
  1. 基于GIS的农用土地增产潜力研究&以济南市长清区为例

    Study on the potential grain productivity of Changqing County Jinan City basing on GIS

  2. 基于GIS和RS的长清区南部山区水土流失研究

    Soil and Water Loss Research in South Mountainous Area of Changqing District Based on GIS and RS

  3. 济南市长清大学城中心区城市设计

    Urban Design for Central District of Changqing University Park , Ji'nan

  4. 水资源对区域社会经济发展的支撑能力研究&以济南市长清区为例

    Load-carrying Capacities of Regional Water Resource For Social and Economic Development

  5. 长清井田环境水文地质特征分析与评价

    Analysis and Evaluation on the Environmental Hydrogeological Characteristics in Changqing Mine Field

  6. 土地开发整理潜力等级的划分&以济南市长清区为例

    The classification of the potential for land exploitation - renovation

  7. 长清县土地生产力综合评价研究

    A Study on Soil Productivity Evaluation of Changqing County

  8. 长清区水资源对社会经济发展支撑能力的模拟与预测。

    The prediction of supporting capacity of water and land resources in Changqing district .

  9. 长清模拟科威特油井灭火试验中的流体力学计算问题

    Fluid dynamic calculation on simulating the way putting out fire for Kuwait oil well in Changqing

  10. 地理变异呈现纬度单负向渐变的趋势,经度则呈单正向渐变变异规律,并确定聊城、肥城、长清为平阴及其毗邻地区的最佳种源。

    Geographic variation shows a negative clinal trend with latitude and positive clinal trend with longitude .

  11. 最后,对路劲·长清大学城项目从市场调研和项目定位分析两个方面进行了全面的分析。

    At last , this project is analyzed comprehensively from market research and project positioning analysis .

  12. 山东轻工业学院长清校区木本植物调查研究

    The investigation and study on woody plant in the campus of Shandong Institute of Light Industry

  13. 济南市长清区农村小学生心理健康水平及其与人格特征的关系

    The level of mental health of rural pupils in Jinan city and its relationship with personality characteristics

  14. 山东长清化肥厂

    Shandong Changqing Chemical Fertilizer Factory

  15. 长清矿区开采对黄河水利工程和环境的影响研究

    Study on the Influence of Changqing Areas Exploitation to the Yellow River 's Hydraulic Works and Environment

  16. 区域相对资源承载力与可持续发展问题探讨以济南长清区为例

    Region Relative Resources Supporting Capacity and Sustainable Development Question Discussion & Taking Jinan Changqing Area as An Example

  17. 传统.现代.场所山东中医药大学长清校区景观规划

    Tradition , Modern and Site & Landscape Planning for Changqing Campus of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine

  18. 长清单的第一个字母表示对象的类型(d表示目录)。

    The first character of a long listing describes the type of object ( d for a directory ) .

  19. 根据地理位置和经济发展水平,在山东省选取胶南市、金乡县和长清区作为研究现场。

    Total 3 counties in Shandong province were selected as study sites according to the geography and economic distribution .

  20. 济南市长清张夏-崮山地区华北寒武系地质遗迹特点及保护现状

    Geological Trace Characteristics and Present Protection Condition of Huabei Cambrian in Changqing Zhangxia & Gushan Area of Jinan City

  21. 又家于卢国(今山东长清一带),因名之曰卢医。

    Also home to the Lu ( Shandong Changqing this area ), Lu said , because of the medicine .

  22. 本文以路劲·长清大学城项目为研究对象,进行房地产项目市场调研与定位分析。

    Changqing University City project as the research object , analyzes the market investigation and positioning of real estate development projects .

  23. 为正在蓬勃发展的长清大学科技园建设提供规划和设计理论上的依据与参考。

    For the booming construction Changqing University Science Park to provide a basis for planning and design theory , and reference .

  24. 长清&临沂地震带是山东中部一条明显的北西向中强地震带,由9次中强地震组成。

    Changqing-Linyi seismic zone , which consists of 9 historical medium strong earthquakes , is an evident seismic zone in central Shandong Province .

  25. 结合景观生态学的原理,针对济南市长清区的土地利用情况建立了土地可持续利用评价指标体系,并对该地区的土地可持续利用情况进行了评价。

    Applying landscape ecological theories , we construct indicators for evaluating sustainable land use basing on instances of Changqing District and evaluate its sustainable land use .

  26. 长清大学城的建设促进了区域经济的快速发展,优化了城市的发展空间,促进了人口素质的快速提高。

    The construction of Changqing university city promoted thedevelopment of Regional economy , optimized the develop space of city , and satisfied the need of higher education of residents .

  27. 济南市长清循环农业园区主要由种植、养殖和农产品加工三大亚系统构成,形成了循环产业链。

    In Jinan City , Changqing circular agricultural park is mainly composed of three sub-systems of planting , raising and agricultural products processing , which forms the circulation industry chains .

  28. 济南市长清区受地理位置、水源条件和社会经济状况的影响,农村群众饮水困难或饮水安全问题较为突出。

    The problem of difficulty or safety of rural people in Changqing Distract in Jinan City is very highlight because of the affection of geographical position , water resource and social and economic conditions .

  29. 目前系统已在济南市长清区峰山路成功运行,并取得了一定的效果,提高了设备信息管理工作的效率。

    The system has been running successfully in FengShan Road of Changqing District , Jinan . It has achieved a good effect , and helps to improve the efficiency of the device information management .

  30. 介绍了山东师范大学长清校区规划,对有着山景、冲沟和北入口的大学校园布局进行了针对性的研究与探索。

    The programming of Chongqing campus of Shandong pedagogic University is introduced in this paper , and arrangement of the campus with mountain scenery , gully , and north entrance is researched and explored pertinently .