- 名progressive wave;advancing wave

Haitan Strait is a south-north and long restricted channel strait , tidal wave in the strait belongs to progressive wave .
The sand transport direction and intensity in rippled bed by progressing waves
The correlation degrees between the tidal current velocities and ranges are higher during whether flood or ebb tidal processes since the diurnal and semi-diurnal constituents of tidal waves are both progressive waves near the northern mouth in Hangzhou Bay .
The progressive tidal wave changed into the standing wave in the artificial embayment , which weakened the water exchange . As a result , the water quality inside of the embayment decreased , and the water in the head area was polluted .
Trimaran that sails in following sea is more likely to move at the same speed as the waves and results in the stability loss for its high speed and small block coefficient , which is the most basic and most important problem of the trimaran stability problem .