  • bracelet
  • 套在手腕脚腕上的环形装饰品:~子。手~。脚~。金~。玉~。

  • 古代乐器,形似小钟。


(镯子) bracelet:

  • 银镯

    silver bracelet

  1. 镯面和一般复曲率面的光线追迹

    The Ray Tracing Through a Bracelet Surface and General Toric Surface

  2. 镯形和柱形电感是放置在印制板的里面,随着印制板制造工艺和制造水平的不断提高,体积可以做地很小。

    As the manufacturing technique develops constantly , the volume of bracelet and column inductor can be made smaller because of being sandwiched in the printed circuit board .

  3. 贱金属制的表镯[不论是否镀金或镀银]

    Bracelet watch of base metal [ whether or not gold-or silver-plated ]

  4. 网太低了,你调高一点。可调网眼状镯式手表带

    The net is too low , set it higher . adjustable mesh bracelet

  5. 这就可以解释金镯了。

    That would explain the cubits that Cottle found .

  6. 有人正忙着工作,她的钏镯在一角放出音乐。

    Some one was busy with her work , and her bangles made music in the corner .

  7. 他们可能喜欢围巾、肩、宴用的手提包、包或玉耳环、镯。

    They might like a scarf , stole , evening bag , purse , jade earrings or bracelets .

  8. 利百加有一个哥哥,名叫拉班,看见金环,又看见金镯在他妹子的手上,并听见他妹子利百加的话,说那人对我如此如此说。

    Now Rebekah had a brother named Laban , and he hurried out to the man at the spring .

  9. 因为人们一周中每天可以换一个,所以叫“周镯”。

    They 're called " daily bracelets " because one may choose a different bracelet for each day of the week .

  10. 星星把光明做成足镯,来装扮你的双足,但是我的珠链要挂在你的胸前。

    The stars have wrought their anklets of light to deck thy feet , but mine will hang upon thy breast .

  11. 镯身无杂质,呈半透明,质感细腻温润,晶莹剔透,柔润光滑,手感特好!

    Bracelet body without impurities , was translucent and texture , delicate jade , crystal clear , smoothness smooth feel very good !

  12. 我正要阻止他,但他的枪弹已经放出去了,粉碎了挂在土人胳膊上的护身灵镯。康塞尔!

    I tried to stop him , but his shot went off and shattered a bracelet of amulets dangling from the islander 's arm .

  13. 本文还提出了两种新型的印制板电感器&镯形和柱形印制板电感,推导出了非密绕柱形螺线管的电感计算公式。

    This article also provided two new types inductor in printed circuit board-bracelet and column inductor as well as deduced formula to calculate the inductance of loose column winding inductor .

  14. 这个套装包括一支三种不同毫升的淡香水、一瓶身体乳液和一个含有香水膏的开口镯&这款香镯将于明年5月推出。

    The collection includes an Eaux de Toilette in three sizes , a body lotion as well as a cuff bracelet containing a solid perfume that will come out in May .

  15. 分析了埋地钢质燃气管道在水泥套管、铸铁套管、做外防腐的钢套管内的腐蚀情况,讨论了采用带状镁(锌)阳极、镯状阳极的局部阴极保护方法。

    The corrosion of buried steel gas pipeline in sleeves such as cement sleeve , cast iron sleeve , external anti-corrosive steel sleeve is analyzed , and the local cathodic protection method using ribbon magnesium ( zinc ) anode and ring anode is discussed .
