复性工作,且每次开标评标产生的业务数据又是一笔宝贵的信息资源,是日常招标采购、经济分析及编制工程概算的重要参考数据。

    Bidding process , there are a lot of normative text , repetitive tasks , and each bid evaluation of business data is a valuable information resources , bidding , daily economic analysis and project budget is the important reference data .

  10. 本文通过对大连三洋冷链采购管理信息系统的研究,力图找到解决该系统在实施中遇到的困难的方法,进而完善该系统使其彻底融入日常的采购管理活动中。

    This text passes the research that the manages purchase information system of DALIAN SANYO COLD CHAIN to find out the method to solve the difficulty in the implement of that system , then perfect that system make it melt into the usual purchasing activity thoroughly .

  11. 负责采购的日常工作包括采购合同、采购订单的签订及执行;跟踪相关应付款管理。

    Take care of general purchasing activities , including validation of contract , purchasing order and execution ; following up the relative ap .

  12. 询价采购方式具有程序规范、操作便捷的特点,适用于日常物资的采购。

    Consultation purchase have characteristic of norm procedures , convenient operatation , and it is suitable for the purchase of the daily goods and materials .

  13. 对于乐购来说,技术与创新在地铁墙面上的交融,将日常的日杂采购转变成通勤一族的多任务处理。但并非所有日杂零售商都可以或者应该通过这种方式与自己的客户发生联系。

    For Tesco , technology met innovation on a subway wall that turned routine grocery shopping into commuter multitasking , but not every grocery retailer can or should reach its customers this way .

  14. 妇女在家庭生活中扮演着重要的角色,她们一方面要照顾家庭的日常生活起居,比如做饭,洗衣服,日常生活用品的采购。

    Women in family life play an important role in their daily life on the one hand to take care of the family living , such as cooking and washing clothes , daily necessities , the purchase .