
  • 网络longs;long-term private investment securities
  1. 美国财政部国际资本流动(tic)数据显示,自6月底以来,外国购买美国长期证券净额大幅度下降。

    The US Treasury International Capital System ( TIC ) data show a massive drop in net foreign purchases of us long-term securities since the end of June .

  2. 投资银行的主要功能就是为公司销售长期证券。

    The investment banker is the middleman between company and investor .

  3. 从我国投资于美元证券的结构可以看出,长期证券投资所占比重较大,相比较而言短期投资所占比重不大。

    As our investment in dollar securities , long-term securities investment proportion bigger , compared the short-term investment proportion is not big .

  4. 因此,杠杆投资者面临的危险最大,包括借款购买上述资产的个人以及持有长期证券的银行。

    The greatest danger will then be to leveraged investors , including individuals who bought these assets with borrowed money and banks that hold long-term securities .

  5. 资本市场是由个人、政府、商号的中长期证券发行和交易的市

    " The capital markets consist of markets in which the intermediate and long-term securities of individuals , business firms , and governmental units are issued and traded . "

  6. 3月份,外国投资者购买美国长期证券(包括股票和债券)的金额达到1405亿美元,创历史最高纪录,几乎是2月份水平的3倍。其中,中国改弦易辙,6个月来首次增持美国国债。

    In the US , purchases of long-term securities , which include equities and bonds , nearly tripled from February to March , reaching a record $ 140.5bn , with China reversing course and adding to its Treasury holdings for the first time in six months .

  7. 买入并持有买入及长期持有证券的投资策略,其间不论市场如何波动仍继续持有。

    Buy and hold an investing strategy where stocks are bought and held for a long period regardless of fluctuations in the market .

  8. 自己长期从事证券工作,客户乐于在网上进行证券交易的事实也不容许我视而不见。

    As a long-time practitioner in the securities industry , the fact that clients are trading securities online also increases my interest in this topic .

  9. 然后,他们发明了术语,长期资产支持证券贷款。

    Then they came up with the Term Securities Loan Facility .

  10. 虽然证券价格具有局部突变性,但从长期整体看证券价格的变化具有整体连续变化的基本属性;

    Although the stock certificate price may have a partial mutation , its variety has the attribute of whole consecution in a long period of time .

  11. 一般的,“卖空”是为了从(证券)预期价格下降中获取利润,或者规避长期持有相同证券或相关证券的风险。

    In general , short selling is utilized to profit from an expected downward price movement , or to hedge the risk of a long position in the same security or in a related security .

  12. 政府发放的期票包括短期国库券、中期国库券和长期国库券三种证券。

    The government-issued promissory notes include three types of securities and they are treasury bills , treasury notes and treasury bonds .

  13. 希尔曼表示,这些人大多都是想长期持有,因为证券法通常要求内部人士持股时间不得少于6个月。

    Mr Silverman said that most of these guys are in it for the long haul , noting that securities laws generally require insiders to hold their shares for at least six months .

  14. 本文建立了新的证券组合最优控制模型,分析了证券市场长期投资过程中证券组合的快车道问题;

    In this paper , a new optimal control model of portfolio is established , portfolio turnpike is analyzed , simulated annealing of implicit programming is proposed , simulation of turnpike is progressed .

  15. 但近年来金融市场中的种种异象和投资者的非理性实验都已经证实噪声交易者可以长期存在并对证券市场产生影响。

    But in recent years , both the anomalies in security market and irrational tests on investors approved that noise traders actually have long and significant effects on the price of financial assets .