
  • 网络search coil
  1. 方案中探测线圈的设计是比较重要的部分,接收线圈采用差分连接的方式,对射频EAS的高频干扰有极强的抗干扰能力。

    The design of detecting coil is an important part in the scheme . The receiving coil of it is differential connection and has a strong anti-interference ability to the interference which is from the RF EAS .

  2. ACFM探测线圈的结构优化及试验测试论文中介绍了磁场检测的常用方法并阐述了本课题中采用探测线圈法的理由,对磁场检测仪的硬件和软件设计进行了详细说明。

    Structural Optimization and Experimental Testing of Detecting Coils of ACFM Probe The paper summarizes the available methods of magnetic field measurement , and then , the loop detect technique is selected in this study .

  3. 设计了一种高温超导平面式梯度计的探测线圈,利用这种探测线圈与超导量子干涉器件(SQUID)耦合,可以制成二阶或更高阶的高温超导SQUID平面式磁场梯度计。

    We have proposed a novel method for designing the second_order planar gradiometers and even high_order gradiometers . The gradiometer consists of two parts , one is the superconducting quantum interference device ( SQUID ), the other is the pickup loop which is directly coupled with the SQUID .

  4. 本文利用气隙探测线圈和RSO两种测量方法,分析大亚湾核电站2发电机组转子绕组匝间短路的发生、发展以及最后的接地过程,并对匝间短路的检查分析方法进行了初步探讨。

    Both the method of searching coil and RSO analysis are used to assess the short circuit process of Unit 2 generator rotor of Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant . Brief discussion is made on the two analyzing methods .

  5. 本文对探测线圈的制作原理作了探讨。

    The making principles of the exploring coil are studied in this paper .

  6. 基于探测线圈的无轴承异步电机气隙磁场测量方法研究

    Research of measuring the airgap flux of bearingless induction motors with search coils

  7. 金属感应探测线圈半径优化设计

    Optimum design on coil radius of metals induction detect

  8. 电磁感应法测定非均匀磁场实验中探测线圈的制作原理

    Making principles of exploring coil for the experiment of non-uniform magnetic field determination

  9. 将探测线圈置于两桥臂间金属丝的中部。

    Position the Detector Coil near the center of the wire between the two bridges .

  10. 在探测线圈法的应用中,大多是直接对探测信号进行观察以进一步分析故障情况。

    In the application of differential detection coil method , the signal wave is directly studied on the screen .

  11. 两个分别附在各自极靴上的电容环,用来探测线圈的运动。

    A pair of capacitative rings attached to the respective pole piece is used to detect movement of the coil .

  12. 通过对磁场描绘仪的改进,提高了探测线圈的感应电压,从而使实验效果明显改善。

    Through amplifying the inductive voltage in detective coil , we meliorate the apparatus and thus improved the experiment result considerably .

  13. 发生共振时,探测线圈测得的电压(示波器下部显示)的振幅将达到最大值。

    When resonance occurs , the voltage from the detector coil ( bottom trace on the Scope ) will be at its maximum amplitude .

  14. 本文研究电涡流传感器的探测线圈与电涡流之间的电磁作用力。

    In this paper , the electric-magnetic force between the probe coil of the eddy current transducer and its induced eddy current has been studied .

  15. 继续移动探测线圈使其位于另一波腹下(约为两桥臂间距的四分之一),观察示波器上电压振幅的变化。

    Continue to slide the detector coil until it is beneath another antinode ( at approximately one-fourth the distance between bridges ) . Watch the amplitude of voltage on the Scope display .

  16. 本文介绍由8039单片机、4052双四通道模拟转换器、磁钢和探测线圈等组成的检测系统,控制四台检针仪。

    This paper described the testing system composed of 8039 single chip microcomputer , 4052 double 4 passages electrical switch , magnetic steels and testing coils etc , it controled four detecting needle equipments .

  17. 本文讨论了电磁感应探测传感线圈的匝数与探测灵敏度的关系,论证了在探距确定的条件下,探测传感线圈直径的最优值。

    The relation between electromagnetic induction coil turns and detecting sensitivity is discussed in this paper , and when the detecting distance is determined , the optimal diameter value of the coil is proved .

  18. 通过运用毕奥-萨伐尔定律的相关知识,先计算出金属探测矩形发射线圈的单边通电导线的磁场分布,进而求出与其对应的一组对边通电导线的磁场分布。

    By using the relevant knowledge about Picasso biot-savart law , firstly the magnetic field distributions of unilateral electricity wires of metal rectangular launched detector coils of are calculated , then the magnetic field distributions of electricity wires of a group of edge are calculated .

  19. 然而,对于堤防渗漏隐患探测而言,由于线圈太大、分辨率低,现有的瞬变电磁仪不能直接应用。

    But , the current instrument based on TEM can not be directly used for detection and positioning of hidden defects in levees , because of its low resolution , and huge coils .

  20. 在一般情况下,用探测元件(霍耳元件或探测线圈)测得的磁场强度都是该元件所占空间的平均值。

    In general , the value of the magnetic field strength measured by means of a cylindrical coil is an average value over the whole space occupied by the detector .