
  • 网络The Second Cup
  1. 他谢绝了第二杯咖啡。

    He refused a second cup of coffee .

  2. 免费续第二杯咖啡。

    They did not charge for the second cup of coffee .

  3. 还不错吧,不过我不会再喝第二杯。

    But I would not to drink the second cup .

  4. 他憨厚地笑了,于是又把第二杯一饮而尽。

    He smiled affably and drank the second glass at a single gulp .

  5. 你不想等我喝道第二杯再问吗?

    Don 't you want to get a second drink in me first ?

  6. 电话铃响时他刚喝完第二杯咖啡。

    He had just finished his second cup of coffee when the phone rang .

  7. 在下午喝第二杯咖啡。

    Have a second coffee in the afternoon .

  8. 第二杯下肚就会醉了

    People going blind after the second glass ...

  9. 第二杯,味道更好。

    The second shot tastes much better .

  10. 戴维斯叫了第二杯威士忌。

    Davis had ordered a second whisky .

  11. 再奉第二杯,你是我们的朋友;

    With the second * a friend .

  12. 第二杯酒使她平静了下来。

    Her second drink loosened her up .

  13. 那是你的第二杯威士忌?

    That your second shot of whiskey ?

  14. 喝完第二杯咖啡时,天开始黑起来。

    By the time we finished our second cup , the sky had turned black .

  15. 对不起,对不起,我刚才有点儿渴。第二杯,我再好好品。

    Sorry , sorry . I was a bit thirsty just now . I will sample the second cup slowly .

  16. 很快奥马尔拿起茶壶,给我倒了第二杯茶,问了我和平常一样的问题。

    Omar soon picks up the teapot , offers me a second cup , and asks me his usual question .

  17. 她走进厨房时罗伯特.金凯正在喝第二杯啤酒,并且在重新把相机装进包里。

    Robert Kincaid was working on his second beer and repacking the cameras when she came ' into the kitchen .

  18. 喝完可乐,他拧起了麦管,好像那是一把螺丝刀似的,然后又要了第二杯。

    When he finished drinking the first Coca-Cola , he twisted the straw as if it were a screwdriver and ordered the second .

  19. 即便如此,我还是拒绝了和新朋友喝第二杯酒,叫了一辆出租车回酒店。

    Even so , I declined the offer of joining our new acquaintances in a second beer and ordered a cab back to the hotel .

  20. 将你的工作日看作贝尔曲线:喝第一杯(或第二杯)咖啡的时候,做些简单、愉悦的事,由此开始一天的工作。

    View your workday as a bell curve : Start with easy , pleasant tasks as you 're working on your first ( or second ) cup of coffee .

  21. “我知道这一点,”所罗门说道,“我相信这一点,”他更加津津有味地喝着第二杯马德拉陈酒。

    ' I know it , 'said Solomon . 'I am sure of it , 'and he applied himself to a second glass of the old Madeira , with increased relish .

  22. 他还没有喝完第二杯茶,就有一辆带铃铛的三驾驿车来到大门前。驿车车轮在冰冻的泥地上滚动,就象在石板路上那样隆隆作响。

    Before he had drunk his second tumbler of tea the three-horsed postcart drove up to the porch with ringing bells , the wheels rattling on the frozen mud as on stones .

  23. 午后散散步:很多人在下午两三点钟的时候都会犯困。放下手中的第二杯或者第三杯咖啡吧,出去绕着街区快速走一圈。

    Take an afternoon walk : Many people experience an afternoon slump around 2-3 p.m. Replace the second ( or third ) cup of coffee for a quick walk around the block .

  24. 可是当他一喝完第二杯酒,那个男人又走到酒吧中央,跳上桌子,脱上裤子转了一圈,然后对着酒吧的每个人撒尿。

    On finishing his second drink , once again the man walks to the center of the room , jumps up on a table , whips out his willy , and spins around peeing over everyone .

  25. TEAMtalk的JonHolmes在自己的第二篇世界杯日志上提到了从A组到D组的五颗名不见经传的新星,他们可能将在南非大放异彩。

    In his second World Cup blog , TEAMtalk 's Jon Holmes tips up five'under-the-radar'players from Groups A to D who could shine in South Africa .

  26. 1974年西德赢得第二次世界杯冠军,当时该国创造的“经济奇迹”已让其重新成为全球最发达的国家之一。

    A second victory in 1974 went to a West Germany whose " economic miracle " had , by then , allowed it to regain its status as one of the world 's most advanced nations .

  27. 1962年,巴西队在决赛中以3:1击败捷克斯洛伐克,赢得了自己的第二个世界杯冠军。但在1966年英国世界杯上,未能从小组出线,尽管在第一场比赛中涌现出了新星贝利和加林查,以2:0击败了保加利亚队。

    Brazil 1966 The Selecao won their second World Cup in 1962 , beating Czechoslovakia 3-1 in the final , but failed to clear the first stage at the following tournament in England , despite a star showing from Pele and Garrincha in their opening 2-0 victory over Bulgaria .

  28. 湖南永州市第二届”巴克兰杯“中学生英语口语大赛花絮(2009.07。)

    The2nd Buckland Cup Yongzhou High School English Speech Contest finals ( 2009.07 . )

  29. 第二部分概述了杯芳烃的分类、作用机理以及目前在分析化学领域的研究现状,详细探讨了化学修饰电极的发展状况。

    The paper also summarizes the sort , the process mechanism and the development on the scope of Calixarenes and chemical modified electrode .

  30. 去年曼彻斯特举办了第二次残疾人世界杯,每年的伦敦马拉松都会吸引大批轮椅运动员来比赛。

    Last year saw Manchester hosted the second Paralympic World Cup , while every year the London Marathon attracts an elite field of wheelchair athletes to the capital .