
  1. 生活教练健身教练日常激励

    Um , life coaching , physical training , motivation

  2. 我国是润滑油产销大国,国内的润滑油市场的竞争也日常激励。

    China is a big country lubricant production and marketing , competition in the domestic oil market daily incentive .

  3. 日常的性教育激励作用在大学生日常教育活动中的应用

    Application and Exploration of Invigorative Function in Daily Education at Colleges

  4. 绘画和其他艺术作品同样帮助我们意识到,我们应当为自己设定一些在日常生活中激励自我的目标。

    Paintings and other art objects can also help us to realise which goals we should set for ourselves and inspire us in our everyday work .