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  • Anti-skid chains;tire/skid chains
  1. 军用小型车辆新型雪地防滑链技术研究

    Research on Snow Area Anti-skidding Chain Technology for the Small Military Vehicle

  2. 缆式防滑链滚柱气体碳氮共渗工艺的研究

    Study on Cable Tyre Chain Rollers Gas Nitrocarburizing Process

  3. 遵守防滑链制造商的安装说明。

    Observe installation instructions from the chain manufacturer .

  4. 首先拆卸所有已装配的隔离件,才能够保证有足够的防滑链间隙。

    Sufficient snow-chain clearance is only guaranteed by first removing any spacers that are fitted .

  5. 不知道查理多早起床,给我的卡车上了防滑链。

    Charlie had gotten up who knows how early to put snow chains on my truck .

  6. 不知道查理多早起床,给我的卡车上了防滑链。我的喉咙一下子发紧了。

    Charlie had gotten up who knows how early to put snow chains on my truck.My throat suddenly felt tight .

  7. 应告知客户在安装备胎时必须拆下车轮垫圈,并且车轮垫圈不得与防滑链一起使用!

    The customer should be informed that the wheel spacer must be removed when fitting the spare wheel and wheel spacers must not be used with snow chains !

  8. 我靠着卡车的后角站着,竭力抑制住防滑链引起的那一阵突然的感动,这时,我听见了一个奇怪的声音。

    I was standing by the back corner of the truck , struggling to fight back the sudden wave of emotion the snow chains had brought on , when I heard an odd sound .

  9. 装备升级:穿雪地鞋或是装备像YakTrax这样的防滑鞋链,这样能给你更好的雪上动力和稳定性。

    Gear Up : Wear trail shoes or a traction device like Yak Trax . They will give you better traction and stability in the snow .