
tàn xiǎn
  • adventure;explore;expedition;make explorations;venture into the unknown
探险 [tàn xiǎn]
  • [venture into the unknown;explore] 到没有人去过或环境恶劣的地方去考察

探险[tàn xiǎn]
  1. 对于去托斯卡纳东南部探险的人们来说,这两家酒店是很有吸引力的驻扎地。

    The two hotel-restaurants are attractive bases from which to explore southeast Tuscany

  2. 在关键生态系统合伙基金(CriticalEcosystemPartnershipFund)的资助下,科学家们继续在东弧山森林探险,以便寻找新物种并发现它们。

    With money from the Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund , scientists are continuing to explore the Eastern Arc forests in search of new species & and are finding them .

  3. 他在讲演中使用了探险时拍摄到的幻灯片。

    His lecture was illustrated with slides taken during the expedition .

  4. 在探险期间,他们每天都要走十到十三个小时。

    During the expedition , they trekked ten to thirteen hours a day .

  5. 斯科特率领的探险队的五名成员一直来到了南极。

    Five members of Scott 's expedition made it to the South Pole .

  6. 我们需要为这次探险找到赞助。

    We need to find sponsorships for the expedition .

  7. 探险队深受恶劣天气的困扰。

    The expedition was bedevilled by bad weather .

  8. 他出行探险去了。

    He set off in quest of adventure .

  9. 对更愿猎奇探险的旅游者,有本地向导带领进山游览。

    For the more adventurous tourists , there are trips into the mountains with a local guide .

  10. 探险队乘气垫船到达了它的源头。

    The expedition made the journey to its source by hovercraft .

  11. 该队伍的探险之旅远至奥地利的阿尔卑斯山。

    The group has adventured as far as the Austrian alps .

  12. 你外出探险时,定会遇上意想不到之事。

    When you venture outside , you are in for a surprise .

  13. 他决定把探险推迟到第二天。

    He decided to postpone the expedition until the following day

  14. 她清楚地记得她去岩石区潮水潭探险的那天。

    She remembered clearly that day when she 'd gone exploring the rockpools

  15. 她预言这次探险结局不会好。

    She prophesied a bad ending for the expedition .

  16. 虽然装备并未改善,但后来的一些探险进行得更好。

    Some later expeditions fared better , though they were no better equipped .

  17. 一支新的丹麦探险队又在那个遗址上进行一年一度的夏季挖掘。

    A new Danish expedition is again excavating the site in annual summer digs .

  18. 探险队中43名成员遇难。

    Forty-three members of the expedition were killed .

  19. 没有什么会阻止你到更远一些的地方探险。

    There 's nothing to stop you from doing a bit of exploring further afield .

  20. 你怎么能指望我们如此冒险地穿越未知的地域,继续这一探险?

    How did you expect us to proceed on such a perilous expedition , through unknown terrain

  21. 我们划船到了岸边,之后余下的时间步行在岛上探险。

    We rowed ashore , then explored the island on foot for the rest of the day .

  22. 他这次探险的最大收获就是重新发现了自己对动手制作物品与生俱来的热忱。

    The best part of his expedition had been the rediscovery of his natural passion for making things .

  23. 这绝不是什么冒险深入内地的远征,只是一次平淡无奇的探险而已。

    This was not by any means a daring expedition into the outback , it was a very unambitious exploration .

  24. 这名作家因多个广受欢迎的探险故事而出了名。

    The author earned his fame through several popular tales of adventure .

  25. 纵有千难万险,也挡不住英勇的探险队员。

    Even though there are myriad hardships and hazards , they can 't stop the dauntless explorers .

  26. 我们必须向探险队提供最好的装备。

    We must fit the expedition out with the best equipment .

  27. 他们到南极探险去了。

    They have gone on an expedition to the antarctic .

  28. 他对于参加这次探险队仍犹豫不决。

    He 's still hesitating about joining the expedition .

  29. 探险队急需一位向导。

    The exploring party needs a guide urgently .

  30. 探险队员发现了一条内部通道。

    The explorers discovered an inward passage .