
  • 网络threshold
  1. 此时光纤光栅中心波长λB(t)最大值只是作为阀值使用。

    The maximum value of fiber Bragg grating center wavelength is only used as a threshold .

  2. ATM网络基于队列长度阀值的传输调度

    Traffic Scheduling Based on the Queue Length Threshold in ATM Networks

  3. 基体清洗法测定CeO2在载体γ-Al2O3表面的分散阀值

    Determination of Dispersion Threshold of CeO_2 on γ - Al_2O_3 Using Matrix-Flushing Method

  4. SAR图像基于Rayleigh分布假设的最小误差阀值化分割

    Rayleigh-distribution based minimum error thresholding for SAR images

  5. 他将生产看板放入“生产板(ProductionBoard)”中&稍后当看板累计到一定的阀值时,它将直观地触发上游生产。

    He puts the production Kanban to the " Production Board ", which will later visually trigger the upstream production when Kanbans stacks to a threshold .

  6. 为此,我们引入了形状参数的矩估计原理和阀值选取的Hall自助法。

    So , we introduced the principles of shape parameter moment estimates and Hall bootstrap to select threshold .

  7. 然后再利用BP神经网络的局部寻优能力,对权值和阀值进行进一步的精细调整。

    Next , this modal uses the local searching ability of BP neural network to adjust the weights and thresholds elaborately .

  8. 这需要更新阀值策略和SLA。

    This requires an update to both threshold policies and the SLA .

  9. 影响阀值策略和SLA的服务异常。

    Service exceptions to the threshold policies and the SLA .

  10. 基于HMM的话者确认阀值的研究

    A Method for Designing Speaker Verification Threshold based on HMM

  11. 基于自适应小波阀值法的AGC系统

    AGC System With Adaptive Threshold Method of Wavelet Transform

  12. 基于自适应阀值的SYNFlooding攻击防御

    Defense Against SYN Flooding Attacks Based on Adaptive Threshold

  13. 通过引入服务阀值,让负荷过重的节点不再提供服务而是推荐给其它节点,以实现P2P分流。

    The overloaded nodes no longer provide service but recommend other nodes to divert through adding the service threshold .

  14. 一种求解LMS算法步长阀值的新方法

    A New Method to Determine the Threshold Value of Step-Size for LMS Algorithm

  15. 同时,因为阀值电压反比于栅介质的介电常数,所以高k材料还具有较低阀值电压,从而有助于提高整体器件的灵敏性。

    Meanwhile , since the threshold voltage is inversely proportional to dielectric constant , the high k material would also reduce the threshold voltage .

  16. 基于自适应阀值Canny算法的海天线检测算法

    Detection Algorithm for Sky-sea Line Based on The Canny Algorithm of Adaptive Threshold

  17. 给出了本研究中所采用工业硅的要求和太阳电池功率高达14%的P型硅材料中单一杂质的阀值。

    The requirements of raw materials ( MG-Si ) used in this study and the thresholds of single impurity in P-type solar cells up to 14 % efficiency are given in the paper .

  18. 一个原因是它也许会产生能够影响SLA保证的中断阀值。

    One reason is that it might result in significant interruption thresholds that could impact the SLA guarantee .

  19. 存在着门阀值,只有地区金融发展高于门阀值时,FDI的溢出效应才能有效发挥出来。

    The existence of the door threshold , only the area above the door threshold is financial development ; FDI spillover effects can be effectively realized .

  20. 该网络采用BP弹性算法,同时对初始权值和阀值进行了优化,实现了网络的非线性映射,并有着极快的收敛速度。

    In this network model , the BP elastic algorithm ( RPROP ) was adopted and the initialized weight value and valve were optimized and this model has realized the nonlinear .

  21. 在刻蚀ITO时,要注意掌握对应于ITO薄膜厚度的激光功率密度的阀值。

    During ITO layer scribing , the power density threshold of laser beams fora given thickness of ITO layer should be considered .

  22. 要能有效地把阅读技能从L1迁移到L2,读者的L2水平必须达到阀值要求。

    That is , reading ability in L1 can naturally transfer to L2 if the readers have a certain level of L2 .

  23. 但是,BP神经网络模型也存在对初始权值、阀值依赖较大;收敛速度慢;容易陷入局部最小等不足。

    However , BP neural network model also exists on the initial weights , the larger the threshold dependence ; slow convergence ; easy to fall into local minimum and so inadequate .

  24. 但鉴于BP算法存在收敛慢以及收敛于局部最优解等缺点,采用遗传算法来优化神经网络的权值和阀值,规避BP算法的缺陷。

    But due to the BP algorithm defects like the slow convergence and converging to local optimal solution , this module makes use of genetic algorithm to optimize neural network weights and thresholds .

  25. 详细研究了自适应阀值滤波算法及频域LMS滤波算法,对将其应用于导航接收机的干扰抑制的性能及缺陷做了详细分析。

    Using the adaptive threshold filtering algorithm and frequency domain LMS filtering algorithm to suppress the narrowband interference and found some disadvantage with it .

  26. 当特定指标的跟踪事件发生后,阀值确定过程占用的时间是一个Map查找时间,它的速度通常足够快。

    After the first trace event for a given metric , the elapsed time for the determination of the threshold ( or lack of one ) is a Map lookup time , which is typically fast enough .

  27. 环境承载阀值、环境质量与EKC关系研究

    Study on Relationship among Environmental Capacity Threshold , Environment Quality and Environmental Kuznets Curve

  28. 跟踪程序配置属性允许在属性文件中包括URL,并能在其中定义范围和阀值(我将简单介绍一下阀值)。

    The tracer configuration properties allow the option of including a URL to a properties file where ranges and thresholds can be defined . ( I 'll cover thresholds shortly . )

  29. 该策略必须声明资源阀值水平,低于或等于之前在服务水平协议(SLA)中规定的服务可用性保证水平。

    The policy must state that resource threshold levels be below or at the guaranteed level of service availability forth in the Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) .

  30. 通过对这些图像分割算法的实现更好的理解图像分割,同时比较它们对X射线图像的分割效果,从而在对图像进行分割时选择使用基于遗传的图像分割与最大熵阀值分割相结合。

    Achieving these image segmentation algorithms help us understanding the image segmentation better , compare the effect of these algorithms on X-ray image segmentation , so we choose the image segmentation based on genetic with maximum entropy threshold segmentation .