
  • 网络Source of the Yangtze River;Sourse Of The Changjiang River
  1. 通过K-Ar同位素年代学研究,将长江源区新生代的火山活动划分为3期:第Ⅰ期(40.1~35.1Ma)火山喷发较弱,形成小范围分布的细粒安粗岩和斑状粗面岩;

    Based on K-Ar isotope chronological research , Cenozoic volcanism in the source region of the Yangtze River is divided into three phases . In the first phase ( 40.1-35.1 Ma ) volcanism was weak , forming fine-grained latite and porphyritic trachyte of limited distribution .

  2. 长江源区1956-2000年径流量变化分析

    Discharge changes of the Yangtze River in source area during 1956-2000

  3. 长江源区沙化现象初步探讨

    A preliminary study on Desertification in source region of Yangtze River

  4. 长江源区变质岩带及研究意义

    Metamorphic belt of Yangtze River source area and its geological significance

  5. 长江源区生物多样性保护研究

    Study on Biodiversity Conservation in the Source Region of Yangtze River

  6. 长江源区径流年内分配时程变化规律分析

    Change of Annual Runoff Distribution in the Headwaters of the Yangtze River

  7. 长江源环境变化与生态保护

    Environmental Change and Ecological Protection at the Headstreams of Changjiang

  8. 长江源区的生态建设与保护

    Construction and Protection of Eec-environment in the Origin Region Of the Yangtze River

  9. 长江源生态保护与流域经济可持续发展

    Continued Development of Ecological Protection of the Changjiang River Sources and Valley Economy

  10. 长江源区植物区系研究

    The floristic characteristics in the source area of Changjiang ( Yangtze ) River

  11. 长江源冰川

    The Glaciers at the Source of the Yangtze River

  12. 长江源民间文学探幽

    On the Folk Literature of the Changjiang River Source

  13. 长江源地区中侏罗世巴通期层序地层

    A study on Bathonian sequence stratigraphy in the source region of the Yangtze River

  14. 长江源典型多年冻土区小流域径流过程特征研究

    Runoff Process in a Typical Small Permafrost Watershed at the Headwaters of Yangtze River

  15. 长江源区冰川对气候变化的响应

    Response of Glaciers to Climate Change in the Source Region of the Yangtze River

  16. 长江源区土地利用/覆盖现状及成因分析

    Land Use / Land Cover Status and Forming Causes in Source Regions of Yangtze River

  17. 长江源区高寒生态与气候变化对河流径流过程的影响分析

    Impacts of Alpine Ecosystem and Climate Changes on Surface Runoff in the Headwaters of the Yangtze River

  18. 近四十年来长江源区河流水沙量的变化

    Changes of runoff and sediment in the source region of Yangtze River during the last four decades

  19. 1956~2004年长江源区径流量变化的特征研究

    Research on the variations characteristic of the runoff in the upper Yangtze River from 1956 to 2004

  20. 气候变化对长江源地区高寒草甸生态系统的影响

    Impacts of global change on the alpine meadow ecosystem in the source region of the Yangtze River

  21. 长江源区水质分析及与长江武汉段水质对比

    Analysis of Water Quality in Changjiang River Source Area and Its Comparison with the Water Quality in Wuhan Sector

  22. 长江源及其周边地区蒸发量特征及变化趋势研究

    Research on Evaporation Characteristics and Their Variation Tendency in the Source of the Yangtze River and the Area Around

  23. 湖泊水域萎缩了7.5%,以长江源区内流湖泊为主;

    Lake water area was reduced by 7.5 % , especially the lakes in the source region of the Yangtze River .

  24. 长江源各拉丹冬晚三叠世火山岩特征与成岩构造环境

    Characteristics and diagenetic tectonic setting of the Late Triassic volcanic rocks in the source region ( geladandong ) of the Yangtze River

  25. 上世纪八十年代以来,长江源区出现了冰川退缩、冻土退化、湖泊萎缩、植被退化等现象。

    Since 1980s , glacier retreating , permafrost degradation , lakes shrinking , vegetation degradation and so on happen in the regions .

  26. 长江源区主要水系是沿南北走向的地堑构造和正断层侵蚀发育而成的。

    The main drainage system in the source region of Yangtze River formed and developed by riverhead erosion along the N-S-trending grabens and normal faults .

  27. 长江源多年冻土区沼泽及高寒草甸水热过程及其对气候变化的响应

    Water and Heat Process of Alpine and Swamp Meadow in Permafrost Zones and Response to the Global Warming in the Source Region of Yangtze River

  28. 长江源区是长江流域的特殊生态功能区,也是我国最重要的生态功能区之一。

    The source region of the Changjiang River is a area with special ecological functions in the river basin and one of the most important ecological functional areas in China .

  29. 长江源区新生代火山岩的演化特征为:从早到晚,岩石系列由高钾钙碱性系列→钾玄岩系列演化;岩性由安粗岩→粗面岩演化。

    From early to late , the Cenozoic volcanic rocks in the source region of the Yangtze River evolved from high-potassium calc-alkaline series to shoshonite series and from latite to trachyte .

  30. 长江源区对整个源区积雪变化起主导作用,源区平均冬春累积积雪深度变化主要表现长江源的特征。

    The biggest error for the snow cover depth was less than 2 cm . Snow variation in the source regions of the Yangtze River dominates that in the whole source regions .