  • pound
  • 英国的货币单位。


(英国、埃及、爱尔兰等国的本位货币) pound (a currency):

  • 英镑

    pound sterling;

  • 他以40镑卖掉了他的马。

    He sold his horse for forty pounds.

  1. 从上一个无人站过来的费用可能还不到1镑。

    The fare from the last unmanned station is probably less than a pound

  2. 这些票是每张一英镑。

    The tickets are one pound each .

  3. 去哈瓦那的往返票价是550爱尔兰镑(673美元)。

    The round-trip fare to Havana is 550 Irish punts ( $ 673 ) .

  4. 麦克明不情愿地说:“好吧,我可以出5镑。”

    ' All right , I can manage a fiver , ' McMinn said with reluctance .

  5. 你欠我4镑,我得了你的表,那么我们就两相抵消吧。

    You owe me four pounds , but I have your watch , so we 'll cry quits .

  6. 把十镑存入我的账上。

    Credit my account with £ 10 .

  7. 这不是非常尖端的电脑,可是价钱也只几百镑。

    It 's not a very sophisticated computer , but then it only cost a few hundred pounds .

  8. 两套衣服都要的话那我就把价钱减少两镑。

    I 'll knock £ 2 off the price of the dress if you 'll take both dresses .

  9. 她拿出全部家产,用作慈善事业,一年只留12镑,以此为生。

    She had given all her estate to charitable purposes , reserving only twelve pounds a year to live on .

  10. 早上送货!需要早起!工资:每周30镑

    For morning deliveries you need to be good at getting up early , too ! Pay : Ғ 30 a week

  11. (如果你想在酒店用早餐,我们将在账单上加12镑的费用。)作动词时,“charge”指“收费,要价”。

    If you 'd like to have your breakfast at the hotel , a charge of £ 12 will be added to your bill .

  12. 年金中包括50镑交通费补贴

    The pension includes an allowance of fifty pounds for traffic expenditures .

  13. 他们注销了500镑作为机器折旧费。

    They wrote off 500 for depreciation of machinery .

  14. 她每六个星期就要在头发上花掉150镑,在置装上花掉500镑。

    She spent £ 150 at hairdressers every six weeks and bought £ 500 dresses .

  15. 年初至今总费用:50镑到目前为止,我们已经用了45%的可用预算。

    YTD = £ 50 We have used 45 % of the available budget YTD .

  16. 为了她的牙齿她又花了500镑,上课花掉了6000镑。

    Lucy also had her teeth done for £ 500 and enrolled2 on a course for £ 6000 .

  17. 推动这行买卖的是全国人民对鸟儿歌声的热爱,比如,最佳“歌手”可以赢得价值数千镑的奖项。

    This is a trade fuelled by a national passion for birdsong , including competitions where the best singers can win prizes worth thousands of pounds .

  18. 上周二,米歇尔在康涅狄格州的威廉姆·W·巴克斯医院产下一名重14镑13盎司(约13斤5两)的男婴。

    Michel gave birth to a14-pound , 13-ounce boy last Tuesday at William W.Backus Hospital , Connecticut .

  19. HD抗风暴飓风门能承受高达每平方英寸80镑的风压。

    The HD-Storm hurricane-rated door system withstands wind pressures of up to80 pounds per square inch .

  20. 我丈夫深受感动,不过当他得知买CD的11.99镑被列入报销清单时,就不那么感动了。

    My husband was touched , though rather less so when he found that the 11.99 cost of the CD had been put on expenses .

  21. 身高6尺9,体重235镑的Patterson顿了顿,温柔地说着。

    The6-foot-9,235-pound Patterson paused and softened his voice .

  22. 他领导约70000名志愿者清理来自美国河流的数百万镑垃圾后,他当选为为今年的CNN英雄。

    He 's CNN 's hero of the year who 's led around 70000 volunteers to clean up millions of pounds of garbage from America 's rivers .

  23. 发明此FlexyPaw工具的公司PawChamps正在众筹网站Kickstarter上发起众筹,目标是募集30000镑(约合人民币266262元)的资金。

    Paw Champs , the company behind the gadget , has a Kickstartercrowdfunding campaign aiming to raise 30000 for the Flexy Paw device .

  24. 上月,人们发现凯特在伦敦英皇道上进行最后一次单身扫货,据《电讯报》报道,她在中型女装连锁店Warehouse为4条8码的裙子花去了225镑。

    When Kate was spotted enjoying her last single shopping spree on King ` s Road last month , the Telegraph reported that she spent £ 225 for four size 8 dresses from Warehouse , a mid-market women ` s fashion chain .

  25. 总部位于英国NHS信托基金会南安普顿大学医院的完全生育诊所从明年新年开始将提供这一技术,它比标准试管婴儿技术的价格(3800镑,约36608元)要贵几百镑。

    It will be available at the Complete Fertility clinic , based at University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust , from the New Year and will cost a few hundred pounds more than the 3800 pounds cost of standard IVF .

  26. 比如一位电话买家以1610万镑(约合2320万美元),拍下了卢西安·弗洛伊德(LucianFreud)1961年为怀孕的17岁恋人伯娜丁·卡芙利(BernadineCoverley)绘制的画像,该作品预估价在700万至1000万英镑;

    Examples were the 16.1 million pounds , or about $ 23.2 million , given by a telephone bidder for Lucian Freud 's 1961 portrait of his pregnant 17-year-old lover , Bernadine Coverley , valued at £ 7 million to £ 10 million , and the £

  27. 被控抢劫银行(一百万镑)。

    Accused of robbing a bank ( of one million pounds )

  28. 我的银行存款已透支300镑。

    My account is 300 overdrawn [ overdrawn by 300 ] .

  29. 这所房子我们出价15万镑。

    We made an offer of $ 150000 for the house .

  30. 10镑够不够买一件新衬衫。

    Will & 10 cover the cost of a new shirt ?