
  • 网络long term memory;Long-term Memory;LTM;LTP;long-time memory
  1. EMH所未能包含的长期记忆性,就是FMH的重要特征之一。

    EMH by the failure to include long-term memory is one of the important characteristics of FMH .

  2. 结论TPM对发育期大脑的长期记忆功能及信息再摄取能力均无影响,而且对幼鼠的空间学习能力的影响也是极短暂的。

    Conclusion : For developing rat brain , TPM has no impairment on the ability of long-term memory and information retrieval meanwhile its negative effect on spatial learning is temporary .

  3. 这说明DNA序列中确实存在着长期记忆性和混沌特性,长期记忆性是与混沌性质有关的。

    The result is that there is an indication of the existence of chaos in the DNA sequences , and there is a certain relationship between long memory and chaos of DNA sequences .

  4. 以主动回避实验检测小鼠的学习能力和短期与长期记忆能力的变化,同时用酶法测定F1代小鼠的血脂水平。

    Then the active avoidance response test was performed to determine the alteration of learning and short term and long term memory of the transgenic mice .

  5. 其次,基于条件概率分布和降趋脉动分析(DFA)方法,得出两个市场的重现间隔序列具有较强的短期记忆性和长期记忆性,这种特性源于原始收益率本身。

    Secondly , we discover short-memory and long-memory effect exist in the recurrence interval series based on conditional probability distribution and detrended fluctuation analysis , which are derived from original return series .

  6. 本文详细介绍了Robinson提出的一种新的对金融时间序列的分形差分参数进行检验的方法,并首先将其运用在对中国证券市场的长期记忆性进行的实证研究中。

    In this article we propose the use of a version of the tests of Robinson for testing the fractional differencing parameter in financial time series data to test the long memory of Chinese market .

  7. 沪深A、B股市场收益的长期记忆&基于修正RS和GPH的经验分析

    Long-Term Memory in Stock Market Returns in Shanghai A and B Shares , and Shenzhen A and B Shares : Evidence from Modified R / S Analysis and GPH test

  8. 无铅汽油期货的日收益率序列不满足随机游走过程,这表明它有一个“长期记忆”在起作用,作用周期为10d,并且这种“长期记忆”作用是间歇性的无限拓展的。

    On Infinitely Singular Operators It indicates that there is a force called " long-term memory ", of which period is about 10 days , and the force is intermittent to expand infinitely .

  9. 但很多资本市场上的现象无法用EMH解释,如证券收益的尖峰厚尾,证券市场的突然崩溃,股价序列的长期记忆性等。

    But lots of phenomena on the capital market can 't explain with the EMH , such as high peak and fat tail in security returns , the sudden collapse in stock market and long-memory in stock series .

  10. 同时对细分市场进行了研究,结果表明B股市场的Hurst指数具有显著性,表现出长期记忆性,因此我们可以拒绝B股市场的市场有效性假设。

    This paper has researched the subdivision market . The Hurst exponent of B share index is significant which means B shares market is long-memory dynamics , so we can reject the efficient market hypothesis on B share market .

  11. 文章回顾了有效市场假说(EMH)和经典资本市场理论的发展史,随后阐述了基于分形市场假说的长期记忆性,并介绍了用于长期记忆性实证研究的R/S分析方法。

    This paper recalled the development history of the efficient market hypothesis and the classic theory of capital market , then elaborated the long-term memory theory on the basis of fractal market hypothesis , and introduced the R / S analysis for empirical research on long-term memory .

  12. 这项研究的领导者YadinDudai说,这个发现表明长期记忆并不像想象中的那么保险,挑战了长期记忆从短期记忆中成熟之后就稳定下来的观点。

    The findings show long-term memories are not as secure as thought and challenge the idea they stabilize after maturing from short-term memories , said Yadin Dudai , who led the study .

  13. 而使用Geweke和Porter-Hudak(1983)提出的分数差分检验,检验结果却支持股票收益存在长期记忆的假设。

    In order to test the long memory in stock return in Chinese stock market , we employ the fractional differencing test devised by Geweke and Porter-Hudak ( 1983 ) . We find evidence of long memory of returns .

  14. 有两种记忆:短期记忆和长期记忆。

    There are two kinds of memory : short-term and long-term .

  15. 预测是随着时间在长期记忆中建立起来的一种模式。

    Expectations are patterns built up over time in long-term memory .

  16. 这里是我们有长期记忆的部分

    Here we 've got a little bit of long-term memory ,

  17. 长江干流径流的时序结构与长期记忆

    Structure and Long-term Memory of Discharge Series in Yangtze River

  18. 长期记忆特性是近年来金融问题研究的一个热点。

    Recently the long-term memory characteristic is a focus in financial study .

  19. 长期记忆的信息可以保持一辈子。

    Long-term memory can hold information for the whole of our lives .

  20. 记忆另一个重要的方面是长期记忆能力。

    The next important aspect in memorization is the long-term memory power .

  21. 这表明,长期记忆可以保存更久。

    This shows that long-term memory power can live longer .

  22. 中国股票市场收益的长期记忆性研究

    Research on the Long Memory in Chinese Stock Market Returns

  23. 中国股票市场长期记忆特征的实证研究

    Empirical analysis of long - term memory of stock market of China

  24. 国际石油期货市场长期记忆特性的实证分析

    Analysis of long-term memory characteristic of international petroleum futures market

  25. 反复自我测试能够显著促进新知识的长期记忆。

    Repeated self-testing significantly improves long-term retention of new material .

  26. 股票市场长期记忆效应问题一直是金融经济学家们倍感兴趣的一个研究热点。

    The long-memory effect in stock market is a hotspot for financial economists .

  27. 长期记忆使眼睛向下看,看进灵魂深处。

    Long term memory causes eyes to glance downward , into the soul .

  28. 证券市场的长期记忆及聚类复杂性研究

    The Long-term Memory and Clustering Complexity of Securities Market

  29. 心智健全的人都有形成的长期记忆的能力。

    Sound mind of a person can contribute for a long-term memory power .

  30. 证券市场长期记忆特征的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of Long-term Memory in Stock Market