
jiàn pán shū rén
  • keyboard entry
  1. 关于键盘输入与Win32钩子的探讨

    The Discussion on Keyboard Entry and Win32 Hook Program

  2. 为了增加人机交互的能力,该装置采用了键盘输入,LCD液晶中文显示器,通讯端口以及打印输出。

    To increase the ability of man-machine interaction , this equipment adopts keyboard entry , Liquid Crystal Display ( LCD ), serial port communication , and printer output .

  3. 用键盘输入密码。

    Key your password .

  4. 从键盘输入一组数,把它们按照升序或降序排列。

    Accepting series of numbers , strings from keyboard and sorting them ascending , descending order .

  5. 从键盘输入的数据也被存在了主存中。

    Input data from the keyboard are stored memory .

  6. “胖手指失误”指的是金融市场中的键盘输入错误,比如股票市场或者外汇交易市场。交易员在输入购买或者出售指令时出现非常大的偏差,比如交易的股票或合约有误,价格有误,或者出现其他的输入错误。

    A fat-finger error is a keyboard input1 error in the financial markets such as the stock market or foreign exchange market whereby an order to buy or sell is placed of far greater size than intended , for the wrong stock or contract , at the wrong price , or with any number of other input errors .

  7. JAVA语言中非图形用户接口的键盘输入方式

    Keyboard Input Based on Non-Graphic User 's Interface in JAVA

  8. 为了能实现自动控制的目的,用键盘输入的方式能最好地驱动Reflection应用程序。

    For automation purposes , Reflection applications are best driven by the keyboard .

  9. 在Java中使用键盘输入数据的解析

    Analyse of Input Data by Keyboard in Java

  10. 使用USB键盘输入用户名和密码。

    Use the USB keyboard to provide a user name and password .

  11. 主要介绍基于DSP的键盘输入和显示输出的软硬件实现方案。

    The hardware and software system based on DSP to response the keyboard input and display output was introduced .

  12. 本文分析并总结了JAVA语言中通过非图形用户接口进行键盘输入的代码实现。

    In this paper , the coding implementation of keyboard input with non-Graphic Users Interface in JAVA is analyzed and summarized .

  13. Hook技术及其在监控键盘输入中的应用

    Hook Technology and Its Application in Keyboard Monitoring

  14. 控制器提供了基于LCD显示与键盘输入的数字化参数设置界面。

    A digital parameters setting system based on LCD display and keyboard input is provided in the controller .

  15. 实验结果表明,该方案的平均识别率达到99.3%,能较好地实现3D空间的鼠标输入功能和键盘输入功能。

    Experimental results show that the average recognition rate of this scheme is99.3 % which can well realize3D space mouse input function and the keyboard function .

  16. PHP最初不是设计用于与用户直接的键盘输入或文本输出结合使用。

    PHP wasn 't originally designed to be used with direct keyboard input or text output to the user .

  17. 利用DSP的HPI接口实现DSP与单片机间的通信;(4)键盘输入与LCD液晶显示的电路设计与功能实现;

    Realizing the communication between DSP and single chip machine by host-port interface ( HPI ) in DSP ;

  18. 试验加载方式的选择和具体控制值的配置是通过键盘输入或者DSP与上位计算机串口通信来实现。

    Experimental Selection and configuration of the specific control value is input through the keyboard or the DSP and host computer serial communication to achieve .

  19. 虽然SVG上的大部分交互是通过鼠标进行的,但是SVG也支持键盘输入。

    While most interaction with SVG is through the mouse , SVG also supports keyboard input .

  20. 然而,很多应用程序并不具备完整的API集,因此需要借助鼠标和键盘输入才能全面地操作应用程序。

    However , many applications do not have a full set of APIs and require mouse and keyboard input to manipulate the application fully .

  21. 最后,设计了BCI模拟键盘输入演示系统。

    At last , BCI keyboard-input system was designed .

  22. 上级子系统以单片机为CPU,完成键盘输入整定、系统状态参数显示和通讯等人机对话功能。

    In this system , the superior subsystem using singal chip as its CPU perform the functions of keyboard input , system parameters display and man-machine communication .

  23. 功率控制电路使用键盘输入,LED输出功率显示,单片机自适应控制,完成了输出功率可调的设计目的。

    The circuit of power control has been designed by the input using keyboard , displaying using LED , adaptive controller using MCU ( microcontroller unit ), which achieves the adjustable power output .

  24. 同时系统提供了LCD触摸屏显示输入模块和键盘输入模块,具有良好的人机交互功能。

    At the same time , system which provides the LCD touch screen display and keyboard input module , input module has a good human-computer interaction function .

  25. 软件设计主要包括C语言在程序设计中的应用,用键盘输入控制步进电机的运转方式以及将运行状态显示于液晶屏,在生产实际应用中效果良好。

    The software design includes C language programming , with the keyboard input to control the stepper motor works , and will run the state displayed on the LCD screen to good effect in the actual production application .

  26. 软件设计首先完成了PWM信号的输出与时序控制,并设计了键盘输入功能模块、LED显示功能模块、电流电压信号采样功能模块,以及模糊神经算法自学习软件功能模块。

    The software design implemented PWM output and sequence control module , keyboard input module , LED display module , current and voltage sampling module and fuzzy neural algorithm self study module .

  27. 针对主要的电路进行了设计和分析,其中包括ADC电路、电机驱动电路、信号处理电路、键盘输入电路、MCU与液晶模块接口电路、单片机与上位机的接口电路等。

    And main circuits are analyzed and designed : AD circuit , motor-driving circuit , signal-processing circuit , keyboard-input circuit , interface circuit of MCU and LCD .

  28. 其中单片机为系统的核心控制器,此外还包括键盘输入模块、LCD液晶显示模块以及DA转换模块。

    The chip microprocessor is the core controller of the system , and the system also includes the keyboard input module , LCD display module and DA modular converter .

  29. 可编程人机交互系统可以根据用户要求,控制多种型号PLC,读写PLC寄存器、线圈的值,采用文本显示、键盘输入方式,直观易懂、操作方便。

    The programmable human-machine interface system can control several model of PLC , read and write the value of the PLC register and loop . LCD displayed and key input . Visual and operate expediently .

  30. 主要包括外部晶振、键盘输入、LCD液晶显示输出和CVSD语音处理部分。

    The design mainly includes the external crystal-controlled oscillation , keyboard entry , LCD display output and CVSD voice processing parts .