
The US Federal Reserve began its third round of quantitative easing last month ; the European Central Bank is offering unlimited purchases of bonds of troubled eurozone countries .
Can you really blame a lack of qe3 on personality ?
What does qe3 mean for the emerging markets where you invest ?
Unsatisfied by the pace of the US recovery , the Federal Reserve seems set to launch a new round of quantitative easing .
Even if he were to hint at a third bout of quantitative easing , another round of QE seems likely to have less impact on American growth than the previous two .
While further easing could involve a third round of quantitative easing or qe3 the Fed made no change to its monetary policy on Wednesday .
In another indication that the FOMC is ready to act , it discussed a range of tools with which to ease monetary policy further , including a possible third round of quantitative easing .
" The only real buying of us fixed-income assets were primarily in agency bonds , suggesting that overseas investors were setting up for an upcoming qe3 announcement , " said George Goncalves , head of interest rate strategy at Nomura Securities .
Mr Bernanke did not discuss policy options for Fed action , but last night vice-chair Janet Yellen hinted that further balance sheet changes – such as buying more bonds in a third round of quantitative easing – might be most suitable .
If the end of fed bond purchases restores the link between housing activity , personal consumption and stock prices , watch out below & and then watch out , after a few months of handwringing , for qe3 .
Perhaps Congress needs to pair this debt deal with a back-up qe3 plan ?
There is another debate happening over whether QE2 should be followed by qe3 .
With an election just months away , Mitt Romney and other Republicans are inveighing against the prospect of qe3 .
Citing the failure of the latest round of quantitative easing , he said that he thinks a third round of QE is unlikely .
Hong Kong is not alone in seeing strengthening pressure on its currency in the wake of qe3 as the Fed action is known .
A third round of QE , or qe3 , is expected to target the purchase of mortgages to drive home loan borrowing costs lower .
Also , market volumes have remained flat since qe3 against much of the rest of the year , suggesting no great leap in fund inflows .
The Federal Reserve is widely expected to announce a third round of quantitative easing next month , a belief that investors say has helped underpin stocks in recent weeks .
It began its third round of quantitative easing in September 2012 when it pledged to buy $ 85bn of long-term assets every month until there was a substantial improvement in the jobs market .
More immediately , qe3 would mean something so awful has happened in the global economy say , Greece defaulting on its debts that the Fed felt it had no choice but to inject more cash into the markets .
Meanwhile , the US is pushing a third round of quantitative easing , which could be more counterproductive than the first two , since oil and food prices are now dangerously close to levels that have acted as a tipping point for the global economy in the past .
When the Fed launched the third round of quantitative easing , it vowed to buy bonds to hold down long-term interest rates till it saw substantial labor market improvement , but it could scale back purchases from 85 billion dollars per month , if it sees enough progress toward that goal .
And the Federal Reserve is expected soon to make clear whether there will be a third round of ' quantitative easing . '
Then in the time of economic recovery ( 2009.10-until now ), the liquidity began to excess again during the period of the first round , the second round and the third round of quantitative easing monetary policy implementation .
The Bank of England launched a second round of QE in early October , and the Fed has hinted that it might undertake a third round of its programme .