
  • 网络Geneva University;the university of geneva
  1. 医学人文教育:瑞士日内瓦大学医学院的一门新本科生课程

    The Medical Humanities : A New Undergraduate Teaching Program at the University of Geneva School of Medicine , Switzerland

  2. 瑞士日内瓦大学研究小组领导人斯维特拉娜·埃佛里娜称他们名为Plair的新仪器使用带有光学探测器的紫外激光技术。

    University of Geneva research team leader Svetlana Afonina said their new instrument , called Plair , uses an optical detector with ultraviolet laser technology .

  3. 日内瓦大学体育活动课与我国高校体育教学比较研究

    Comparison Between the Class of Physical Activity in Geneva College and Teaching of Physical Education in Our Colleges

  4. 据“瑞士资讯”报道,日内瓦大学77名长期坐办公室的雇员参与到了这项研究中来,在为期三个月的实验期里楼梯是他们上下楼的唯一途径。

    For the study , 77 employees from Geneva University with a sedentary lifestyle were recruited to take only the stairs over a three-month period , Swissinfo reported .

  5. 日内瓦大学教授欧拉夫•布兰科和他的团队称他们把实验对象“浸入”到一个电脑模拟的化身里。

    Professor Olaf Blanke and his team at University of Geneva said they had " immersed " volunteers into the body of an avatar-a computer generated version of themselves .

  6. 很久以前,我在一封给我奶奶的信中写道:“今天我在轮船上遇见了一位陆军老兵,他和我一样正要去日内瓦大学!”

    In a long-ago letter to my grandmother I wrote ," on the ship today I met an army veteran who 's on his way to the University of geneva , just like me !"

  7. 在日内瓦大学附属医院的瑞士病毒实验中心指导的一项研究里,研究人员做了个实验:让病毒附在瑞士法郎债券上,然后观察可能发生的事情。

    In a study conducted at Switzerland 's Central Laboratory of Virology at the University Hospitals of Geneva , researchers tested to see what would happen when flu virus was placed on Swiss franc notes .

  8. 日内瓦大学的物理学家热罗姆-卡斯帕里安说:激光能持续发射,可以很好地瞄准,这样我们就不需要向大气喷洒大量的碘化银了。

    Physicist Jerome Kasparian , of the University of Geneva , said : The laser can run continuously , you can aim it well , and you don 't disperse huge amounts of silver iodide in the atmosphere .

  9. 日内瓦大学的物理学家热罗姆-卡斯帕里安说:“激光能持续发射,可以很好地瞄准,这样我们就不需要向大气喷洒大量的碘化银了。”

    Physicist Jerome Kasparian , of the University of Geneva , said : " The laser can run continuously , you can aim it well , and you don 't disperse huge amounts of silver iodide in the atmosphere . "

  10. 玛利亚·特蕾莎·梅斯特,一个没有名衔的西班牙资产阶级后代,在日内瓦上大学攻读政治科学学位期间遇到了卢森堡大公亨利王子。

    Maria Teresa Mestre , a Spanish bourgeoisie descendent without titles , met Grand Duke of Luxembourg , Prince Henri , during her university days , at Geneva , where she was pursuing a degree in Political Science .

  11. 瑞士日内瓦州日内瓦大学医学院生物医学伦理研究所。

    B.Institute for Biomedical Ethics , Faculty of Medicine , University of Geneva , Geneva , Switzerland .