
tàn huā
  • number three in national civil examinations;number three on imperial examination
探花 [tàn huā]
  • [number three on imperial examination] 明清两代称科举殿试考取一甲(第一等)第三名的人

探花[tàn huā]
  1. 微软公司已连续三年蝉联探花的位置,其品牌价值为1.43万亿,较上年提升了5%。

    Microsoft has landed in the third slot for three years running . Its brand valuation nudged up by 5 % to $ 143 billion .

  2. 一群完美契合的潜力新星团队造就了现在的绿军,探花塔图姆和他超乎常人的自信,便是这群年轻人无限潜力的缩影。

    The Celtics have emerged as a relatively conflict-free collection of rising stars , with Tatum and his uncommon poise representing the epitome of their potential .